Coming here, Ye Tian has also been probed by many blood-changing creatures.

However, no Blood Transformation creatures attacked themselves.

After all, he is also a three-time blood change, and he can travel freely in the shock current.

Unlike before, his strength was so weak that he couldn’t even get rid of the shock current. As soon as those blood-changing creatures saw him, they knew that they were a youngster who had just left the territorial waters. Who would they kill if they didn’t kill him?

Of course, if he left after finding something good in the ancient ruins, he would probably have a lot of blood-changing creatures staring at him.

In front of the ancient ruins.

Ye Tian stood here and looked over.

At this time, the ancient ruins are filled with countless chaotic powers, and these forces have turned the entire ancient ruins into a special field, madly swallowing the energy of the outside world.

However, he couldn’t penetrate into the ancient ruins, and it was useless from the outside world.

“Go in!

Ye Tian escaped into the ancient ruins.

The ruins of the ancient times are very desolate, and all things are dead.

It is also divided into countless fragments, as if endless.

Ye Tian was walking among the fragments, and before he had advanced far, a blood-changing creature with only half of his body left attacked him.


Ye Tian directly knocked it out with a punch, but continued to move against 310 Fang’s body.

At this time, he noticed that the blood-changing creature had already died, and its body could move, not because of the blood-changing creature, so a special power controlled him.

“What’s the situation?”

Before he came, he didn’t know the information about the ancient ruins at all, he only knew that there was ancient gold blood here, and then he came.

Now it seems that there are some problems with the ancient ruins!

It took him a while to finally completely annihilate this dilapidated blood-change creature, but that special power disappeared.

Next, he encountered many kinds of shattered blood-changing creatures. The combat power was much weaker than that of ordinary blood-changing creatures, but it was difficult to kill them completely.


Above the fragments of the distant land, two creatures are fighting.

One is estimated to be a giant snake with five blood changes, and the other is a magic ape with five blood changes.

However, there was something wrong with that devil ape, there were a lot of holes all over his body, and he was also a blood-changing creature controlled by that power.

Ye Tian’s current strength is not enough to deal with the five blood changes, so he just watched the battle for a while and then left.

At the same time, his other duplicate bodies were inquiring about the information of the ancient ruins.

Regarding the ancient ruins, even in White Elephant City, information can be detected.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian to understand the situation of the ancient ruins.

“It turns out that many creatures with nine blood changes and eight blood changes died in the ancient ruins. These blood changes creatures are too powerful. After falling, countless wills are immortal, and they change in the special environment of the ancient ruins. It has become countless immemorial demons.

Ye Tian was enlightened.

The ancient demons who control the broken blood-changing creatures are the ancient demons. The ancient demons who have eight blood-changes and nine blood-changes can hardly be wiped out, so even if these broken blood-changing creatures are killed, it will not solve the problem. .

What’s even more terrifying is that the immemorial demons control the death and remnants of nine blood-changing creatures, that’s terrifying!

Of course, this kind of situation is almost invisible, because during the battle of the ancient ruins, the bodies of the nine blood-change creatures that died were already taken away by people.

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