Years go by.

The seam of the territorial sea has gradually stabilized, and the top hegemonic forces occupy a piece of territory, and there are many forces under their command to surrender.

It can be said that the surface is very calm.

Wanlong territorial waters.

Ye Tian ended a period of ~cultivation.

“The cultivation of Bone Transformation is really difficult!

He also used a lot of resources suitable for the Bone Transformation Realm to refine countless bones, but he himself completed a Bone Transformation, and it is very difficult to continue refining on the basis of a Bone Transformation.

Even if there are a lot of resources, in a short period of time, don’t even think about tempering to the extreme of a Bone Transformation Realm, let alone hitting a second Bone Transformation Realm.

Like many Bone Transformation Realms, it took hundreds of thousands or even millions of Primordial Era to be able to break through to the Second Bone Transformation Realm!

Therefore, it is almost impossible for him to break through to the Second Bone Transformation in just one or two Primordial Era.

Unless he can get a big chance in a short period of time.

this day.

The territorial sea boundary swayed slightly, and then the energy of the entire territorial sea boundary was rising.

“This is an upgrade of the territorial sea boundary seam!

Ye Tian was enlightened.

Since that part of the Hunhe boundary seam has been integrated into the territorial sea boundary seam, the entire territorial sea boundary seam has been upgraded, but the process of upgrading is very slow.

Now, the upgrade process is finally complete.

From now on, the personality of the territorial sea boundary will be on the same level as the previous Hunhe boundary.

Of course, the area of ​​the Hunhe boundary seam is very small, far less than that of the territorial sea boundary seam.

In the past, the Hunhe boundary gap was equivalent to a fist-sized iron ball, while the territorial sea boundary gap was equivalent to an earth-sized wooden ball.

Now, the seam of the territorial sea has also become an iron ball, and the personality is directly the same.

The territorial sea boundary seam has been upgraded, and the Bone Transformation Realm is very happy, even the Bone Transformation Realm of the original Hunhe Boundary Seam is very happy, which means that more and more opportunities will be born in the future territorial sea boundary seam.

In this way, they can obtain more resources and raise their cultivation to a higher realm.

The area of ​​the Hunhe boundary seam is still incomparable with the territorial sea boundary seam, so after this upgrade of the territorial sea boundary seam, the total amount of resources in the future is not comparable to the Hunhe boundary seam.

The next era will also be the era of Bone Transformation Carnival.


The major forces have dispatched a large number of Blood Change Realm to explore various territories. Once a new treasure or opportunity is born, they will report it as soon as possible.

And Ye Tian also sent a group of human races to look for opportunities.

this day.

Somewhere in the seam of the territorial sea, a new treasure land was born.

For the first time, a Bone Changed Realm came to this new treasure.

The reason why this new treasure land has attracted so many Bone Transformations is that it is quite extraordinary, and the energy fluctuations are too terrifying.

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!

A bit of bone change comes.

Ye Tian also came here.

“The treasure land is still being conceived, and there is no way to enter it yet!”

Ye Tian took a look and judged it.

At this time.

The Lord of the Ruins tried to forcibly break in, but a white light directly shook the Lord of the Ruins flying.

“What a terrifying treasure, it can shock me!”

The Lord of the Ruins sighed with emotion.

Since you can’t break in by force, you can only wait.

They calculated that if this treasure land was to be conceived, it would probably take another Primordial Era.

A Primordial Era is a long time, so many Bone Transformation Realms left one by one, but they all sent Blood Transformation Realm to be stationed here to report the situation at any time.

Years go by.

An ancient era slowly passed.

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