As time went by, the feeling of heart palpitations became stronger and stronger for each bone change.

They all knew very well that the crisis of upgrading was about to come.

Mixed Cave.

The Lord of the Ruins also opened a meeting, mainly for this upgrade crisis.

The Lord of the Ruins does not know what this crisis is, but he tries his best to ensure that the Ruins Cave will survive the crisis this time.

Only through the crisis can we usher in the opportunity behind!

at the same time.

I also want to recall all the human races, otherwise, if they continue to roam the outside world, they will easily fall.

At present, the human race is mainly located in the Wanlong territorial sea and the Taixuan Sea.

Therefore, he only needs to keep these two places.

Years go by.

this day.

The upgrade crisis has finally arrived.

Somewhere in the territorial sea.


A piece collapsed directly, and an unimaginably huge crack appeared.

This is the barrier of the boundary seam that directly collapsed and was connected to another place.



Densely packed terrifying creatures shuttled out from inside.

This is just close to the territory of a blood change race.

In an instant, this Blood Change Realm race was annihilated by 29, but news also came out.

Next, many blood-changing creatures and races in this area were slaughtered one by one, and they could not stop the attacks of these terrifying creatures.

They are like madmen, destroying and killing everything they see.

“Crisis is coming!”

Ye Tian received the news that countless ancient monsters appeared somewhere in the seam of the territorial sea.

Strictly speaking, it is the seam of the territorial sea that is completely connected with the Primordial Demon Abyss, and the Primordial Monsters come from the Primordial Demon Abyss.

Primordial Demon Abyss is a top boundary gap, with a large number of Primordial Monsters, and even Primordial Monsters that exist in Bone Transformation.

In the past, the Primordial Demon Abyss was also opened.

However, only the powerhouses of the territorial sea boundary have entered the Primordial Demon Abyss, but none of the ancient monsters of the Primordial Demon have entered the territorial sea boundary.

I don’t know how many ancient monsters in Primordial Moyuan, but the number is really too many.

The key is that the ancient monsters have no wisdom, and they spend every day in the slaughter, and the ancient devils continue to breed the ancient monsters, resulting in the number of the ancient monsters in the ancient devils has been maintained at the same number.

Now, the ancient monsters seem to be pouring into the seam of the territorial sea.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the creatures in the seam of the territorial sea!

“Those weak blood change races and ordinary forces are afraid that they can’t bear it, so they can only choose to escape!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Knowing what the crisis is, many Bone Change Situations are relieved, at least they know where the crisis is.

The place bordering the Primordial Demon Abyss, even the Lord of the Ruins did not dare to go there.

But the seam of the territorial sea is too big, so those ancient monsters poured into the seam of the territorial sea and gradually dispersed, and it was much easier to break them one by one.


Some forces’ territories are very close to the ancient monsters, while others are far away.

Therefore, those forces that are far away do not worry about anything, and are even unwilling to take care of this matter.

As a result, a group of Bone Transformation Realm gathered together to discuss how to deal with the ancient monsters. The forces that are close to the ancient monsters cannot stop the ancient monsters, and other forces can enjoy the success.

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