the years to come.

Ye Tian roamed all over the Liujin Continent and obtained a lot of resources, and his strength was steadily improving.

Of course, he still did not duplicate his real body, because it would be too dangerous to do so.

Now that it has not been long before that incident has passed, he does not want to cause the pursuit of Wuji Tiangong.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of years have passed.

at this time.

Ye Tian’s cloned body has already cultivated to the realm of the nine awakening origin upper realm hegemony. In terms of cultivation, it is indeed higher than the real cloned body, but the difference in strength is too great.

At this time, Ye Tian had already thought of how to obtain the Supreme Dao Secret Technique.

“Join the small force!”

Ye Tian decided.

If you want to join a big force, people definitely don’t want it, but if you want to join a small force, the requirements are lower, and there is the possibility of joining.

And after his constant screening, he also chose a small force.

【True River Valley】

This small force only has thirteen Supreme Dao Realm existences, and more than 10,000 Primordial Upper Realm overlords. Such a force is undoubtedly very inconspicuous in the entire Promise Realm. I am afraid that many Primordial Upper Realm overlords have never heard of it.

Ye Tian knew about this power, but it was only in an accidental situation.

The reason why Ye Tian wanted to join the True River Valley was that the conditions for recruiting members in the True River Valley were very relaxed. As long as he was willing to enter the Land of True Pole and not die, and found the materials needed by the True River Valley, he could join the True River Valley.

Many cultivators in the upper realm will take a risk. After all, if they join the True River Valley, at least they can obtain the inheritance of the realm of the realm, and there is hope to become the realm of the realm. This is also a hope.

The True River Valley is still a little far from the Liujin Continent. Even the overlord of the Nine Awakened Origin Upper Realm needs to travel through the void to get here.

True River City.

This is the place to sign up to receive the mission of the True River Valley. After Ye Tian came here, he quickly accepted the mission of Climbing the Realm.

The land of true extremity is very dangerous, and the overlord of the upper realm of the nine awakenings has a high probability of falling.

Many Nine Awakened Primordial Upper Realm Overlords cooperated with each other, only then could they be sure to survive.

Ye Tian naturally acted alone.

I saw that Ye Tian had received a map, which recorded all kinds of materials needed by True River Valley. If one hundred copies of materials could be found, no matter the type, they could join True River Valley.

Of course, if you don’t want to join the True River Valley, you can exchange for a lot of Zhidao coins.

True body.

Ye Tian came in, and this place was like another void, surrounded by a red mist.

According to the information given by Zhenhe Valley, the real danger in the land of Zhenji is a very terrifying creature-Zhenji Zhidao worm, this kind of worm is very strange, and its body contains the breath of Zhidao rules, as if the body is governed by Zhidao rules. The composition, although the number is not large, but the speed is extremely fast, and it can also shuttle in the real world at will.

The general nine-time Awakened Origin Overlord encounters the True Supreme Dao Insect, which cannot be beaten at all, and is easy to be killed. A few of the True Ultimate Dao Insect can be called the Nine Awakened Origin of the Upper Realm Overlord is invincible and can be instantly killed. The top Nine Awakened Origin Overlord.

Because of this, True River Valley did not dare to let its members enter here to take risks, and let other Origin Upper Realm overlords take risks at a small price. Even if they fell, it would have no effect on True River Valley.

“Copy a few more holes to copy the body!”

Ye Tian decided.

In this way, it is easier for him to collect all those materials.

Soon, three replica bodies were replicated.


Ye Tian secretly said.

Afterwards, the three replicated bodies acted separately.

Ye Tian continued to go deep and searched for those materials. Only when he went deep could he hope to find it. If he stayed on the periphery, the possibility of finding it was too low.

However, it didn’t take long for him to go deep, and he was unlucky to encounter a true worm.

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