Top hegemon-level forces, there are not many seams in the entire territorial sea boundary!

Of course, if the Terran wants to become a top overlord-level force, it also needs to be recognized by other top overlord-level forces, not that a bone transformation realm was born, which is a top overlord-level force.

Hongtong Heavenly Ancestor didn't understand this either, so he said so.

The real top overlord-level forces must have at least a number of eight Blood Transformation Realm and nine Blood Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors, otherwise how can they become top overlord-level forces?

Time passes slowly.

Ye Tian's body became more and more powerful.

Gradually, his breakthrough was almost complete.

this day.

The vision ended, and everything returned to normal in Wanlong's territorial waters.

"Finally broke through to the Bone Transformation Realm!"

Ye Tian said excitedly.

His current strength is much, much stronger than in the past!

If he fought against his past self, he could completely kill himself in the Blood Transformation Realm nine times in an instant.

This is the strength of the Bone Transformation Realm!

"Once a Bone Transformation Realm Ancient Genius, the real combat power is probably invincible among the ordinary Three Bone Transformation Realm Heavenly Ancestors!" Ye Tian muttered.

And with his breakthrough, the territorial waters of Wanlong also began to be upgraded, and at this time, the territorial waters of Wanlong had surpassed the territorial waters of the underworld, although it was not as good as the primeval territorial waters, but the gap was not too big.


Dark Sea.

When Ye Tian came here, the Lord of Darkness was shocked.

"Endless Heavenly Ancestor, you have broken through to the Bone Transformation Realm!"

The Lord of Darkness was astonished.

He didn't expect Ye Tian to break through to the Bone Transformation Realm so quickly, how did he do it?

Just with those endless golden pith, it is useless, that endless golden pith, coupled with the top primeval bone technique, can at most make an immeasurable bone change, and the effect is not too great.

In short, I don't understand.

"Lord of Darkness, I just got lucky to break through!"

Ye Tian muttered.

"You're no less powerful than me now!" sighed the Lord of Darkness.

He was a boundary-breaking genius of the Second Bone Transformation Realm, while Ye Tian was an Ancient Genius of the First Bone Transformation Realm, and his combat power was not much different.


Ye Tian chatted with the Lord of Darkness, and soon talked about the problem of the Hunhe River Boundary Rift.

"The Hunhe River Boundary Rift is about to be completely integrated into the territorial sea boundary rift, and those blood transformation environment creatures and bone transformation environment creatures of the Hunhe River Boundary Crack are also about to become the blood transformation environment creatures of the territorial sea boundary seam. Right now, there is a problem, that is, some of the Bone Transformation Realms are ready to take refuge in the top hegemon-level forces in the Hunhe Realm. "

The Lord of Darkness.

"Take refuge?" Ye Tian frowned, "Who wants to take refuge?"

"The Lord of the Dragon Emperor of the Ancient Dragon Clan, and the Lord of the Ancient Peng Clan!" said the Lord of Darkness.

"It's them!"

Ye Tian knew that these two were quite powerful.

The Lord of Darkness continued, "You also know that the top overlord-level forces in the Hunhe Realm Rift are all Blood Transformation Realm creatures, not cultivators. Now, the integration of the Hunhe River Boundary Crack into the territorial sea boundary crack also means that those top hegemon-level forces in the Hunhe River Boundary Crack will also become the top hegemon-level forces in the territorial sea Boundary Seam, which is the same as ours! In the previous meeting, the Lord of the Dragon Emperor and the Lord of Gu Peng raised this question, and I felt from their tone that they wanted to take refuge in the top overlord-level forces of the Hunhe River Boundary Seam. "

"Who do they want to turn to?"

Ye Tian was curious.

In the Mixed Ruins Cave, Xishan Mountain, and True Dragon Cave, I have not heard of this matter.

The Lord of Darkness said, "I only know that the Lord of the Dragon Emperor has contacted the Ancient Chaos Dragon, and the Lord of the Ancient Peng has contacted the Feather Alliance. The Ancient Chaos Dragon has no power, so the Lord of the Dragon Emperor wants to unite the Ancient Chaos Dragon to establish a top overlord-level force, and is also worried about giving a large number of Ancient Dragon Blood Transformation Realm female dragons to the Ancient Chaos Dragon so that it can reproduce its descendants. The Lord of Gu Peng is completely surrendered, because the Feather Alliance is the weakest of the top overlord-level forces in the Hunhe Realm, there are only two Bone Transformation Realms, if the Lord of Gu Peng joins, it can greatly increase their strength. "

"It turned out to be the Ancient Chaos Dragon and the Feather Alliance!"

Ye Tian knew about them, and he didn't look down on them at all before, but he didn't expect the Lord of the Dragon Emperor and the Lord of Gu Peng to join them.

"In other words, the bone transformation realm on the side of the Blood Transformation Realm creatures may turn against water at any time?" Ye Tian asked.

"Yes!" the Lord of Darkness nodded, "No way, we haven't found a solution yet, the day is getting closer and closer, and those Blood Transformation Realm creatures don't have the territorial sea as a cover, so they are very frightened, so they choose this path." If we can't find a way, we may have to relocate to some territorial waters. "


Ye Tian didn't say much.

He found a way for himself, and that was to use those vests.

He is going to let one of the vests break through to the bone transformation realm, so that he can become the deputy leader level of a top overlord-level force, and he will have a lot of right to speak, so he can naturally keep the Terran, at least he will not make a move against the Terran.

"Just choose Xishan's Blood Fish Tianzu Vest and let this vest break through first!"

Ye Tian decided.

After a while.


Ye Tian let this primeval-level genius copy his body to complete the breakthrough, using the supreme primeval bone technique used by the real body, plus some resources.

After all, the foundation of this copied body is not as good as the real body, and it costs less resources, so if you get together a little, you will be lucky to break through.


Ye Tian's replica body broke through to the Bone Transformation Realm, and the vision alarmed the four bone Transformation Realms in Xishan.

"The Bloodfish Heavenly Ancestor is about to break through to the Bone Transformation Realm???"

The Lord of the Desolation was stunned, what was the situation, he had been in retreat, and he didn't know about the cultivation of the Blood Fish Heavenly Ancestor, but how could he suddenly break through!

The Blood Fish Heavenly Ancestor is an ancient level genius, it is too difficult for an ancient level genius to become a bone transformation realm, and other ancient level geniuses who have been cultivating since the ancient times have not broken through, how long has the Blood Fish Heavenly Ancestor joined Xishan?

"How did the Bloodfish Heavenly Ancestor break through?" the Lord of the Giant Bone asked curiously.

If this situation can be replicated, then they can cultivate some more primordial-level genius-level bone transformation realms!

At that time, Xishan will surpass the Mixed Ruins Cave just around the corner.

"After the breakthrough of the Blood Fish Heavenly Ancestor is completed, then ask him what the situation is?"

The Lord of Hezer proposed.

So, they waited in silence.

Cave of the Ruins.

The eyes of the Lord of the Ruins looked at Xishan: "Xishan gave birth to a Bone Transformation Realm, I haven't heard of any of them facing a breakthrough in the Nine Blood Transformation Realms!"

He was a little curious.

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