“The Heavenly Ancestors are so terrifying, my blue wolf clone did not have the slightest resistance to resist, and was immediately annihilated!”

Ye Tian sighed inwardly.

Under the arrival of the Heavenly Ancestor’s finger, even he could not move, and his own time and space were directly frozen.

Even if his real body duplicates his body, this is the end, even if he is ten times stronger now, the same is true.

This is the first time he has faced a Heavenly Ancestor, and he has truly seen the strength of an Heavenly Ancestor.

“I’m still a long way from the ancestors!

Ye Tian muttered.

However, he has gained a lot this time, and his cultivation has reached the level of the seventh full-body tempering. Although the replica body has been annihilated, he can continue to replicate it.

Soon, he replaced his entire body with the seventh whole body tempering level.

After that, he continued to practice, striving to raise his cultivation base to “two six seven” to the level of the eighth whole body tempering.

However, to achieve this step is not only difficult, but also requires long years of penance.

Xuanqi Pavilion.

On this day, the pavilion master of Xuanqi Pavilion and six deputy pavilion masters appeared at the headquarters Xuanqi Mountain, and several hidden fourth-stage high-level immeasurable lifeforms also appeared one by one.

They are having a very important meeting.

At this time, every Great Ancestor had a heavy face.

At this time, the pavilion master of Xuanqi Pavilion, Xuanwu Patriarch said in a very heavy tone: “You must all know that our pavilion master has perished outside the world!”

“The news is really true!”

Ancestor Xuanxin’s face was pale, he knew what the fall of the pavilion master meant to Xuanqi Pavilion.

Xuanqi Pavilion Since the fall of the Xuanqi Heavenly Ancestor in the endless distant era, they are no longer the masters of Xuanqi Territory.

And with the continuous rise of Taichen Palace, three heavenly ancestors were born one after another, and the entire Xuanqi Territory has become the back garden of Taichen Palace.

And their Xuanqi Pavilion has been declining, and now they can only rely on the master of the big pavilion to deter other forces.

The strength of the pavilion master is not weak, even among the fifth-stage high-level immeasurable beings, he belongs to the top ranks.

In these years, the pavilion master has been wandering outside the world, looking for opportunities to break through the ancestors.

After all, if you stay in the Xuanqi Territory all the time, there is absolutely no hope of breaking through, because the Xuanqi Territory has no resources to help the fifth-stage high-level immeasurable beings to attack the ancestors, and it has long been swept away by the Taichen Palace.

Therefore, if you want to break through to become the ancestor, you must leave the Xuanqi realm.

But they never thought that the great pavilion master who was in the top ranks of the fifth stage high-level immeasurable beings actually fell outside the world. This is simply catastrophic news.

At this time, another deputy pavilion master said: “Xuanwu pavilion master, now the big pavilion master has fallen, our Xuanqi pavilion has lost the fifth stage high-level immeasurable life form, and the strength has dropped greatly. I am afraid that other forces will take the opportunity to deal with us. what!

The Great Ancestor Xuanwu also knows this, and the purpose of this meeting is to discuss this.

“There are not many forces in Xuanqi Pavilion that can compare with our Xuanqi Pavilion. Even if we lose the big pavilion now, they are not comparable to ordinary forces. The only ones that really threaten us and may attack us are the Outer Boundary Alliance and Jiuyanghai.” 1

“The outside world alliance can take advantage at most, and it is impossible to directly fight against our Xuanqi Pavilion. However, Jiuyanghai is different, our Xuanqi Pavilion itself is in great conflict with Jiuyanghai, and we have been competing for many territories and Resources. Moreover, Jiuyanghai also has a fifth-stage high-level immeasurable life form, they really dare to do their best to us

“In order to prevent the loss from being too serious, some treasures should be abandoned when they should be abandoned, and the focus will be on the core territory. 1”

Then, they began to assign tasks.

Xuanwu Great Ancestor ordered: “Xuanxin Great Ancestor, you go to guard Xuanwu Mountain. Xuanwu Mountain is very important to our Xuanqi Pavilion and must be guarded to avoid being invaded by other forces!”


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