“Blood Change Conference?”

After Ye Tian received the message from Dongao Tianzu, he immediately went to Falcon Dragon City.

That’s where the meeting will take place.

He didn’t know what was going on, but it was definitely something big.

It didn’t take long for him to arrive at Falcon Dragon City.

Falcon Dragon City, inside a magnificent building.

Sitting on the thrones is the Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestor, and Ye Tian also sits among them.

“So many blood changes!”

Ye Tian was secretly surprised, he usually didn’t see a Blood Transformation Realm, but there were already more than ten here, and there were also Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors coming one after another.

As time passed, the number of Heavenly Ancestors who finally arrived in the Blood Transformation Realm reached nineteen.

There are nineteen Heavenly Ancestors of the Blood Transformation Realm, and in addition, there are three Heavenly Ancestors of the Melting Body Realm.

“These two…”

Ye Tian’s eyes were fixed on two of the Rongshen Realm Heavenly Ancestors.

These two are definitely also the great ancestors of the fifth stage of the world-breaking level who have attacked the realm of the ancestors, and have integrated all the infinite magical powers into the whole body, which is only one step away from the realm of blood change.

With the cultivation base of the Heavenly Ancestor at the Breaking World level, the combat power is absolutely no less than that of the ordinary Heavenly Ancestor at the Blood Transformation Realm.

Because of this, they also got 29 invitations to attend this conference.

Ye Tian has never seen these two Heavenly Ancestors, nor has he heard much about them, they should be very ancient Heavenly Ancestors.

“Everything is almost here, the meeting can start!”

Longya Tianzu said.

Immediately, many Heavenly Ancestors of the Blood Transformation Realm looked towards the Dragon Tooth Heavenly Ancestor.

“Everyone, I and the other six Heavenly Ancestors of the Blood Transformation Realm went to the territorial sea to clean up the fragments of the Sea of ​​​​Netherlands, but an accident happened and we were all injured. The fragments of the Sea of ​​​​Secrets gave birth to a poisonous dragon of the Second Blood Transformation Realm, and six There are even more creatures of the blood-changing state, and there are more creatures of the ancestors. The secluded sea fragments are too close to the sixth node, and they may invade our Wanlong territorial waters at any time.”

“Eighteen Ten Thousand Dragons Era, they invaded once, and we paid a great price to find out and kill all these creatures. However, the creatures of Youhai Fragment multiply too fast, if you don’t pay attention, you will A batch is born. So, one must be cleaned regularly.

“But now, our seven Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors can’t be cleaned up at all, so we need your help.

After the Dragon Tooth Heavenly Ancestor finished speaking, the other Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors all looked solemn.

At this time, one of the Heavenly Ancestors of the Blood Transformation Realm, Zhenfeng Heavenly Ancestor, said: “Longya Heavenly Ancestor, three trillion years ago, before the first year of the realm, you cleaned up the fragments of the secluded sea, and the fragments of the secluded sea gave birth to the blood change state. Heavenly Ancestor is very normal, but how could a Heavenly Ancestor with a second blood change be born, this is too abnormal!”

“Perhaps the poisonous dragon left the fragments of the secluded sea and gained opportunities elsewhere in the territorial sea. But now is not the time to discuss this issue. It is necessary to find a way to kill the creatures in the fragments of the secluded sea, so that they cannot continue to grow. It’s over!” Longya Tianzu said.

“Yeah, we must destroy them, otherwise we will be hard-pressed to let them grow!

Another goddess agrees.

“Who wants to go?”

Longya Tianzu looked around.

At this time, some Heavenly Ancestors hesitated. After all, going to the sea of ​​​​territorial sea represents danger. Although it does not go deep, it is just to clean up the sea creatures from the nearby fragments of the sea, but there is still a crisis.

More importantly, there was an unexpected situation this time, and no one knew what the result would be. Maybe a few blood-changing realm ancestors died!

If other Heavenly Ancestors solve it, then the remaining Heavenly Ancestors will naturally be happy!

As a result, some Heavenly Ancestors were silent, hoping that other Heavenly Ancestors would go.

“I would like to go!”

Dongao Tianzu Dao.

“I want to go too!”

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