White Elephant City.

Ye Tian came here and came to the shop of the White Dragon Clan again.

The one who sits in this shop is still the white dragon from last time.

At this time, when this white dragon saw Ye Tian, his attitude suddenly changed, at least he was much more respectful.

"Dear guest, what do you want to buy?"

The white dragon asked.

"Golden Muscle Fluid, acquisition?"

Ye Tian asked.


The white dragon was shocked, it didn't expect Ye Tian to get the golden muscle fluid again, but he didn't know how much.

This time, Ye Tian directly took out a large amount of golden muscle fluid, he is now strong, and he is not afraid of causing covetousness.

"500,000 drops of gold muscle fluid, worth 5,000 white elephant gold!"

White Dragon said.

"Give me 5,000 drops of dragon gold blood!" Ye Tiandao.

"Dear guests, there really isn't so much dragon gold blood in the store, there are only about 3,000 drops at present, and they need to be retrieved from the clan land. Bailong said.

After all, this is just a shop, and it is impossible to store too much dragon gold blood.

"Then I'll just wait a while!"

Ye Tian said.

Subsequently, he went to several other dragon shops and exchanged for another batch of Golden Muscle Liquid.

After that, I waited for a while, and finally sold the golden muscle fluid in my hand.

"In a short period of time, I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it anymore, otherwise the Vajra Snake Clan will definitely target me, and even thoroughly investigate the internal situation. "

Ye Tian thought to himself.


He took these dragon gold blood to retreat and cultivate, and used it to refine his heart.

After a period of time, these dragon gold blood had been used up by Ye Tian, but the heart was still far from the third transformation.

But right now, he can only slowly find a way to earn some white elephant gold, and then buy dragon gold blood.

As for the Golden Muscle Fluid, he gave it up for the time being.

In fact, at this time, the Vajra Snake clan had already noticed his existence.


The Vajra Snake Clan.

The three Vajra Snake Elders of the Five Blood Transformation Realm were discussing the matter of the Golden Muscle Fluid.

The three of them are the Fog Mao, the Flying Wing, and the Crane.

"Not long ago, there was news from the White Elephant City that a cultivator was selling a large amount of Golden Muscle Liquid, a large amount, and I am afraid that it is from our Vajra Snake Clan. "

"Could it be the golden muscle fluid found elsewhere, after all, the golden muscle fluid is not the only one we have!"

"It may be the golden muscle fluid from other places, but in these areas near the White Elephant City, only our Vajra snake clan has given birth to a large amount of golden muscle fluid, although the golden muscle fluid is only a basic substance for us, it is still more important to other races. "

"My guess is that one or several Blood Transformation Realm people secretly sold the Golden Muscle Fluid at a low price, just to scrape together some more resources. "

"It's happened before, and it's been a constant reminder. "

"But this time, the amount of gold muscle fluid sold is a bit too much, and the impact is great. "

"Inform it, if any clansmen continue to steal and sell gold muscle fluid like this, they will be severely punished!"

Immediately, the three elders passed on the news, and almost all of the Blood Transformation Realm Clansmen received notifications one after another.


"Sure enough, the King Kong Snake Clan found out, and now it really can't be done anymore!"

Ye Tian said darkly.

If he gets it again, he will have to give up the replica body of the Vajra snake.

And at this time.

The three elders began to discuss the matter of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan again.

Elder Wumao said, "The war of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan should be over soon!"

"It's almost over!" Flying Wing said, "According to the information we have investigated before, the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan has been defeated, but they have transferred the ordinary people in advance, and they have also moved a fragment, and now they don't know where they are hiding. And those Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses who stayed in the original land of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan suffered heavy casualties in order to hold back the enemy. Coupled with the arrival of the follow-up enemies, a lot of Blood Transformation Realm died, and even a seven-time Blood Transformation Realm Ancestor died. "

"The Ancient Golden Turtle Clan is much more powerful than our Vajra Snake Clan, and it ended up like this!" Wu Mao sighed.

"There's no way, who let them offend the Ancient Demon Ape Clan! That's the top clan that even the White Image Clan wouldn't dare to provoke, if it weren't for the Ancient Demon Ape Clan being too far away from here, otherwise those ordinary clansmen of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan wouldn't be able to escape at all. Flying Wing said.

"When the powerhouse of the Ancient Demon Ape Clan leaves, we can send some of our people into the Primeval Golden Turtle Clan's clan land, and there may be a lot of good things left there. The Ancient Golden Turtle Clan will definitely not dare to venture out again, and if they find something good, it will be ours!" Jun Crane suggested.

"Naturally, this is the case, but you also have to limit your strength, and ordinary clansmen don't go, otherwise they will be cannon fodder. Wu Mao said.


Wings nodded.


Soon after, the blood transformation realm of the Vajra Snake Clan all knew about the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan, and they were all ready to move, wanting to go to the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan to find an opportunity.

Ye Tian's Vajra Snake Replicating Body was only a Blood Transformation Realm cultivation, so he was not notified, but he also learned about the situation from other Blood Transformation Realm Vajra Snakes.

"The Ancient Golden Turtle Clan was originally fleeing, no wonder they killed the Blood Transformation Realm creatures they encountered along the way. "

Ye Tian said darkly.

Moreover, such a powerful primeval golden beetle clan is so vulnerable in front of the primeval demon ape clan, so how terrifying is the primeval demon ape clan!

You must know that the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan has seven Blood Transformation Realm creatures, and the Ancient Demon Ape Clan must have eight Blood Transformation Realm creatures or even nine Blood Transformation Realm creatures.

After all, the Ancient Demon Ape casually dispatched a few strong people to sweep away the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan!

The difference in strength between the two must be extremely huge, which made the Ancient Golden Turtle clan move a group of clansmen in advance.

"There must be a lot of good things in the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan Land, I can go and take a look, maybe I can get good things!"

Ye Tian decided.

Afterwards, he inquired about the location of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan, and the real body was ready to rush over.

After all, by the time he rushed over, the powerhouse of the Ancient Demon Ape Clan would definitely have left long ago.

Moreover, not only did he rush over now, but many Vajra snakes were also about to set off.

White Elephant City.

The Blood Transformation Realm creatures of many races also got the news, and they left from the White Elephant City one after another, heading to the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan's land.

It is conceivable that it will not be long before another round of fighting will definitely break out in the land of the Ancient Golden Turtle Clan.

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