Ye Tian’s appearance was completely beyond Shak Ying and Dong Ying’s expectations. They didn’t expect that there would be a Origin Upper Realm Overlord rushing out of Samsara Domain.

The point is, Ye Tian’s speed is too fast.


I saw Ye Tian used the Heavenly Poke, pierced through the Forbidden Dao Great Array with one blow, and came out of the prison.

Moreover, Ye Tian’s terrifying aura directly charged the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit, causing the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit to be thrown out.

Shaanying originally wanted to capture Wuji Supreme Daoguo, but he didn’t.

“East Eagle, you block him!!!”

Shake Shadow shouted.

Dongying immediately went to intercept Ye Tian, ​​letting Shaanying snatch the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit.


Something incredible happened.


In Ye Tian’s body, one after another cloned body came out.

This time, Ye Tian came to snatch the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit, naturally it would not be a duplicate body, he sent six duplicate bodies.

Boom!!! “Five Zero”

Dongying was blocked by two cloned bodies, and the other three cloned bodies attacked Shaanying.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian went to catch the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit.

“You are courting death!”

Shake the shadow furious.

If the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit is lost, both he and Dongying will die!

So, he burned everything to stop Ye Tian.

However, his strength alone is not as good as Ye Tian’s cloned body, not to mention facing several cloned bodies.

In an instant.

Shaker was knocked flying.

And in the blink of an eye, the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit fell into Ye Tian’s hands.

Ye Tian didn’t kill Shanying and Dongying, because he couldn’t kill them at all, they all had means to save their lives, if it was delayed for a long time, he might not be able to leave.

So ever.

Ye Tian escaped, leaving only two duplicate bodies to stop Shaoying and Dongying from blocking.

Since he didn’t know where this place was, Ye Tian could only let the two duplicate bodies lead the way, and he tried his best to find a safe place to hide.

Shaanying and Dongying had already informed Wuji Tiangong, if Wuji Tiangong captured Ye Tian and snatched back Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit, then they would at most be punished and would not really die.

But if they dared to escape, they would be dead.


A terrifying figure descended here.

And at this moment, Ye Tian intercepted Shaoying’s two duplicate bodies and blew himself up and died. It was impossible for them to catch them, otherwise no one would know what means they had. In case they learned his information through these two duplicate bodies As well as tracking down other replica bodies.

“So decisive!”

The visitor said coldly.

“I have seen Lord Bai Ye!”

Shaking Shadow and Dongying said in fear.

“Where is the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit?” Bai Ye asked.

“Lord Bai Ye, he was robbed by the one just now. He has five clones, and now he has only lost two clones, and the main body and three clones have escaped!” Shao Ying said.

“So many clones!!!!”

White Leaf was shocked.

It is not that there is no means of refining the clone, but the price is very high, and the strength is not as good as the main body, and there is no room for improvement.

Therefore, except for a few, most of them do not have the ability to clone.

“You reported that he came from this source world?”

White Leaf asked.

“Yes!” Shaanying did not dare to hide, “This guy rushed out of this source world, and we were caught off guard.”

“The overlord of the origin and upper realm of the mere Origin Realm has been able to snatch the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit from the hands of the two of you, the first-level Dao Realm. You two are really waste materials!!!” Bai Ye was very annoyed.

How precious is the Wuji Supreme Dao Fruit, the cultivation of the two million Dao era has almost exhausted the source of a source world, and at such a price, it was snatched away by a source native.

“Block Promise Domain!”

Shiroha gave this order.

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