“It’s kind of hard!

Ye Tian slowly retreated.

His copy of the eternal blood bird is only four bone transitions, and in the eternal blood bird group, it is a small transparent, not worth mentioning at all.

Compared with the Eternal Blood Bird who has undergone seven bone transitions, his duplicate body is too weak.

If you dare to disobey the order of the other party, you may be killed.

“There is this seven-time Bone Transformation Eternal Blood Bird guarding this ancient well on the other side, I can’t approach it, I have to lead it away!

Ye Tian muttered.

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that only his real body copied the body shot.

His true god copy body is a top immemorial genius with four bone transformations, and he knows a top immemorial technique. The combat power is between six bone transformations and seven bone transformations, although he can’t beat this seven times. The Eternal Blood Bird of Bone Transformation, but the other “Three Four Three” Eternal Blood Birds are not their opponents.

The opponent must take action in person to kill him.


If he kills a group of eternal blood birds and wants to escape, the other party will definitely hunt him down.

When the other party kills his real copy body, he will have taken away the golden water from the other side.

“Just follow this plan!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Anyway, try it, even if it really fails, it doesn’t matter.


A copy of Ye Tian’s real body came here, and then started to shoot.


Ye Tian shot with all his strength and used the ancient magic spear to pierce the eternal blood birds.

In the breath, one Eternal Blood Bird was killed.

Immediately after.

He also cast a large-scale top ancient technique – the ancient dark tide!

This kind of top ancient technique, the single attack is not as good as the ancient magic spear, but the lethality of the group attack is terrifying.

In an instant.

A dark tide flocked to a large number of eternal blood birds here, and some eternal blood birds were directly smashed by the dark tide, and they all escaped without escaping.


The Eternal Blood Bird of the Seven Bone Transformations appeared, its wings spread out, and the endless flames shattered the tide of darkness.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a ray of light and attacked Ye Tian.

And Ye Tian ran away immediately after casting Dark Tide.

He continued to use the ancient world move technique and was about to escape.

He knew that he would be caught up, because the speed couldn’t compare to the Eternal Blood Bird of the Seven Bone Transformations, and he still had a lot of Eternal Blood Bird marks on his body, so naturally he couldn’t hide.

However, the purpose of his real body copying body is to lead away the eternal blood bird that has undergone seven bone transitions.

“Hahaha, the eternal blood bird that has undergone seven bone transitions has finally been led away!”

Ye Tian rushed to the ancient well on the other side immediately.

And the other eternal blood birds here have long been shocked by this sudden attack, how can they have time to pay attention to the ancient well on the other side!

They were even afraid that there would be a strong Bone Change Realm attack again, so they hid in their lair one by one, and even joined together to prevent accidents from happening.


There were also Eternal Blood Birds that were afraid and flew away.

Therefore, Ye Tian’s copy of the eternal blood bird easily entered the inside of the ancient well on the other side.

“I have limited time, and I must quickly take away the golden water on the other side!”

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