After Ye Tian received the coordinates of Longya Tianzu, he rushed over immediately.


He came to the place of the death vortex.

Of course, from the outside, you can’t see the big vortex, only the impact flow is somewhere wrong.

“It’s here!” Ye Tian guessed, “Longya Tianzu should have encountered the impact vortex in another area and was teleported here.”1

He also has a little understanding of the land of death vortex. This kind of death vortex land will move. It moves continuously with the impact current. Without the cultivation of the seven blood changes, once it falls into it, it will not be able to get out at all.

And if you want to smash the land of the death vortex, you must have at least the strength of nine blood changes.

“Go first!”

Ye Tian tore a hole and escaped directly into the death vortex.

“Another cultivator has come!”

One after another, the blood-changing creatures stared at Ye Tian who came in.

“Endless Heavenly Ancestor, why did you come in?” Longya Heavenly Ancestor was stunned, didn’t he ask Ye Tian to seek help from a seven-time blood-changing realm powerhouse, what is the matter with Endless Heavenly Ancestor coming in?

“Longya Tianzu, I will take you out, where are the things?”

Ye Tian asked.


Longya Tianzu pointed in the direction.

Ye Tian directly escaped, and the other blood-changing creatures were full of doubts, but they also followed.


Ye Tian came to Taikoo Golden Leaf.

“Sure enough, it is the ancient golden leaf!” Ye Tian was very excited.

This is an unowned Primordial Golden Leaf. With this Primordial Golden Leaf, he can practice another Primordial Technique.


His immeasurable will is integrated into the ancient golden leaf, comprehending the ancient art above.

“Taigu move!”

This is an immemorial technique of movement, once practiced, it will help a lot in combat, because he is lacking such an immemorial technique of movement.

“This is mine!”

Ye Tian reached out and grabbed the Primordial Leaf.

“This leaf can’t be moved 〃||!” said a five-times blood change creature.

All the blood change creatures here have been tested, and they are unable to move this leaf.

And Ye Tian naturally knows the reason. If you want to move the ancient golden leaf, you need at least six blood changes, and the highest here is only five blood changes, so it is strange to be able to move the ancient golden leaf!

When taking away the ancient golden leaf, Ye Tian used the power of the ancient technique to seal it so that its aura would not be exposed.


The Taikoo Golden Leaf was moved by Ye Tian and then put away.

Seeing this scene, these blood-changing creatures were immediately shocked.

“How did he do it?”

These bloody creatures were stunned.

At this time, Ye Tian looked at the piece of wood again.

“Hey, this piece of wood has the breath of the ancient golden leaf, it should belong to the same category as the ancient golden leaf, could it be…”

Ye Tian thought of a possibility, that is the ancient golden tree.

In the Primordial Era of the territorial sea boundary seam, a Primordial Golden Tree was born, and the Primordial Golden Leaf grew on the Primordial Golden Tree.

At the beginning of the battle of the ancient races, it was to snatch the ancient golden leaf, which caused the ancient golden tree to be broken into pieces, and this piece of wood should be a fragment of the ancient golden tree, and it is still a relatively core fragment.

Because according to what Longya Tianzu said, this piece of wood will reveal a kind of golden substance, which can improve the cultivation.

This golden substance should be the ancient golden juice in the body of the ancient golden tree!

This section of wood is very large, and there must be a lot of ancient gold juice inside!

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