All the Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses who witnessed the birth of the Ancient Golden Tablet last time were all strong people who survived the ancient era.

In a blood transformation realm like Ye Tian, this is the first time to witness the birth of the Taigu Golden Tablet.

Time passed slowly, and the ancient golden tablet was about to be officially unveiled, and a stream of golden light diffused out, turning into the outer region, the middle region, and the inner region.

Soon, the three domain areas were completely stabilized.

At this time, the Immortal Sword Heavenly Ancestor spoke: "Let some little guys go to the outer regions first, we don't need to rush!"

"yes, let some little guys break into the Outlands, let's see the excitement first!"

Mo Yu Heavenly Ancestor also followed.

Both of the big guys said this, other primary-level geniuses will never break through first, and will only let some quasi-boundary-breaking geniuses or ordinary boundary-breaking geniuses break into the outer and middle regions.


One by one, the Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestor and the Blood Transformation Realm creatures poured into the outer realm.

Soon, they encountered the phantom of the strong projected by the eras.


The battle is on!

It is almost impossible for a strong phantom encountered in the outer region to encounter a boundary-breaking genius, and only before stepping into the middle domain will it encounter a boundary-breaking genius phantom.

Of course, a quasi-boundary-breaking genius does not mean that he cannot defeat a boundary-breaking genius, if he has enough means and uses enough external forces, he still has hope of defeating a boundary-breaking powerhouse phantom.

However, most of the Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses even came to make up the numbers.

There was an eight-time blood transformation realm that was also directly defeated, because he was not a boundary-breaking genius, nor an ancient-level genius, but a very ordinary eight-time blood transformation realm powerhouse, and his combat power belonged to the ordinary kind among the eight blood transformation realms.

As a result, he was defeated by his first opponent and then ostracized by the Outlands.

Once you are ostracized by the Outlands, you can't enter it again.

For the rules of the Ancient Golden Tablet, even a nine-time Blood Transformation Realm primordial-level genius like the Immortal Sword Heavenly Ancestor had no way to compete, let alone an ordinary eight-time Blood Transformation Realm!

As time passed, more and more Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses were excluded from the outer realm, and they could only be reduced to spectators, unable to participate in it anymore.

This also makes the blood transformation realm in the Outlands less and less, but at least it looks less chaotic.


A boundary-breaking genius brazenly defeated a boundary-breaking powerhouse phantom from the ancient era, thus stepping into the Middle Domain.

Under normal circumstances, nine opponents need to be defeated in the Middle Domain before they can break into the Inner Domain, and the last opponent is the primeval-level genius phantom.

Moreover, as long as you break into the middle domain, you will be rewarded with benefits, which is also the reason why many blood transformation realm powerhouses come to break into the outer domain.

And the benefits need to wait until the Ancient Gold Monument recovers the three realms, and then you can get close to the Ancient Gold Monument, and the benefits can be obtained.

However, the benefits obtained by different blood transformation realms are different, so it is impossible to count the specific benefits.


"Father, I'm ready to break in!"

Ye Xingchen said.

"Go ahead!"

Ye Tian nodded.

He knew his son's strength very well, and he did his best to cultivate, and he was definitely no less than a top boundary-breaking genius.

It's a pity that he can't help his son comprehend the Ancient Technique, after all, Ye Xingchen doesn't have the ability to copy his body, unless he gets a lot of special resources in the future, which can help him repair the foundation damage caused by the failure of the Ancient Technique.

In that case, he would let his son cultivate the Ancient Technique.


Ye Xingchen entered the outer realm of the Ancient Golden Tablet and fought against a venerable Ancient Era Blood Transformation Realm powerhouse phantom, and the cultivation of these Blood Transformation Realm powerhouse phantoms was the same as Ye Xingchen's.


Ye Xingchen showed his top-level boundary-breaking strength, easily defeated one phantom after another, and soon entered the middle domain.

And Ye Xingchen's performance also attracted the attention of some primeval-level powerhouses.

"Which force's Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestor is this, and his strength is okay!"

Some primeval-level geniuses wondered.

Soon, Ye Xingchen's identity was exposed, and many primeval-level geniuses knew that he was Ye Tian's son.

And Ye Tian's reputation in the territorial sea realm is still very loud, perhaps compared to the eight blood transformation realms and nine blood transformation realms of the ancient and primeval eras, his current strength is still very weak.

However, in this era, Ye Tian was able to become a seven-time Blood Transformation Realm primordial-level genius, and he was definitely the top existence, so those primordial-level geniuses still respected Ye Tian extremely much, thinking that Ye Tian's future potential was unlimited, and he might have the hope of growing to the level of the Immortal Sword Heavenly Ancestor.

Soon, Ye Xingchen successively defeated the Boundary-Breaking Genius Phantom in the Central Domain, until he encountered the seventh Boundary-Breaking Genius Phantom, he fell into a bitter battle, and he was afraid that he would not be able to distinguish the winner in a short period of time.

Gradually, there were very few Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors in the outer regions, and only a few boundary-breaking geniuses in the middle regions were fighting hard, and there was no way to solve the battle in a short period of time.

After all, among the realm-breaking geniuses, if the cultivation is the same, it will take a long time to distinguish the winner from the loser.


An ancient-level genius couldn't help it and went straight into the outer realm.


This primeval-level genius punched one by one, scattered the phantoms of the powerhouses, easily broke into the Central Domain, and then exploded the phantoms of a world-breaking genius in the Central Domain, and in a blink of an eye, he came to the ninth powerhouse phantom of the Central Domain, that is, an primeval-level genius phantom.

If you defeat this primeval-level genius phantom, you can officially step into the inner domain and participate in the assessment of the inner domain.

Seeing that this primordial-level genius had gone to attack the inner domain, the other primordial-level geniuses couldn't help it and passed over one after another.

"Endless Heavenly Ancestor, do you want to go over, I'm ready to go!"

Hayes Tianzu Road.

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait for my son to come out, and then I'll go in!"

"Okay, then I'll go first!"

Hayes Heavenly Ancestor rushed into the Outer Domain, the Middle Domain, and fought against the last primordial-level genius phantom in the Middle Domain.

In a short period of time, an ancient-level genius still has to spend some time if he wants to rush into the inner domain.

Of course, some primeval-level geniuses who pull their hips may be defeated by the phantom of primeval-level geniuses, resulting in defeat and inability to enter the inner domain, and this possibility also exists.

After another period of time, Ye Xingchen finally defeated the seventh boundary-breaking genius phantom and faced the eighth boundary-breaking genius phantom.

It's a pity that in the end, his strength was still a little worse, and he didn't defeat the eighth boundary-breaking genius phantom, but this kind of combat power was amazing enough.

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