In the next auction, almost all the ancestors are competing.

Many resource materials are useful to the ancestors, so they are competing frantically, as if the gold coins of the Tongtian Realm are a number.

Many resources or treasures are above tens of thousands of heaven-penetrating gold coins, and those invincible fifth-stage ancestors are not qualified to compete!

“The next auction is the Scarlet Blood Knife, which is the weapon of the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Ancestor. The Scarlet Blood Heavenly Ancestor has already fallen, so don’t worry about the origin of this weapon, there will be no Great Ancestor or forces looking for trouble!” Qingli Great Ancestor introduced road.

The weapon of the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Ancestor!

Many Heavenly Ancestors are moved, because this weapon is really powerful, it can easily cut through the flesh and blood of Heavenly Ancestors, and fall into the hands of ordinary Heavenly Ancestors, which can greatly increase their strength.

And the starting price of this weapon is enough to make many great ancestors desperate. The starting price is one “280” billion Tongtianjie gold coins!

The Heavenly Ancestors are very rich, so 100 million gold coins to the heavens are nothing to them, and they began to bid.

“300 million gold coins to the heavens!”

The Great Ancestor of the Night also participated.

He is also very interested in the Scarlet Blood Knife. If he succeeds in bidding, he can naturally increase his strength.

However, the financial resources of the Great Ancestor of the Night are still not as good as those of the Heavenly Ancestors. In the end, he was unable to bid for it, and was auctioned away by another Heavenly Ancestor at a terrifyingly high price of more than 600 million gold coins.

Ye Tian looked at many treasures and was also interested.

He does have enough financial resources, but his strength is still too weak now, so if he competes wildly with the ancestors, I am afraid that he will be robbed by the ancestors just after walking out of Falcon Dragon City!

After all, it is not normal for an invincible-level fifth-stage ancestor to possess such terrifying financial resources.

Therefore, he did not compete for these treasures.

But the next auction item made him completely moved.

“The next auction is an immeasurable magical technique!”

Ancestor Qingli said.

“A technique of immeasurable magical powers is put here to practice??? What is the Falcon Dragon City auction going to do!” An ancestor said dissatisfied.

“Yeah, which one of the current auction items is not the auction price of hundreds of millions of heaven-reaching gold coins, the mere immeasurable magical powers, even if it is the top few on the limitless magical powers list, it is not worth many heaven-reaching gold coins!

“The technique of infinite magical powers is just inheritance, and it is impossible to sell it at a too high price!”

“I guess the auction was missed, so let’s make it up for auction now!”

“Will the Falcon Dragon City Auction House make such a mistake?”

Just when many great ancestors and Tianzu were talking about it, Great Ancestor Qingli explained: “Everyone, this time, the technique of immeasurable magical powers not only contains inheritance, but also contains some materials!

“What, contains some materials? It is indeed eligible to be auctioned now!”

Some ancestors nodded slightly.

If the Infinite Divine Ability is listed on the Infinite Divine Ability List, plus some materials, the value is indeed very precious.

At this time, many great ancestors were curious about what immeasurable magical powers were.

Even the Great Ancestor of True Night is full of expectations. After all, he can continue the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers. If he practiced more techniques of immeasurable supernatural powers on the list of immeasurable supernatural powers, he would also increase his strength.

“The next auction of the Infinite Divine Ability Technique is the ultimate technique that ranks first on the Infinite Divine Ability List!

Ancestor Qingli said.

“It turned out to be the ultimate technique!”1

Some Great Ancestors frowned slightly and immediately lost interest.

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