“Juejian Daozu is looking for me?”

Ye Tian is a little curious, Jue Sword Dao Ancestor is not an ordinary Dao Ancestor, he is the owner of Guquan Xuanlou, he has a very high status among the Nine-layered Buildings, and is one of the real high-rises.

Although Jue Jian Dao Ancestor is not as good as those Nine-fold ancestors, he is also one of the most powerful half-step Nine-fold ancestors.

Such existence actually wants to see him?

“It should be that my life level is above 9, which attracted the attention of Juejian Daozu!”

Ye Tian guessed.

Soon, Ye Tian saw the Absolute Sword Dao Ancestor.

“Meet the owner!

Ye Tian said respectfully.

“Endless Daozu, your life level has been raised to above 9, which is very good!

Jue Kendo ancestors are praised.

“Breakthrough by luck!” Ye Tian said modestly.

The two chatted for a while.

Suddenly, Jue Sword Dao Ancestor mentioned: “Endless Dao Ancestor, do you have any idea of ​​joining a certain ground floor?

“There is no such plan for the time being!”

Ye Tian said truthfully.

After all, he just joined Guquan Xuanlou, so he ran to other buildings. Although they were all inside the Jiuzhong Building, it was not good.

After all, every floor has assessment requirements, otherwise Guquan Xuanlou would not have given him such a good treatment.

Seeing that Ye Tian did not have this plan, Jue Jian Daozu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: “Actually, for a half-step seven-level ancestor like you, there is no difference between Xuanlou and Dilou. First of all, the minimum requirement for Tianlou is eighth. The original ancestor, you can’t enter. As for the ground floor, there are only nine ancestors and several half-step nine ancestors. In fact, there are not as many Taoist ancestors as the Xuanlou. The Xuanlou is the foundation of the ninefold building. If you enter a certain ground floor, you will not be able to get too many benefits. At most, you will receive some guidance from the ancestors of the nine layers. However, your current goal is to improve the level of life, and the guidance of the ancestors of the nine layers is meaningless. If you stay in Guquan Xuanlou, Guquan Xuanlou will give you more benefits!”

Ye Tian understood at this moment, Jue Jian Dao Ancestor was afraid that he would run to a certain building!

“Lord Landlord, please rest assured, I will not leave Guquan Xuanlou for the time being, at least not when I am half-stepped into the Seventh Layer Primitive Ancestor Realm.” Ye Tian assured.

He also knew that in the half-step seventh-level ancestor realm, even if it was a sky tower, it would be difficult to help him much, and at most he would give some points.

And this thing, Xuanlou can also give points.

“Half-step seventh-level ancestor realm not leaving? Endless Daozu, are you not ready to attack the seventh-level ancestor realm for the time being 〃||?” Daozu Juejian asked curiously.

“Yes!” Ye Tian nodded, “I want to raise my life level to 9.9. It is said that raising it to 9.9 is very beneficial, so I want to continue to raise my life level.”1

Jue Jian Dao Ancestor showed a clear look, after all Ye Tian grew up very fast, he must have this idea.

However, he still reminded: “Do you know how many Taoist ancestors who have raised their life level to the level of 9.9 in the realm of the nine-layered building?”

“I don’t know!” Ye Tian shook his head.

Juejian Daozu said: “From the construction of the nine-layered building to the present, there are a total of 128 Taoist ancestors who can raise their life level to 9.9 in the half-step seven-layer original ancestor realm, of which 101 have fallen, and 27 are still alive!

“How did it fall so much?”

Ye Tian was shocked.

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