Although the Lord of the Ancient Realm personally gave Ye Tian a space-time ancestral order to let Ye Tian enter the space-time ancestral realm, and also knew that Ye Tian had comprehended the Extreme Dao of the Sword, he really didn't know that Ye Tian had now comprehended the Extreme Dao of Space.

The other extreme path is already extremely difficult, and in such a short period of time, Ye Tian has actually comprehended the second extreme path, such a talent is too demonic.

"Wuyan, I really didn't know that Ye Tian had comprehended the Spatial Extreme Dao, it seemed that it was the right choice to let him enter the Space-Time Ancestral Realm!" the Lord of the Canggu smiled.

The Boundless Lord said: "Your Daoless Tower is really lucky, with Ye Tian's talent, it seems that in the future, your Daoless Tower will have one more perfect controller of the Three Realms!"

The Three Realms Perfect Masters refer to the Imaginary Perfect Controllers, the True Realm Perfect Controllers, and the Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers.

And the perfect controllers of the Three Realms possessed by any of the top great forces are very rare, for example, there are only a few Perfect Controllers of the Three Realms owned by the Wudao Tower.

The other forces are also similar, they are all just numbers, and it is really too difficult to give birth to a perfect controller of the Three Realms, and it takes countless years of cultivation before there is hope for one to be born.

"Hahaha, I hope he can grow to the Extreme Realm Perfect Controller, in that case, the strength of our Daoless Tower will skyrocket significantly!" said the Lord of the Ancient Realm.

"Canggu, you Wudao Tower should be careful, there are quite a few perfect controllers of the Three Realms that you have offended, maybe someone will dare to attack Ye Tian of your Wudao Tower. The Boundless Lord reminded.

"Don't worry, with my protection, even if the Extreme Realm Perfect Controller starts, he won't be able to wipe out Ye Tian!" said the Lord of the Ancient Realm confidently.

And as time passed, Ye Tian's fame spread.

Although many Perfect Controllers didn't know about the existence of the Space-Time Ancestral Realm, the news that Ye Tian had comprehended the Extreme Dao spread, and they were all extremely shocked.

Not long after, the news reached the ears of the Stone Dragon Demon Lord.


Somewhere in the Realm of Heaven.

The Stone Dragon Demon Lord built a dojo here, and he practiced here.

"Ye Tian has mastered the power of the Extreme Dao????"

The Stone Dragon Demon Lord was dumbfounded.

At the beginning, he wooed Ye Tian and not only passed on the Infinite Resurrection Secret Technique to Ye Tian, but also told him about a treasure land that had given birth to a lot of extremely powerful substances.

Although he was trying to control Ye Tian, he didn't expect that Ye Tian had never practiced infinite resurrection.

Therefore, he thinks that Ye Tian is too wasteful.

As a result, how long has it been, Ye Tian, this kid, has actually comprehended the Extreme Dao, and it is also the Extreme Dao of Space and the Extreme Dao of the Sword!

He has only realized a kind of extreme way, that is, the immortal extreme way.

"Damn, with Ye Tian's understanding, he won't be able to practice infinite resurrection?

The Stone Dragon Demon Lord knew that he was being tricked by Ye Tian, and the other party didn't believe in his infinite resurrection at all, so he didn't cultivate, but just fooled him with some extremely making substances.

"Ye Tian, next time I meet you, I will definitely kill you!"

The Stone Dragon Demon Lord said angrily.

It was the first time he had been teased like this by a half-step perfect controller.


Space-Time Ancestral Realm.

Mt. Gokumi.

Ye Tian continued to cultivate, and he wanted to strive to comprehend the Time Extreme Dao before the Extreme Dao List was finalized, so that he could improve his ranking a little more.

After all, the ranking is not the same, and the increase time is not the same.

He naturally wanted to spend some more years in Jidao Mountain, so he wanted to get a better ranking.

And he is not far from completely comprehending the Time Pole Dao, he only needs to work hard to cultivate hundreds of thousands of eternal years, and he can definitely completely condense the Time Pole Dao.

The years are like traces, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of eternal years have passed.

this day.

Ye Tian finally fused the changes in the Dao of Time into one, and the prototype of the Extreme Dao of Time suddenly turned into a real Extreme Dao of Time.

Immediately, Ye Tian's Extreme Dao Body began to transform, giving birth to the power of the Time Extreme Dao.

Space Pole Dao, Time Pole Dao plus Sword Pole Dao, now Ye Tian has the power of the three Extreme Dao, and his strength has increased to an extremely powerful level.

At the same time, on the Extreme Dao list, Ye Tian's ranking changed.

[Forty-ninth place on the Extreme Road List: Ye Tian]

At this moment, Ye Tian's ranking on the Extreme Dao List jumped to forty-ninth place.

Soon, many perfect controllers of the Space-Time Ancestral Realm noticed the change in Ye Tian's ranking.

"Oh my God, Ye Tian has actually mastered the three extreme paths, and he has created a half-step perfect controller of the extreme realm!"

"Ranked forty-ninth on the Extreme Dao List, Ye Tian is still the first time to enter the Extreme Dao List, so he can still practice an additional 510 million eternal years. "

"I'm so envious, we can only practice 100 million eternal years in the space-time ancestral realm, but Ye Tian can cultivate 610 million eternal years in total!"

"There's no way, who made the demons of the family, if we can also comprehend the power of the three extreme paths, we can also practice for such a long time. "


"Ye Tian has mastered the power of the three extreme paths so quickly, and I, I still haven't comprehended any of them!"

The Moonglass Controller muttered.

Of course, she also knew that she shouldn't compare with Ye Tian, and it was a blow to Ye Tianbi.

Mt. Gokumi.

Ye Tian continued to walk upward, after all, he had comprehended the power of the Time Extreme Dao, and the power of the three Extreme Dao was enough for him to go higher in the Extreme Dao Mountain.


Ye Tian came to the place halfway up the Jidao Mountain, and after walking here, he couldn't continue to move forward.

Subsequently, he practiced here the power of the Ultimate Path.

Of course, his will clone also wandered around this area to see if there were any good things, but when he was under Jidao Mountain, he didn't find anything good, and the entire Jidao Mountain seemed to be a lonely mountain.

This time, however, there was an unexpected discovery.

"Hey, what is this?"

Ye Tian saw a crack, and from the crack transmitted an extremely rich extreme power, involving all kinds of extreme power.

Just as Ye Tian was about to enter, a voice came from the darkness.

"Boy, I advise you not to go in!"

As soon as the words fell, a super-perfect controller appeared.

"I've seen my seniors!"

Ye Tian said politely.

"Do you know where this is?"

The super-perfect master asked.

"I don't know. Ye Tian shook his head.

The super-perfect master briefly introduced: "This crack is connected to a special area of the space-time ancestral realm, where the Extreme Dao creatures are born, and they are all special creatures born with the power of the Extreme Dao, just like the super-perfect treasure, they all contain the power of the Extreme Dao. This kind of Extreme Dao creature is very powerful, although you have comprehended the power of the Extreme Dao, but your cultivation is too weak, and you can't defeat these Extreme Dao creatures at all. Once inside, beware of falling. Once the will clone falls, it will not be able to condense the will clone in a short time, and it will not even be able to condense the Extreme Dao coin, and the loss is not small. "

With that, the super-perfect master entered the crack.

"Extreme Creature!"

Ye Tian heard this for the first time.

Of course, the super-perfect master didn't say much, so he still didn't know much about the area.

"The Lord of Canggu should know a lot, I can go and consult the Lord of Canggu now, why don't I go and ask! If there is really a great opportunity, I will enter again. Ye Tian said darkly.

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