If other Eternal Dao Realms traded with the Taixing Dao Lord, and only obtained such an Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique, they would definitely feel at a loss.

But Ye Tian didn't care, he wouldn't really cultivate the Xuan Ling Solidification Technique.

He didn't care about the side effects, but the effect of the Xuan Ling Solidification Technique was not very good.

Effect is what he pays the most attention to.


The Endless Realm.

Ye Tian's copy body took out the ruin sun disc and began to deduce the Xuan Ling Solidification Technique, trying to create a better effect of the Eternal Dao Solidification Secret Technique, and let one of his copy bodies continue to experiment, through this to improve step by step.

He compared the effect of the Xuanling Solidification Technique to one, and only when the effect reaches more than ten can it be barely considered a success.

In the days that followed, he continued to deduce and change, and the versions of the Xuanling Solidification Technique were constantly updated, becoming one version after another.

With each change, the effect increases, but sometimes the side effects worsen.

"What do I care about the side effects, as long as it doesn't affect the Eternal Dao Seed, it doesn't matter if it exacerbates the Demon Seed of the Eternal Dao Seed, after all, my Eternal Dao Seed is a perfect-level Eternal Dao Seed and will not be transformed by the Demon Seed, so the side effects of the Demon Seed are useless to me. "

Ye Tian muttered.

So, in the years that followed, he only focused on improving the effect of the Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique, and didn't care about anything else.

And just like that, the long years passed.

Finally this day.

The Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique created by Ye Tian seemed to have reached a limit, and even the Ruin Sun Disc could hardly help him perfect this Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique.

"The effect is one hundred and seventy-seven times that of the Xuan Ling Solidification Technique!"

This is a brand-new Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique deduced by Ye Tian, of course, its side effects are also terrifying, if a half-step Eternal Realm God Realm powerhouse cultivates this Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique, I am afraid that it will be affected in an instant.

But for Ye Tian, this Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique was very good.

"This Eternal Dao Kind Solidification Secret Technique is completely different from the Xuanling Solidification Technique, there is almost no overlap, and it has to be renamed again~. "

"Then call it the Ruins Sun Solidification Technique, and with my Xuri Dao species, the name is very appropriate. "

After Ye Tian created the Ruin Sun Solidification Technique, he also had to deduce other Eternal Dao Solidification Secret Techniques.

After all, the Ruin Sun Solidification Technique is only suitable for the Perfect Eternal Dao Species to be cured, and in the future, human beings will definitely have half-step Eternal Realm God Realm powerhouses, so they are not suitable for using the Ruin Sun Eternal Solidification Technique.

Therefore, Ye Tian still had to leave an eternal Dao solidification technique for human beings that was enough to inherit eternity.

Of course.

This time, Ye Tian didn't put such a lot of effort into it, and only created an Eternal Dao Kind Solidification Secret Technique that was ten times more powerful than the effect of the Xuanling Solidification Technique, and the side effects were very small.

He wanted to create an Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique without any side effects, but it was very difficult, almost no less than creating a perfect Eternal Dao Seed.

Therefore, he didn't do it either, after all, for others, such an Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique was already against the sky.

And this Eternal Dao Solidification Secret Technique suitable for human beings, Ye Tian named it Endless Solidification Technique.

Endless Dao Species, Endless Solidification Technique, this is the supporting inheritance.


He would not put this Endless Solidification Technique in the Terran Temple for the time being, after all, the Terran Race did not have a powerhouse who was about to break through to the half-step Eternal Realm God Realm now, and no one would exchange it if it was placed there.


"The effect of the Sunrise Curing Technique is really terrifying!"

Ye Tian was using the Ruin Sun Solidification Technique to solidify his Eternal Dao Species, and his progress was too fast.

Before, he didn't have any Eternal Dao Seed Solidification Secret Technique, and he slowly solidified it completely on his own, which was almost no progress, and he couldn't feel it at all.

But now, he could clearly sense that his Eternal Dao seed was solidified little by little.

At this rate, his future complete solidification of the Eternal Dao Seed is just around the corner.

"It's a pity that the wife and children have not yet reached the limit of their eternal Dao species, otherwise they can be taught the ruin sun solidification technique!" Ye Tian said darkly.

Now, if they were to pass on the Sun Solidification Technique, they might not be able to help but cultivate in advance.

Like his wife and daughter, his own foundation is insufficient, and he is not on the path of the strongest and the strongest, although he has been making up for their foundation later, he still can't make up for it completely.

However, in the Eternal Dao Species, it can still be slowly stabilized, and it will definitely surpass other Eternal Dao realms.

Therefore, they still need to insist on raising the Eternal Dao Species to the limit.


The other side.

On the Lone Star Realm Alliance's side. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Tian had already changed to a replica body, and his strength had naturally recovered.

Afterwards, he prepared to travel to the Eternal Fire.

The reason why there are so many eternal realms here in the Lone Star Realm Alliance, and even many of them are extremely powerful, much stronger than the kingdom of all gods, and there is also the Eternal Realm God Realm as a backing background, but they still don't go to the Realm God Realm because of the Eternal Fire Sea.

After all, if you go to the realm of the gods and kingdoms, if you are new to the realm, the competition is also very large, and you may not be able to enter a good area.

There are too many eternal realms in the realm of the Realm God Realm, and many regional resources are also barren, if the background is not deep, it is better to be here in the Eternal Fire Sea.

At the very least, the Lone Star Realm Alliance can become so powerful now, thanks to the Eternal Fire Sea.

The area of the Eternal Fire Sea is very large, equivalent to the size of several Eternal Realms, and there are a lot of resources in it, and the core place of it, even the Eternal Realm God Realm does not dare to step into it casually.

The most common resource in the Eternal Fire Sea is the Eternal Flame, which is very precious and can be placed in the Eternal Dao Seed (King Qian's), so as to keep the Eternal Dao Seed not easy to be transformed into a demon seed.

Of course, the Eternal Dao Seed can only target situations where the problem of the Eternal Demon Seed is not serious, and in the case of the Taixing Dao Master, the Eternal Flame is also useless.

In addition to the Eternal Fire, there is also a resource that can improve the Eternal Dao Body - Eternal Fire Sand, the refining effect of this resource is quite good, and the side effects are very low, but the more the number of Eternal Fire Sand refined, the greater the side effects, but as long as you don't control the refining of more Eternal Fire Sand, the problem of demon seed transformation will not be serious.

However, many Eternal Dao realms are still uncontrollable, and they will gradually immerse themselves in refining the eternal fire sand.

Therefore, the problem of demon seeding in the Lone Star Realm Alliance is also very serious.

Of course, on the side of the Lone Star Kingdom Alliance, there are also many powerhouses in the Eternal Dao Body Perfection Realm, and on the side of the Myriad Gods Kingdom Alliance, it is much more difficult to make the Eternal Dao Body Consummated.

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