True Dragon Cave.

This top hegemonic force is located in the True Dragon Sea.

The entire True Dragon Sea has a large number of blood transformation races, all of which are attached to the True Dragon Cave, and more or less have the blood of the Dragon Race.

at this time.

There is also a Bone Transformation Realm in Zhenlongdongtian, and the other Blood Transformation Realm creatures do not know that their True Dragon Lord has fallen.

At this moment, they are still cultivating, as usual.


Above the real dragon cave, a figure came out from the void, and it was Ye Tian.

“The Infinity Lord!”

The other nine blood changes of Zhenlongdongtian have been recognized.

When they still wanted to say something, Ye Tian shot.

“True Dragon Cave Heaven, from today onwards, will be destroyed!”

Ye Tian’s voice spread throughout the entire True Dragon Sea, and countless blood-change races heard it.

“Hehe, who is this guy, who also threatened to destroy Zhenlongdongtian, dare to provoke Zhenlongdongtian like this, courting death!”

“In the million primordial era I lived, there were many who provoked the real dragon cave, and they all died one by one, and this time is no exception!”

“Hahaha, let’s go over and see, who is the stunned young man, who will provoke Zhenlongdongtian with a little strength!

“Let’s go, I’ll take a look too!

A group of blood changes in the real dragon sea have shuttled to the 343 miles of the real dragon cave.

But when they were about to arrive at Zhenlongdongtian, they saw a scene that they would never forget.

Above the endless void, a spear fell fiercely.


The True Dragon Cave Heavenly Treasure Land, which covered the vast territory, was directly pierced by a single blow, and it kept shattering.

A large area of ​​void shattered, and the territory around True Dragon Cave was also shattered.

Before the blood-changing creatures flew out of the real dragon cave, they were swept away by the aftershock of invisible power, and one by one, their bodies exploded and turned into blood mist.

The dense blood-changing creatures exploded in an instant, and they all died.

Among them, one of the nine-time blood change realm immemorial geniuses has a great reputation in the real dragon sea, and is the existence they looked up to in the past.

And these immemorial geniuses who had undergone the nine blood changes were now turned into a cloud of blood in their perception, and were directly killed by the aftermath.


The True Dragon Cave continued to collapse, and soon disappeared completely.

All the real dragon cave creatures and the bone transition realm have disappeared, leaving only an abyss, replacing the real dragon cave.


Ye Tian’s gaze (cjfj) looked over, causing a group of blood-changing realms to kneel.

“Great Master Bone Transformation, we are not the blood transformation creatures of True Dragon Cave, please don’t kill us!

This group of Bone Transformation Realm was trembling, for fear that Ye Tian would be unhappy and killed them.

In the face of existence like Ye Tian, ​​the real dragon cave has been destroyed, how can they resist.


Ye Tian tore the void away and disappeared.

But these Blood Transformation Realm creatures still did not dare to move, until after a long time, they were sure that Ye Tian really left and would not kill them.

“Zhenlongdongtian is really destroyed, something big happened!”

These blood change creatures escaped one by one, and even quickly escaped from the real dragon sea.

If there is a race, flee directly with the entire race and go to other places to watch.

In short, when they did not understand the situation, they dared not stay in the True Dragon Sea.


The other top hegemonic forces knew that the real dragon cave was destroyed, and they were all shocked.

Many top overlord-level forces such as Hunxu Cave, Xishan, and Yumeng have also sent Bone Transformation Realm to discuss the situation.

As for the top overlord-level forces such as Taigu Mountain, Bingxuedong, and Dark Sea on the cultivator’s side, they naturally don’t pay attention to this matter.


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