Boulder nests.

The Nine-Fold Ancestral Ancestors, the Ten Dao Mountains, the Demon Sea, the Mysterious Realm, and the Divine Blood Sect descended directly here, and their arrival brought great pressure to the Giant Stone Tribe.

After all, the Boulder Ancient Nest does not have a supreme enhancement level, where is it qualified to compete with so many Supreme Ninefold Ancestors, once these Supreme Nine Ancestors make a move, it is enough to easily destroy the entire Boulder Ancient Nest.

Before, the matter of the Boulder Ancient Nest had not attracted the attention of these Xeon Ninefold Ancestors at all, but now the Boulder Tribe made these Xeon Nine Ancestors quite curious.

If it can be coveted by the supreme-level powerhouse of a certain big tribe of the Primordial Ancient Sea, then it is qualified to make them covet it too!

If they get the treasure, it's a chance for nothing!

This is an opportunity at the doorstep, and they naturally don't want to give it up.

"I've seen all of you!"

The Bloodstone Patriarch of the Boulder Tribe appeared, respectfully and tremblingly.

What appeared in front of him were more than ten Supreme Ninefold Ancestors of the Highest Enhancement Level, even the most powerful tribe of the Primordial Ancient Sea did not have so many Extreme Enhancement Ancestors!

And in the Primordial Ancient Sea, even at the Strength Level, he almost didn't deal with the weak, it could be said that he was elusive, and he had never seen so many Xeon at one time!

So, he's a little scared!

"Bloodstone Patriarch, if I'm not mistaken, the supreme enhancement that broke into your Boulder Ancient Lair before was the Stygian Cloud of the Hades Saint Tribe!"

Dongchen Daozu of the Nine-Story Building spoke.

He was no stranger to Styx, after all, he had also fought briefly with Stygian in the last war, so he was somewhat familiar.

According to what he just learned, Stygian Cloud broke into the Boulder Ancient Lair, and sneaked in, wearing the cloak of nothingness.

It's not normal to think that a dignified to the fortified level actually infiltrated a monolithic tribe that has not reached the fortified level.

Therefore, Dongchen Daozu was also curious about what the Giant Stone Tribe had?

"Bloodstone Patriarch, Stygian Cloud is for something from your Boulder Tribe, give it to us Ten Dao Mountain, so that you will not be targeted by the Hades Saint Tribe!" said the Ten Dao Mountain's Strongest Ninefold Ancestor, the Day Tiger Dao Ancestor, with a smile.

Bloodstone hurriedly said: "The Day Tiger Dao Ancestor laughed, how can our Giant Stone Tribe have any good things, and in order to successfully transfer here, we have also paid most of our resources, and the Giant Stone Tribe is very poor at present." Stygian Cloud came here just to attack and kill us avatar-level, but we had already prepared, so we fought back at the first time and let it retreat, that's all!"

"Are you fools to us?"

The Day Tiger Dao Ancestor said coldly.

Do you want to convince them of such a reason?


The breath of the Strongest Ninefold Ancestor crushed over, causing the bloodstones to be frozen all over.

Can't fight!

"Let's go, go into the Giant Stone Ancient Nest and check what happened, although it has happened for a while, but the Giant Stone Tribe should not have erased all the traces!" said the Supreme Ninefold Origin Ancestor of the Mysterious Realm.

"Then let's go inside!"

These Supreme Ninefold Ancestors didn't take the Mere Giant Stone Tribe into account at all.

For these Supreme Ninefold Ancestors, only the powerhouses of the same level are qualified to let them pay attention.

If the Boulder Tribe also has a supreme strengthener, then they are eligible to communicate with them on an equal footing.

And now, they are not qualified!


These Xeon Ninefold Ancestors directly broke into the Boulder Ancient Lair, and the Bloodstone Patriarch of the Boulder Tribe and the other avatar levels did not dare to stop them.

The strength of their entire clan could only stop one Supreme Ninefold Ancestor, and even one more could not stop them.

Therefore, they can't help it!


After Dongchen Daozu and the other Supreme Ninefold Ancestors entered the Giant Stone Ancient Nest, they quickly found a place to preserve the Eternal Flint Powder.

Although this place has been destroyed, the ability of the Supreme Ninefold Ancestor still has a trace of the breath of eternal flint.

The breath of the Eternal Flint is difficult to erase, so the Boulder Tribe has not completely erased the breath of the Eternal Flint yet.

"It's ...... The breath of eternal flint!"

Dongchen Daozu and the others were extremely shocked.

It's incredible that the Megalith Tribe still has the Eternal Flint Stone!

At this time, they finally knew why the Hades Tribe targeted the Boulder Tribe, and even the Hades Cloud personally infiltrated it, it was really because the Boulder Tribe had the Eternal Fire Stone!

An Eternal Flint even has the hope of creating a Supreme Ninefold Ancestor or a Supreme Enhancement Material-level powerhouse!

The Hades Tribe is only two to the Enhancement level, so it is conceivable that the Eternal Fire Stone is important to the Hades Tribe, and they naturally want to capture the Eternal Fire Stone!

"Eternal Flint Stone, if we are given the Nine-Fold Building, there is also hope to create another Supreme Nine-Fold Ancestor!" Dongchen Dao Ancestor thought to himself.

Although the Eternal Flint is useless to these Ninefold Ancestors who have reached the supreme strength, it can create one more powerhouse of the same level, which can greatly increase the strength of the power, and the value can be imagined!

In addition, they also thought of one thing, that is, where did the Boulder Tribe get the Eternal Flint Stone, if there is more than one Eternal Flint in that place, then the information of the Boulder Tribe itself is a priceless treasure!

For a moment, these Supreme Ninefold Ancestors stared at the Bloodstone.

"It's still exposed!"

Bloodstone was extremely frightened and desperate in his heart, and he knew that the next fate of the Boulder Tribe would definitely not be good.

"Bloodstone Patriarch, where is the Eternal Flint Stone? Don't say you don't, we don't want to hear this nonsense. Hand over the Eternal Flint and the Megalithic Tribe remains. If you don't hand it over, then the Boulder Tribe will be wiped out!" said the Daytiger Dao Ancestor.

Bloodstone hurriedly said: "Ladies and gentlemen, our Boulder Tribe had an agreement with you at the beginning, you can't attack our Boulder Tribe!"

Dongchen Dao Ancestor said coldly: "That is just an agreement signed between those members of the Ninefold Origin Ancestor Peak below and you, and it has nothing to do with us. "

Seeing this, Bloodstone became even more desperate, obviously they would not care about the agreement.


A Bloodstone Tribe's incarnation-level powerhouse was captured by these Supreme Ninefold Ancestors from a distance, and although they wanted to combine battle formations to resist, they were blown up in an instant.

Suddenly, these avatar-level powerhouses comparable to the Ninefold Origin Ancestor were reduced to prisoners.

"Bloodstone, say it, if you don't say it, these avatar levels will have to die!"

A Supreme Ninefold Ancestor threatened.

Bloodstone knew that these Supreme Ninefold Ancestors really dared to kill these Avatar Level, after all, cultivators and Avatar Rank powerhouses were already enemies, and it was not surprising that they would do it!

"Okay, I say!"

Bloodstone said helplessly.

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