The boundary of the Hun River, the bank of the Hun River.

This is the source of all the turbidity of the Hunhe boundary seam, and very few creatures come here.

Ye Tian also came to have a look after knowing this place.

As a result, before entering the bank of the Hun River, he encountered an incomparably terrifying Bone Transformation creature.


A creature full of countless tentacles constantly devoured the filth on the banks of the Hun River.

Ye Tian wanted to escape, but was swept away and swallowed by a tentacle of the opponent.

【Hunhe Giant Beast】

This is the other person’s name.

And Ye Tian’s copy talent also detected an ancient-level ancestral gift on the other side–devour!

Ye Tian copied the opponent’s Primordial Ancestral Fu, and then the other copied bodies began to merge.

Soon, the fusion of Devouring Primordial Ancestors was completed.

“The shackles can be broken at any time!”

Ye Tian muttered.

Territorial sea boundary seam, Taixuan Sea.

Ye Tian’s true copy body began to hit the Immortal Ancient Rank genius level 29 times in the Blood Transformation Realm 29 times. Once he broke through, his strength would increase to an incomparably terrifying level.


The bottleneck was easily shattered by Ye Tian, ​​his heart began to transform, and a large amount of resources were devoured and refined by him, prompting the rapid transformation of the heart.

After that, Boundless Blood also began its ninth transformation.

Years go by.

Ye Tian’s breath is getting stronger and stronger, and his body is getting more and more terrifying.

A long time has passed, and Ye Tian’s ninth blood change has finally been completed.

“Successful, I have broken through to the nine blood changes!”

Ye Tian can feel that his strength has far surpassed before.

After that, he used his real body to copy the body to practice both the ancient starlight technique and the ancient golden body technique, so that the imprint of the ancient technique was integrated into his body, making his body stronger again.


He began to practice more ancient techniques, such as the primordial technique of phagocytosis – the primordial swallowing technique, and the primordial technique of the blood system – the primordial blood explosion technique and other primordial techniques.

Since he has the corresponding ancient-level ancestry, it is easy to practice.

in addition.

He also practiced other ancient techniques. Anyway, he had traded a huge amount of ancient gold blood from the Lord of Darkness, so he could use it to assist in the practice of ancient techniques.

But for a while, he did not practice other ancient techniques so quickly.

Hunhe boundary seam.

Ye Tian continued to look for other Primordial Ancestral Fus, he could feel that his stay in the Hunhe Realm was not long, so he had to find as many Primordial Ancestral Fus as possible.

And just like that, another period of time passed.

During this period, Ye Tian found a few more ancient ancestors, and after copying and merging, he raised his potential foundation again.

It has to be said that the ancient ancestors of the Hunhe boundary seam are not too rare.

If it is in the seam of the territorial sea, it is almost an extravagant hope to find the ancient ancestors.

Anyway, he hasn’t found the Primordial-level ancestry in the territorial sea boundary seam until now, but the territorial sea boundary must have the Primordial-level ancestry.

However, those Bone Shift existences are not easy to find.

this day.

The Hunhe Boundary Seam finally repelled Ye Tian.

After being sewn from the Hunhe Jie, Ye Tian immediately went to find the Lord of Darkness.

dark sea.

Ye Tian met the Lord of Darkness, and soon he saw the Lord of Darkness.

“Infinite Heavenly Ancestor, what’s the matter with you?”

asked the Lord of Darkness.

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