Soon, Ye Tian found an ancient technique in the Dark Sea that was more in line with the golden light of the Ancient Ancestor.

"Ancient Golden Shield!"

This is a defensive primeval technique, and it is claimed that once it is practiced, it will be difficult for an ancient-level genius of the same level to break it, but it is also extremely difficult to cultivate.

There was also an Ancient Golden Light Technique, which was a speed-type Ancient Technique, but it was somewhat similar to the Ancient Starlight Technique, so he did not practice this Ancient Technique.

"Let's see if we can train the Ancient Golden Light Mask!"

Ye Tian muttered.

Without the help of the Ancient Golden Blood, he directly cultivated the Ancient Golden Light Shield.

Originally, he thought that he would fail in his cultivation, but after possessing the Golden Light of the Ancient Ancestor, he seemed to have easily cultivated the Ancient Golden Light Shield, and he was not disappointed during the period.

After a period of time, the Swire Golden Mask was completed.

"That's it?"

Ye Tian was extremely surprised.

There is an ancient ancestral endowment, and there is no ancient ancestral endowment, the difference is too big!

"If I can collect a Sect Ancient Ancestral Fu, I'm afraid it will be very easy to practice a Sect Ancient Technique!, moreover, with the Ancient Ancestor Endowment, my talent foundation will be greatly improved, and it will definitely be easier to break through the bottleneck!" Ye Tian thought to himself.

Of course.

It was not easy for him to find the Ancient Ancestor, and he needed a certain amount of luck.


Ruins of the Dragon Sea.

Ye Tian continued to look for resources, although he also found a lot of precious resources, even resources that he didn't know, but it didn't help him refine his heart.

In short, the resources that could help the Eight Blood Transformation Realm primordial-level geniuses refine their hearts were too rare and too few.

Somewhere in the ruins of the Dragon Sea, a creature of the Nine Blood Transformation Realm was moving cautiously.


A huge palm appeared out of thin air, killing it instantly.

In the outside world, the Nine Blood Transformation Realm creatures were almost the top existence or even the pillar of a race, and as a result, they easily fell here.

There was more than one Nine Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses who had fallen like this, and there were even primary-level geniuses who had fallen.

There are too many resources in the ruins of the dragon sea, as long as you don't fall, you can earn a huge amount of resources after you go out.

Even if you don't need it, you can trade it with other strong people in exchange for the resources you need!

In particular, if you find the resources you need to even the Bone Transformation Realm, you can trade with the Bone Transformation Realm in exchange for treasures that help you improve your cultivation.

That's why they all want to flock here.

The years passed, and another period of time passed.

this day.

Ye Xingchen wandered through the gap in the territorial sea boundary and came to a special treasure land-Liguang Sea.

This treasure land also has a lot of dangers, but there are not a lot of resources, so almost all the Blood Transformation Realm powerhouses who come here are only between four Blood Transformation Realms and six Blood Transformation Realms.

Beings like the Seven Blood Transformation Realm would hardly come here, because they couldn't find anything good here, and it was a complete waste of time.

Ye Xingchen's luck was very good, he actually found a Heavenly Spider Blood Vine in an ordinary treasure like Liguanghai,

The Celestial Spider Blood Vine can refine the Celestial Spider blood, which can help ordinary creatures in the Sixth-Time Blood Transformation Realm to impact the Seventh-Time Blood Transformation Realm realm.

Of course, for cultivators, the Celestial Spider Blood Vine also has the effect of improving the effect, but it is not as effective as using it for Blood Transformation Realm creatures.

Ye Xingchen also killed a lot of Blood Transformation Realm creatures before snatching this Heavenly Spider Blood Vine.

However, the news that Ye Xingchen snatched the Heavenly Spider Blood Vine was still leaked.


Somewhere in the sea of glasses.

Three sixth-time Blood Transformation Realm creatures gathered together, and they all belonged to the same Blood Transformation Realm race, the Blood Cow Clan.

The Blood Ox Clan is just a not a powerful Blood Transformation Realm race, and the strongest person in the clan has only seven Blood Transformation Realms.

"Do we really want to do something to Ye Xingchen, he is the son of an ancient genius Endless Heavenly Ancestor!"

"What's the matter, what are you afraid of? No matter how powerful the Endless Heavenly Ancestor is, as long as we do it quickly, he won't be able to find out. That's a complete Heavenly Spider Blood Vine, and it's a great help to our Blood Transformation Realm race. Then a Heavenly Spider Blood Vine can not only help us break through to the Seven Blood Transformation Realm, but also help us cultivate six or seven races of the Seven Blood Transformation Realm. At that time, our Blood Ox Clan will be many times stronger. "

"Yes, take a gamble, the gap between the six blood transformation realms and the seven blood transformation realms is too big, as long as we succeed, we can ascend to the sky in one step!"

"Okay, then it's done! With the strength of the three of us, killing a boundary-breaking genius of the Blood Transformation Realm four times is simply extremely easy, enough to kill him instantly!"

As a result, the three Blood Transformation Realms of the Blood Ox Clan prepared to attack and kill Ye Xingchen.

For them, the benefits outweigh the risks, and that's fine.

Somewhere in the sea of glasses.

Ye Xingchen was slowly looking for an opportunity here, and suddenly the surrounding void froze.

Three rays of light killed, and it was the three six blood transformation realms of the Blood Cow Clan who made a move.

The speed of the other party's attack was too fast, and Ye Xingchen didn't have time to react.

It was only in time to urge the copy mark on his arm, and only then could he hope to survive.


Everything in heaven and earth was peaceful, and even the attacks of the three six-time Blood Transformation Realm creatures were solidified.

I saw that the copy mark turned into a copy body, and Ye Tian appeared in front of Ye Xingchen.

"Endless Ancestor !!"

The three sixth-time Blood Transformation Realm creatures trembled all over, how could they not have thought that Ye Tian would protect Ye Xingchen all the time, what was the situation?

They heard that Ye Tian had entered a special treasure land, and it was impossible for him to appear here for the time being, why did he see the Endless Heavenly Ancestor here!

"You three attacked and killed me?"

Ye Tian's cold voice filled the surrounding void.

"Endless Heavenly Ancestor, misunderstanding!"

The three Blood Transformation Realm creatures trembled all over their bodies and hurriedly said.

Bang bang bang!!

Ye Tian just waved his hand, and their bodies burst open, instantly turning into ashes.

For Ye Tian, the sixth-time blood transformation realm creature was completely an ant-like existence, not to mention an ordinary sixth-time blood transformation realm creature, even if it was a sixth-time blood transformation realm primeval-level genius, it was also an ant-like existence.


Ye Xingchen shouted with palpitations.

He had just been nearly killed, and if it weren't for his father's copy mark, he would have died.

Only then did he know that this copy mark could actually summon his father, this ability was too terrifying!

"Xingchen, you should know how dangerous it is to wander in the outside world by now, if you are not careful, you will be killed, and others will not care about your identity, understand?"

Ye Tiandao.

"Father, I know!" Ye Xingchen responded.


Ye Tian's body disappeared again, turning into a copy mark and merging into Ye Xingchen's arm.

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