“Finally got it!”

Overlord Qingshan grabbed dozens of balls of Void Golden Water, although there were still some Void Golden Water, but in order to snatch these Void Golden Water, he was forced to snatch them against the attacks of these Void Golden Spirits.

At this moment, his injury was not light.


The Overlord of Qingshan chose to leave directly. After all, if he fell into it and could not escape, he would have the possibility of falling.

No matter how great the value of Void Gold Water is, it won’t make him lose his life!

As the overlords of Qingshan fled, these overlords also panicked. If those Void Golden Spirits attacked them, they would not be able to stop them!

The Void Golden Spirits that have not been taken away from the Void Golden Water are still staying near their Void Golden Water at the moment, but some Void Golden Water was taken away by Qingshan Overlord, but the Void Golden Spirit was not killed.

These Void Golden Spirits were quickly killed, they fell into madness and wanted to kill the overlords present.

Fortunately, these Void Golden Spirits now use very little Void Golden Water power, and most of them are still Void Silver Water, so the strength they exert is not as strong as before, but it is also much more powerful than many overlords.

Soon, the overlord will be unlucky!


An overlord who was at the peak of the second stage was directly locked by five Void Golden Spirits and penetrated through his body. Suddenly his body collapsed, his will was annihilated, and he turned into a corpse.


The overlord of the virtual whale does not dare to stay here.

He chose to escape directly, but fortunately he also obtained a lot of Void Silver Water, so this trip was not bad.

In a blink of an eye, the overlords here all fled.

Only the two overlords had bad luck and were killed, and the other overlords only suffered some injuries, and their lives were not serious.

With the fall of these two overlords, their territory will soon be divided up, but it will not affect the overall pattern of Wukong Galaxy.

“Hahaha, I have gained a lot this time, and it is fortunate that I have condensed a lot of blood and entered the third level, so that I can get so much Void Silver Water/||!

The virtual whale overlord said excitedly.

He made statistics and found that he had obtained a total of 1,300 balls of Void Silver Water this time. Although he couldn’t compare it with the harvest of Qingshan Overlord, after all, Qingshan Overlord harvested Void Golden Water, the two are not comparable at all!

No matter how much silver water in the void, there is no way to help a high-level immeasurable being of the third stage to hit the fourth stage, but the golden water of the void can help the fourth stage.

And not long after, this treasure land was also exposed, the overlords who had not come also rushed in, and even the powerhouses outside the Void Galaxy also came here, constantly robbing the Void Silver Water.

And the overlord of the virtual whale has also entered many times, but they all entered with the large troops, otherwise he would not dare to enter.

At the beginning, the harvest was not bad, but later, the amount of Void Silver Water was greatly reduced, and it was even impossible to find it.

And a large number of void silver spirits and void golden spirits in that treasure land were also killed, and the entire treasure land turned into a real void area, and there was nothing left.

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