Time passed slowly, and the hurricane inside the Hurricane Sea was completely calmed down.


A primordial upper realm overlord has entered the hurricane sea one after another. There is no hurricane of that kind of special power, and the hurricane sea is just an ordinary sea, and it will not pose a threat to the primordial upper realm overlord at all.

In an instant, these primordial upper realm overlords came to an abyss entrance, which was the mouth of the primordial ancestor.

But now, from the outside, there are no traces of corpses, and this is already a huge world of treasures.

Numerous Origin Upper Realm Overlords went straight in without any hesitation.

It is not the first time for many Origin Upper Realm Overlords to enter, so naturally they are not afraid. They still have some understanding of the situation inside.

Ye Tian also went in directly.

“What a terrifying coercion!

“Four Five Three”

Ye Tian felt an unimaginable aura, this aura made him feel a heavy pressure here, even the perception could not extend very far, and it was difficult to exert his power.

He stood here without moving, and after a while, he took control of his body a little so that he would not make mistakes during the battle.

at this time.

The other Origin Upper Realm Overlords have all left, but each Origin Upper Realm Overlord chooses a different route.

There are many line passages here, all of which seem to be passages made of muscles and veins, as if there is no end in sight.

Ye Tian chose a passage and flew over.


He found a cave and started duplicating his body inside, so that even if he fell, he could continue to duplicate his body and continue to explore this treasured world.


The cloned body has been successfully replicated, so use this cloned body to explore this treasured world.

“Near the entrance, there should be not many resources, and it must have been wiped out by the previous Origin and Upper Realm Heavenly Ancestor. Even if it is bred again this time, its number will definitely be scarce, so there is no need to spend too much time!

He has limited time now, so he can’t delay here.

He didn’t even want to delay the copying time, so he directly copied another copy body. If the previous copy body fell, this one could keep up.

Ye Tian shuttled quickly and didn’t care about the danger.


His body passed through a layer of membrane, fell into a black sea of ​​blood, and was directly melted.

Duplicate body fall.

“There is danger in that place!”

Ye Tian secretly said.

In fact, if he was careful and used various methods to explore, he wouldn’t fall in, but he didn’t want to waste time, so he fell.


His second clone moved forward again, but this time around the place.

In this way, Ye Tian explored again and again, and finally went deep into this treasured world.

At this time, he began to slowly explore here, looking for resources and treasures.

Soon, he saw a blood-red crystal substance, emitting a dazzling light, and containing very terrifying energy.

“Original blood crystal!”

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