"At present, it is the death zone of the Eternal Realm that has only begun to change, so the Realm Court Headquarters has not made any other moves, but it will not be too long before they will definitely interfere in the Eternal Realm. "

Ye Tian thought to himself.

He can't do much now, he can only occupy as much territory as possible and quickly develop the strength of the human race.

And just like that, the years passed.

In the blink of an eye, tens of billions of solstice years have passed.

For such a long time, some of the realms of the Eternal Realm Death Zone have been successfully reversed, and they have changed from the Death Zone to normal territories.

And at this time, all the realm gods in the entire Eternal Realm knew about this kind of thing and began to discuss it enthusiastically.

However, they are only discussing and do not occupy these territories.

After all, there are not many resources in these territories at the moment, and they are only equivalent to the ordinary areas of the Eternal Realm~.

Furthermore, they do not have an Eternal Decree, nor can they open up a large number of Eternal Realms in these regions.

However, the human race has opened up so many eternal realms, and it still can't be hidden, and it is known to the realm court and some realm gods.

That is, Ye Tian's strength is strong, so these realm gods dare not come to question the origin of the Eternal State Decree.

If the ordinary realm gods had obtained so many eternal national decrees, they would have been targeted and arrested long ago.


this day.

Many top forces sent Realm Gods into the Eternal Realm, and a large number of Realm Gods poured into the Eternal Realm, such a movement was very large, which naturally attracted Ye Tian's attention.

Subsequently, these forces took out the treasured Eternal Decree and used it, and opened up the Eternal Realm at the Eternal Realm one after another.

All of a sudden, the number of Eternal Realms across the Eternal Realm skyrocketed.

After the eternal kingdoms were opened, these gods guarded these eternal kingdoms.

They didn't go on to do anything else but open up the eternal kingdom.

And some forces don't have many eternal kingdom decrees, and they can't open up a few eternal kingdoms, so they directly occupy some areas after the reversal of the death zone, build some ancient cities here, and declare that this place belongs to them.

Since the Eternal Realm is too vast and there are not many forces involved, they will not compete with each other.

In the days that followed, these forces sent a large number of living beings in, almost all of them were Eternal Dao Realm and Half-Step Eternal Realm God Realm.

Under normal circumstances, the creatures of the Realm God Realm would not be able to enter here, but these top forces could casually send some creatures into the Eternal Realm, which was also with the permission of the Realm Headquarters.

But the powerful forces can't do it, and there is no way to get involved.

This time, the dozen or so top forces in the Eastern Wu Realm also sent many Eternal Dao Realms into the Eternal Realm.

After Ye Tian chatted with several high-level realm gods, he learned some details.

That is, in the future, the Divine Realm will gradually transfer some living beings into the Eternal Realm, focusing on the development of the Eternal Realm.

Because according to the information they have received, the Eternal Frontier is being restored.

Infinite years ago, the Eternal Realm was nearly wiped out by the Demon Seed Abyss, and the entire Eternal Realm became a death zone, and only through the Eternal Decree to open up the Eternal Realm can it be temporarily restored.

But the eternal kingdom is only so big, and if you want to spread across the entire eternal realm, the eternal kingdom that is needed is almost innumerable.

Therefore, the eternal kingdom cannot restore the eternal borders at all.

Like the realm of the gods, the territory occupied by the eternal kingdom is only negligible, and the other places themselves are similar to the eternal kingdom, and they can be inhabited directly without opening up the eternal kingdom.

If the Eternal Realm is completely restored, then there is no need to open up the Eternal Realm, and any territory can be inhabited and countless creatures can multiply.


"It seems that in the future, those top forces and supreme forces in the realm of the gods will completely carve up the eternal realm!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Tian thought.

Fortunately, the human race has opened up tens of thousands of eternal realms, and these territories are naturally very small compared to the entire eternal realm, but the area affected by radiation is very wide.

And he has already reported to the Boundary Court, so the Boundary Court will not drive the Terrans.

In the following days, the human race needs to reproduce a large number of people and cultivate more Eternal Dao Realms, so that they can cultivate more realm gods in the future.

Before you know it, tens of billions of years have passed. []

At this time, many realm gods of the human race have been born, but the middle-level realm gods of the Eternal Realm God Realm have still not given birth to one, but the primary-level realm gods who have condensed the three eternal realm spirits have cultivated more than a dozen, if they work harder and he gives some support, they will still be able to raise their cultivation to the middle-level realm god cultivation within tens of billions of Dao eras.

However, if they wanted to condense the six Eternal Realm Spirits, it would be more difficult.

this day.

Ye Tian's wife, Xiao Yue, finally used those Black Leaf Demon Gold to raise the Eternal Dao Seed to the limit of a middle-level realm god, and was qualified to attack the seventh Eternal Realm Spirit.

Of course, Xiao Yue's breakthrough success rate will not be very high, even if he has a large number of auxiliary resources to help, with the experience given by Ye Tian, there is only a fifty percent chance at most, once the breakthrough fails, he will not be able to continue to impact the bottleneck for a long time, and he needs to restore the Eternal Dao Species.

Xiao Yue was also a little nervous about this impact bottleneck.

But in the end, she decided to hit the bottleneck.

"Yue'er, don't worry, direct impact, even if you fail, it's nothing, spend some more resources to restore the Eternal Dao Species, at most hundreds of billions of Dao Era years, you can slowly recover!" Ye Tian said.


Xiao Yue nodded slightly.

Subsequently, under Ye Tian's protection, Xiao Yue began to break through the bottleneck to condense the seventh perfect-level Eternal Realm Spirit.


She took out all kinds of resources, all of which could improve the chance of condensing the spirit of the Eternal Realm, so many resources that Ye Tian was reluctant to use, and now they were left for Xiao Yue to use, which could help her improve the success rate of her breakthrough.

In the outside world, these resources are enough to make high-level realm gods crazy and fight desperately.

After all, these resources are useful to high-level realm gods, and almost all of them are resources that are difficult to find.

"Let's get started!"

Xiao Yue began to condense the seventh perfect-level Eternal Realm Spirit, and all kinds of resources were swallowed and refined by her to assist her in condensing the Eternal Realm Spirit.

And just like that, time passed slowly.

During this period, Xiao Yue's breath was unstable several times, and the Eternal Realm Spirit seemed to be shattering at any time.

But in the end, Xiao Yue's luck was still very good, and she successfully stabilized.

After a long period of time had passed, Xiao Yue's Eternal Realm Spirit had completely condensed, and there were no problems.

Seeing this, Ye Tian knew that his wife's breakthrough process was 100% successful, and the follow-up process was the breakthrough transformation process.

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