Years go by.

Ye Tian has condensed one immeasurable bone after another, and he is condensing and refining the immeasurable bones with all his strength, just to condense all the three hundred and sixty-five immeasurable bones as soon as possible, and then temper them to the limit.

It can be said that at this time, everyone is in a hurry, and it depends on who is the first to reach the 600th stone steps and successfully enter the seventh floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda.

The three hundred and tenth immeasurable bones!

The three hundred and twenty immeasurable bones!

The three hundred and thirty immeasurable bones!

Ye Tian is getting closer and closer to condensing three hundred and sixty-five immeasurable bones, and he consumes more and more resources, but he can still support it.

However, the resources he traded finally supported him until he broke through to the third stage. After all, he naturally wasted a lot of resources in order to practice quickly.

In addition, every immeasurable bone is tempered to the limit, and the resources spent are naturally unimaginable.

this day.

The Great Ancestor of Xinghai and the Great Ancestor of Ghost Shadow entered the sixth floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda again.

“It seems that their power has been cultivated!”

Ye Tian secretly said.

He was also curious whether these great ancestors could walk directly to the 600th stone steps on the sixth floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda.

I saw the Great Ancestor of Xinghai, Great Ancestor of Ghost Shadow and the others kept advancing, walking one stone step after another, and in a short time they reached the five hundred and ninety-ninth stone steps, only one last step away from the six hundred stone steps. Stone steps.

However, no matter how hard they tried, this stone step did not cross the past.

Therefore, these great ancestors sat cross-legged here, enduring the tempering of the inexplicable power on the sixth floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda.

“It seems that the ancestors of Xinghai still haven’t crossed the last step!”

Ye Tian secretly said.

However, they are only a short distance away from taking the last step. If they continue to practice here for a period of time, there is still hope to break the shackles.

Ye Tian is not in a hurry, he is still cultivating very calmly.

Even if he can’t be the first to step into the six hundred stone steps, that’s fine, anyway, he doesn’t have much desire.

For him, this time, entering the Ruins Stone Pagoda to obtain the inheritance of the immeasurable map and creating the immeasurable body of Taihao is already the greatest opportunity.

If you can get more benefits by entering the seventh, eighth, and ninth floors, it is naturally better, but it is not necessary to enter first.

After a while, suddenly a vortex appeared on the 599th stone steps of the sixth floor of the Ruins Stone Pagoda, and in the vortex was the limitless will condensed to the extreme.

Immediately, the eyes of the great ancestors were attracted to the past.

“It’s him!”

Many Great Ancestors have recognized it, and it is the Great Ancestor Ji Yang who produced such visions.

The Great Ancestor of Jiyang is the first high-level immeasurable being on the Boundless Blood List in Xuanqi Territory. His strength is stronger than that of the Great Ancestor of Xinghai, otherwise he would not be ranked first on the Boundless Blood List.

Moreover, he is also a member of Jiuyanghai in Xuanqi Territory, with a profound background.

The strength of Jiuyanghai is stronger than that of Xuanqi Pavilion after its decline, enough to rank among the top three forces in Xuanqi Territory, and to master more than a dozen ruins, which is not comparable to Xuanqi Pavilion at all.

Now, with the help of Jiuyanghai, the Great Ancestor Jiyang has improved his boundless will, and with the tempering of the sixth-layer power of the Ruins Stone Pagoda, he has finally broken the shackles of boundless will.

“The Great Ancestor of Extreme Yang is about to condense the lake of boundless will!”

An ancestor exclaimed.

Condensing the lake of immeasurable will is the dream of many third-stage high-level immeasurable beings, but it is too difficult, so they gave up and did not pursue to improve the immeasurable will.

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