“A small mountain village!”

Ye Tian looked around and determined the environment he was in. There should be no danger.

But this physical body is too weak, such a physical body cannot even display the ancient techniques, and if it is forced to be displayed, it will collapse.

The Canghe Realm is not open for a long time, so it is necessary to improve the strength of this body in a short period of time, at least to the extent that it can perform ancient techniques.

Moreover, he had to inquire about the news of finding Cang Hezhu.

So, time is tight.

“It’s not easy to get the Canghe Pearl, the key is that I don’t know much about the Canghe Realm, and the Lord of Xuanchen is here for the first time, and the information I get is all I heard, and it’s not necessarily accurate.

Ye Tian muttered.

It is a pity that this time he was reincarnated by will, and the imprint of copying talent cannot be carried, so he can’t copy his body now.

“First look around for resources to temper your body and improve your cultivation!

Ye Tian decided.

When he walked out of the house, many people greeted him, all from the same mountain village.

Of course, this body is not a human race, but it looks very similar to a human being, but the skin is very green.

When Ye Tian left the mountain village, he was reminded by many people.

“Xiaoshan, don’t go out of the 29 village, there are a lot of monsters outside the village now.

An old man reminded.


Ye Tian didn’t care, even though he was physically weak, he could still exert an incomparably terrifying strength, which was not something that people in these mountain villages could imagine.

Soon, he was far away from the mountain village.


A strange-looking, foul-smelling monster emerged from the void and attacked Ye Tian immediately.

“court death!”

Ye Tian said coldly.

He pulled out a piece of grass at will, second to none, this grass instantly pierced through this strange body, killed it instantly, and turned it into ashes.

At this time, a bead dropped from the monster.

“Hey, the energy contained in this bead is quite good, and it can be used as a resource to temper the body!”

He immediately swallowed the bead and began refining it.


This weak body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.


three times!


After a period of time, he completely refined this monster master, and his physical body was ten times stronger.

The reason why he has improved so much is because this physical body is too weak and the gap between them is too large, so he completely absorbed the refining and bead of strange monsters, so he has such a big improvement.

“There are very few resources around here. As expected by the Lord of Xuanchen, the resources of this Canghe Realm are too ordinary, and there are not many resources suitable for this body to improve the cultivation level. It is still hunting monsters and absorbing their resources. Beads are used to improve cultivation, and this is the fastest way to improve cultivation.”

Ye Tian felt that other Heavenly Ancestors who entered the Canghe Realm also used this method to improve their cultivation.


He uses a secret technique to find monsters.


The strange fluctuations spread out, and soon a group of strange old nests were discovered by him.


Ye Tian moved quickly and found this group of monsters after a while.

After a few breaths, all the monsters were killed by him.


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