The Huogu people are very powerful, they not only have a world-breaking genius with eight blood transitions, but also many eight blood transitions.

If it weren’t for the Hunxu Cave restricting resources suitable for eight blood-change creatures to impact nine blood-change creatures, the Huogu tribe would definitely be able to give birth to nine blood-change creatures.

In other words, the Mixed Ruins Liquid is not suitable for the Huogu people to impact the nine blood transitions, so there are no large restrictions, but it does not give too much.

And the Huogu people themselves can’t extract the mixed ruins liquid from the mixed ruins stone, otherwise they can extract a large amount of it themselves.

Ye Tian only snatch the mixed ruins stone, as long as he snatched the mixed ruins stone, he can take it back to the Lord of Darkness to extract the mixed ruins liquid, then he can get a lot of mixed ruins-liquid.

“Even if the Huogu people hand in the mixed ruins stones, it is impossible to turn in all the mixed ruins stones. They must have hidden a lot of them. I just need to find the treasure house of the mixed ruins stones, and then I will snatch them. That’s it!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

So, he secretly killed a Huogu clan blood-change creature, and then copied the opponent’s body and mixed into the Huogu clan.

What he killed was an eight-times blood-changing creature, and it was his real body copying the body shot, otherwise he couldn’t kill it.

The Fire Ancient Clan of the Eighth Blood Transformation Realm is already a high-level person, so they have the authority to know many secrets.

After only a while, he inquired about the location of the treasure house.

Of course, once the shot is taken, the Fire Ancient Clan will definitely report it, and it is estimated that it will attract the immemorial geniuses of the Nine Blood Changes in the Hunxu Cave.

Therefore, he had to let other duplicate bodies respond, sacrificing his real body to duplicate his body.

Otherwise, even if he stole the Mixed Ruins Stone, he wouldn’t be able to take it with him.

this day.

Ye Tian was finally ready to shoot.

Fire Ancient Domain.

This is a treasure land of the Huogu people, outsiders are not allowed to enter, and this is also the location of the treasure house, and the mixed ruins stone is hidden here.

Even the high-level people do not know how many mixed ruins stones are stored here, perhaps only the world-breaking genius of the Fire Ancient Clan knows.

In order to protect this treasure land, a large number of Huogu tribesmen have been stationed here for a long time, and some tribesmen have been exchanged from time to time, so there has been no incident here!

Ye Tian’s Huogu Clan cloned his body to apply for guarding here, and after getting approval, he came to the Huogu Region to guard it on this day.

There are a large number of magic circles in the ancient fire area, which can only be easily destroyed from the inside, so that you can quickly break into the treasure house and save time for yourself.


This Huogu clan replica body also had to be sacrificed.

Soon, the Huogu Clan cloned their bodies and settled in the Huogu Domain, and soon began to act.


The fire ancients copied their bodies and attacked the circle from the inside.


The formations collapsed everywhere, and this scene completely stunned the other Huogu clansmen.

“Huo Tu, you are crazy!”

One by one the ancient fire race roared.

However, Ye Tian, ​​the Fire Ancient Clan’s cloned body, continued to destroy the magic circle regardless of his body.

Seeing this, the other Huogu tribesmen besieged Ye Tian and wanted to take his duplicate body.

At this time.

Ye Tian’s true copy body appeared.

“The ancient blood spear!”

“Ancient God and Demon Fist!”

“Too ancient move!

Ye Tian broke out a series of ancient techniques, instantly killing the fire ancients.

Then, he exploded with all his strength, and slammed the remaining magic circles in the treasure house with one blow.

The magic circle here is indeed very good. It is possible that the nine-time blood transfiguration realm immemorial genius in the Hunxu Cave was invited to arrange it, so it is very strong.

If it wasn’t for his internal damage, it would really take a lot of time to break into this place.



The last layer of the magic circle was torn apart.

After that, he quickly broke into the treasure house.

“So many treasures!!!!”

Ye Tian was shocked by the wealth of the Huogu people.

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