Dark Sea.

The Lord of Darkness summoned a meeting of the higher-ups.

Soon, all the high-ups arrived.

At this time, the Lord of Darkness spoke, "You should all have received the news that part of the territory of the Hunhe Boundary Rift has been merged into the territorial sea Boundary Rift. Although they do not dare to enter the territorial sea boundary rift at present, when that part of the Hunhe boundary rift is completely integrated into the territorial sea boundary seam, they will not be restricted, and they can even exert their full strength. "

"Lord of Darkness, when the Blood Transformation Realm creatures and Bone Transformation Realm creatures in the Hunhe River Realm come out, will a war break out?" asked a Ninth Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestor.

"This is very likely!" said the Lord of Darkness solemnly, "In the primeval era, we broke out a war with the Hunhe Boundary Rift, and although we were facing the three top Boundary Rifts at that time, their strength was suppressed, and in the end, when the time came, they were expelled. But this time is different, their strength will not be suppressed, and we are afraid that we will not be able to beat it. "

"How strong is the strength of the Hunhe River Rift?"

Another Heavenly Ancestor asked curiously.

The Lord of Darkness introduced: "Let's take the Chaos Cave as an example, the Chaos Cave has a Boundary Breaking Genius of the Bone Transformation Realm of five times, and the most powerful Bone Transformation Realm of our territorial sea boundary is only a Boundary Breaking Genius of the Bone Transformation Realm of the Fourth Bone Transformation Realm, and it can't be defeated at all." Of course, this is only past data, and we don't know what the current strength of the Mixed Ruins Cave is. But since the First World War, the territorial sea boundary rift has been almost abolished, and resources are insufficient. And the Hunhe Boundary Rift has a lot of resources, so they will grow faster. "

"The integration of the Hunhe Boundary Rift into the territorial sea boundary rift will also elevate the territorial sea boundary rift, right?" said the Black Wind Heavenly Ancestor.

"It's to elevate the person, but there's no point, even if there are more resources, but it takes time for us to grow, and now there is not so much time for us!" said the Lord of Darkness.

"Lord of Darkness, do we have a countermeasure at the moment?"

Ye Tian asked.

The Lord of Darkness pondered for a moment and said, "We also discussed it before, and we have a rough plan. That is to give up a large territory and not to conflict with those hegemon-level forces in the Hunhe Boundary Gap. For example, our cultivators' side retreated into some territorial waters, such as the primeval territorial waters, which could probably accommodate several top overlord-level forces. On the side of the Blood Transformation Realm race, they can also combine their forces and combine them into a super top overlord-level force, and if they gather together, they won't dare to attack casually. But if it really attacks, I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it. "

At this time, Ye Tian asked again: "Lord of Darkness, when will those bone transformation realm existences in the Hunhe Realm Crack come out, and is there an approximate time?"

"According to our calculations, there are two primeval epochs at most!"

The Lord of Darkness.

"Two primeval eras!"

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

For the other Heavenly Ancestors, the two primeval eras were only a very short period of time, after all, which of their cultivation years was not based on the unit of ten thousand primeval epochs?

It's only been two primeval eras, and there is no way to improve the strength at all!

But Ye Tian is different, give him two primeval eras, he must have broken through to the bone transformation realm.

After arriving at the bone transformation realm, he has more self-protection ability.

After the meeting.

Ye Tian continued to retreat, striving to complete the bone transformation of the immeasurable bone in the whole body as soon as possible, so as to step into the bone transformation realm.

At the same time, he also has a plan to see if he can smuggle into the rift of the Hunhe River.

"I didn't expect that the Hunhe Boundary Crack would be integrated into the territorial sea boundary Rift, and the replica body would have been annihilated, so I would have kept it if I knew it!" Ye Tian said regretfully.

He then sent a replica body close to the territory where the Hunhe Boundary Rift was located.

The Hunhe River Boundary Rift is currently merging with the territorial sea boundary rift, and the area is constantly expanding, and the impact flow territory is being eaten away by the Hunhe River Boundary Rift little by little and turning into a part of it.

Once this part of the Hunhe River boundary rift is completely integrated with the territorial sea boundary rift, it will definitely occupy an incomparably huge territory of the territorial sea boundary seam, but it will also upgrade the territorial sea boundary seam and expand the territorial sea boundary seam.

At this time.

Ye Tian retracted his breath and approached the Hunhe River Boundary Crack.

"The Bone Transformation Realm in the Hunhe River Boundary Crack should still be busy transforming the Hunhe River Boundary Rift, and I don't have time to pay attention to the situation in the outside world, and I didn't even expect that there would be a Nine Blood Transformation Realm Ancient Level genius who would dare to sneak into the Hunhe River Boundary Crack!"

Ye Tian muttered.


He escaped straight into it and was not restricted.

The creatures in the Hunhe River Rift will be expelled when they come out, but he is not restricted from entering the Hunhe River Rift, and it is impossible for this part of the origin of the Hunhe River Rift to expel him, because there is no such ability.


Hunhe River Boundary Seam.

After Ye Tian came in, he hid his aura for the first time, and then copied his talent to scan the surroundings, and began to copy a Blood Transformation Realm creature as soon as possible.

Soon, the replication was successful.

He let the Blood Transformation creature leave quickly.

In this way, even if his true copy body is discovered, and there is another copy body still there, it can be regarded as successfully infiltrating the Hunhe River Boundary Crack.

"This real body replica body can't move, just hide here, otherwise it's easy to be exposed!"

Ye Tian thought to himself.

He then acted in another replica body in the territory.

The replicated body he copied was the eight-time Blood Transformation Realm creature he had used before, so there was no problem with his identity.

Soon, he was using the replica body to explore the environment and learn about the situation.

At this time, many creatures in the Hunhe River Realm were panicked and didn't know what was going on, so many Blood Transformation Realm creatures were discussing.

this day.

He came to a huge city and found that there were many Blood Transformation Realm creatures gathered here, all discussing the matter of merging the Hunhe River Boundary Rift into the territorial sea Boundary Rift.

"It is said that our Hunhe boundary rift has merged into a place called the territorial sea boundary rift, what the hell is going on?"

"It is said that the bosses of the bone transformation realm above think that the Hunhe River Boundary Crack cannot exist permanently, so they are looking for a way back, and our Hunhe River Boundary Crack is actually attached to the territorial sea boundary seam. "

"I see, isn't the territorial sea boundary crack very powerful?"

"It's a big fart, it's not as good as our Hunhe Boundary Sea, in terms of personality, let's be higher, otherwise why would the bone transformation realm existants above be integrated into the territorial sea boundary seam. "

"I've heard that something went wrong, the Hunhe River Boundary Rift has been cut off, and only a small part of the Hunhe River Boundary Rift has been integrated into the territorial sea boundary rift. I contacted my friend in another territory, but I can't reach him now!"

"Anyway, this matter has nothing to do with us, let's do what we should do!"

When Ye Tian came here, he quickly understood which territory this territory was.

"Dawn Sea!"

This is a territory located near the Sea of Chaos.

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