At the beginning, this entrance was relatively unstable, but gradually stabilized completely.

“go in!

Yazu told Ye Tian.


The members of the Samsara Heavenly Clan and the Samsara Source Clan entered the Samsara~Returning Fruit Realm one after another.

“Yazu, how many do you think your Samsara Celestial Clan can grab this time – Samsara High Fruit?”

A reincarnation source clan who had awakened nine times said with a smile.

He is Yizu of the Samsara Yuan family, and his strength is no less than that of Yazu, but he has a deep conflict with Yazu. If it weren’t for this situation, they would have to fight.

“At least sixty percent!

Yazu said confidently.

“Hehe, 60%?” Yizu sneered, “Last time, 18 Supreme Reincarnation Fruits were born, and you only grabbed 8 Reincarnation Supreme Fruits, not even 50%. Where did you get the courage to say 60%, I guess It’s not bad that you can grab four achievements this time, our reincarnation source clan has cultivated a very powerful five awakened Origin Upper Realm overlords this time, but you can’t compare. 1”

Hearing Yizu’s words, Yazu also trembled in his heart and became a little worried.

The strength of the Reincarnation Heavenly Clan is similar to that of the Samsara Source Clan, but the Origin Upper Realm Overlord of the Reincarnation Source Clan is good at various strange techniques. In the individual battles in the early stage, the Samsara Heavenly Clan suffers, and it is normal to be a little weaker.

“If Aochen is also awakened five times, he will definitely be able to sweep the invincible!

Yazu secretly said.

It’s a pity that the time is too late. Even if the Samsara Celestial Clan fully assists Aochen to improve his cultivation, it is still too late to break through to the realm of four awakenings, let alone five awakenings.

And apart from Ao Chen, the Samsara Heavenly Clan really didn’t have any great geniuses at the fifth awakening level this time.

Therefore, he was also worried that the Samsara Heavenly Clan would suffer heavy losses this time.

“As long as Aochen doesn’t die, and robs the Supreme Reincarnation Fruit and successfully awakens the second Reincarnation Supreme Supernatural Power, the loss is worth it no matter how much!” Yazu thought so.

Reincarnation fruit world.

Ye Tian entered here, and the Samsara Source Clan and Samsara Celestial Clan were separated, and they didn’t fight here, so there was no need.

In a twinkling of an eye, the Origin Upper Realm overlords of the two clans disappeared, and Ye Tian also left quickly.


Ye Tian saw a divine tree that runs through countless time and space.

In the outside world, such a divine tree must be extremely rare, but in the realm of reincarnation, such a divine tree is just an ordinary divine tree, with no threat, no fruit, and no value at all.

Ye Tian has a lot of information about the reincarnation fruit world, all of which Yazu gave him.

If he finds something good, he will almost recognize it and will not miss it.

“This divine tree is worthless, get out of here!”

Ye Tian passed through here and continued to search for treasures.

It didn’t take long for Ye Tian to discover something good.

“This is–the Tree of Mina!”

Ye Tian saw an unimaginable divine tree in front of him, its mighty power was very majestic, and there were hundreds of fruits on it.

In the data of Samsara Celestial Clan, this tree is called the Minya Tree, and the fruit on it is called Minya Divine Fruit, which helps to improve the will of the original state and weakly increase the power of blood.

For the Reincarnation Celestial Clan, the value of such Minya divine fruit is not too great, and it is reluctant to use it to cultivate slaves, and the Reincarnation Celestial Clan does not need to improve the will of the Primordial Upper Realm, so such resources are a bit tasteless to them. .


Minya God Fruit is very valuable to Ye Tian.

Without saying a word, he went directly to pick the Minya fruit.

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