“With so much primordial gold blood, if you give it to me, I can definitely practice the primal art of primordial magic fist!

Ye Tian secretly said.

But he doesn’t dare to snatch it now. Occasionally any of the ancient demon ape here can easily kill his immemorial demon ape clone body.

At this moment, he was thinking about how to obtain these ancient golden blood.

Once these ancient golden bloods are completely stabilized, the ancient demon ape who has undergone seven blood transitions will definitely send it back to the headquarters of the ancient demon ape.

At that time, it will be even more impossible for him to obtain it.

After much deliberation, it seems that there is only one way.

“The White Shadow Clan!”

In terms of strength, the White Shadow Clan is absolutely no less than the Primordial Demon Ape Clan, and the White Shadow Clan is also collecting Primordial Golden Blood. If they knew the information here, would they take action?

“No matter what the “Three One Zero” is, maybe you can try it!”


Ye Tian copied the body of a three-time blood-changing creature, and went to White Elephant City as the other party to find the White Shadow Clan.

White Elephant City.

White Elephant Building.

This is a shop belonging to the Bai Yingxiang clan, Ye Tian directly entered here, and called for the person in charge here, and mentioned a word – Taikoo Golden Blood.

Soon, a white image with five blood changes appeared in front of Ye Tian.

He is the Tuohe of the Baiyingxiang clan, and the owner of this White Elephant Building.

Tuo He looked at Ye Tian and said, “Your Excellency has news of the ancient golden blood?”

“Yes, and it is still a lot of ancient golden blood!”

Ye Tian said.

“A lot of ancient golden blood?” Tuo He is a little unconvinced, how rare is ancient golden blood, a mere three-time blood change creature, even if it finds a drop of ancient golden blood, it is very lucky, can still find a lot of ancient golden blood?

Ye Tian continued: “I know that a place with a lot of ancient golden blood has formed an ancient golden blood lake. I don’t have the strength to capture those ancient golden blood, so I sold the news to the White Shadow Clan. Don’t worry about me I deceive you, if I deceive you, I can’t get out of White Elephant City, can I?”

This time, Tuohe believed it a little.

“If the news is true, we can give you one million white elephant gold!”

One million White Elephant Gold is already a lot. One million White Elephant Gold will make most of the blood change creatures excited.

But Ye Tian felt that the Bai Yingxiang clan was too stingy, how many drops of ancient golden blood could be bought with a mere one million white elephant gold?

He also felt that he had undergone three blood changes, so he just sent him one million white elephant gold.

However, his purpose is not to earn these white elephant gold, but for the ancient gold blood.

“The ancient golden blood is in the ancient ruins!”

Ye Tian said.

Tuo He was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: “You are not talking nonsense, everyone knows that the ancient ruins have ancient golden blood, but there are many blood-changing demon bodies in the ancient ruins, and the number of ancient golden blood is very small. If you get up, you may even lose a lot of blood change creatures, so it is not worth looking for. If you have this news, you can go.

Ye Tian hurriedly said: “The news is of course not this, the news I am talking about is that the Primordial Demon Clan cultivated Primordial Golden Blood in Primordial Ruins, and blocked an area. They captured an Primordial Race, used the blood of Primordial Race, and added The last great formations cultivated the ancient golden blood, and now they have succeeded!”

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