As time passed, the word of the Intersection spread, and even some of the Yae Ancestors knew about the existence of the Meeting.

However, the chance of the intersection period is destined to have nothing to do with these Eightfold Ancestors, and even if they have a background, they can't participate in it.

Cut off the exclusion zone.

Soul Elders, Akagi and other people at the Strength Matter level naturally knew about the Convergence Period, although they had never participated in the Convergence Period.

But this time, they naturally want to get involved.

And Ye Tian's Soul Splitting Red Beast Replicating Body Tianhe was also informed that he would be taken by the Soul Elder to participate in this opportunity.

In other words, this time, Ye Tian's two replicating bodies will participate in the intersection period.

Any copy of the body has a harvest, then it will make a lot of money!

Since each meeting period is different, there is naturally no superfluous information.

But at this time, Ye Tian had a question, that is, whether the territory generated during the intersection period was similar to the gap between the glow?

For example, the territory created during the intersection period is an enlarged version of the gap in the glow, and if this is the case, it is indeed an unimaginable chance.

this day.

Ye Tianlai asked the soul elder.

"Soul Elder, the intersection of the Silent Black Sea and the Primordial Ancient Sea, is that sudden appearance of the Convergence Territory Treasure Land similar to the Xiaguang Gap?"

Ye Tian asked.

Soul Elder guessed, "It's possible, but I didn't participate in the meeting period, so I can't be sure." Judging from the law of the intersection period, this possibility is very high. Strictly speaking, the gap in the glow is also a kind of intersection, but it is a fixed intersection, and the confluence period between the Silent Black Sea and the Primordial Ancient Sea is not fixed, and the territory that appears is different each time. "

"I'm afraid the competition is very fierce during the intersection period!"

Ye Tian said lightly.

Soul Elder reminded: "In short, I will take you there, but you can't go in as soon as possible, I will only allow you to go in after understanding the situation." In addition, we are competing for opportunities at this level, you don't want to go over, so as not to be affected!"


Ye Tianying said.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of billions of Primordial Era years had passed.

this day.

The entire Silent Black Sea and the Primordial Ancient Sea seemed to have a special kind of fluctuation.

Ordinary Dao Ancestors couldn't detect this fluctuation change at all, but the Ninefold Origin Ancestor naturally sensed it.

"The meeting time is coming!"

Ye Tian muttered.

At the same time, a Supreme Ninefold Origin Ancestor was out of the customs, and a large number of Ninefold Origin Ancestors also appeared one by one.

Cut off the exclusion zone.

Soul Elder, Akagi and other high-level powerhouses also came out from here, and even the powerhouses of the high-level enhancement jellyfish also appeared.

Although the jellyfish is sometimes crazy and tyrannical, she is very normal at the moment, and naturally wants to participate in such a competition, maybe she can find a treasure that suppresses her temperament, and then the problem can be solved.

A little more passed.

The space-time barrier between the Silent Black Sea and the Primordial Ancient Sea suddenly collapsed somewhere, and then a shadow area descended, forcibly merging a small part of the two realms together.

"At the boundary of the Golden River Region!"

A Supreme Ninefold Ancestor went to the boundary of the Golden River Region.

At this time.

The boundaries of the Jinhe Region continued to merge with a piece of the territory of the primordial ancient sea, but it did not affect the boundaries of the small communities in the Jinhe Region.

Those community boundaries are still suspended in time and space one by one, but the external environment of the community boundary has changed.

At this time, the creatures in the community boundary found that they could not come out at all, and the space-time barrier became extremely strong, and even the Ninefold Origin Ancestor had to take some time to break the barrier.

Therefore, before the end of the confluence period, the creatures in the millions of communities in the Jinhe Region could not leave.

Due to the existence of the confluence period, you can directly enter the primordial ancient sea from the boundary of the Jinhe region.

In the same way, from the primordial ancient sea, you can also enter the boundary of the Jinhe region.

However, whether it was those supreme enhancement level of the Primordial Ancient Sea, or the supreme ninefold primordial ancestor of the Silent Black Sea, or the supreme enhancement level that cut off the forbidden area, they didn't care about the Jinhe Territory at all, their eyes were all fixed on the common border between the Jinhe Territory and the Primordial Ancient Sea.

It was a dimly lit area, as if streaks of golden light seeped through.

That's the treasure of the intersection period, from the unknown.

Those supreme enhancement objects of the Primordial Ancient Sea did not enter it for the first time, but let the dense Primordial Antiquities enter and explore.

However, as soon as those eightfold ancestor-level primordial artifacts entered the intersection period, this treasure land directly fell.

Obviously, the strength of the Yae Origin Ancestor was too weak, and he didn't even have the qualifications to enter this treasure land.

"A treasure land with danger!"

Many Xeon were not worried, but were happy.

The more dangerous it is, the more opportunities it has!

"Since there is danger, there is no need to let the Yae Yuan Ancestor cannon fodder investigate, let's go in person!"

A Supreme Ninefold Ancestor and a Supreme Enhancement Substance Level escaped into this treasure land.

As for the Ninefold Primordial Ancestors, they haven't entered yet, and they are still waiting for news, and they will only enter if the Supreme Ninefold Primordial Ancestor or the Supreme Enhancement Grade informs them that they can enter.

After all, they don't dare to joke with their lives!


The Supreme Ninefold Ancestors summoned them to enter this treasure land.

Immediately, a Ninefold Ancestor or Transformation-level powerhouse escaped into this treasure land.


"What a powerful suppression!"

After Ye Tian entered this treasure land, he immediately felt unimaginable suppression, if there was no cultivation of the Nine Ancestors Ancestor, once he entered here, his physical body would collapse.

It's no wonder that after those Eightfold Ancestors came in, they fell directly.

And the suppression here is so terrifying, mainly from the dense golden light in the void.

These rays of light are like sunlight, but when they shine on the body, they can put an unimaginable burden and pressure on the body.

Of course.

Ye Tian's strength was strong, so he ignored the suppression here.

Immediately, he began to probe the surroundings.

This treasure land is very large, for example, when he first came in, he didn't sense the aura of those Supreme Ninefold Ancestors, and it was obviously far away.

In addition, the range of his perception is not far, far less than that of the outside world.

Ye Tian did not choose to cooperate with the other Ninefold Ancestors of the Nine-Fold Building, but dispersed, after all, although it was safer to work together, it was also a problem to find how to distribute resources and treasures.


One by one, the Ninefold Origin Ancestor fled, and Ye Tian also found a direction to leave.

And the other side.

Ye Tian's Soul Splitting Red Beast's replica body was also separated from other transformation levels, but his replica body had the mark of Soul Elder on his body, and if he was in danger, he could ask Soul Elder for help.

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