I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 117 Unlimited Gene Society, Desolate Beast World Yushi

"Impossible, the emperor-level ferocious beasts have been watched all the time, but whenever they leave their own domain, the ancestors and others will definitely notice!"

"There will be no chance to give them a shot at all."

Lin Zhentian was filled with anger just now, he didn't think too much, but now he heard what his wife said.

Suddenly found something strange.

Neither of them doubted that it was done by human beings, because their Lin family is a supreme existence in this world, and no one dares to offend them.

"It's not a beast, could it be those guys from the Infinite Gene Society?!"

There was anger in the beautiful woman's eyes.

The Infinite Gene Society is a group of terrifyingly powerful organizations that are looking for an organization that can fuse genes infinitely.

Each one has the ability to devour genes.

Pursue the great horror realm of the Almighty Gene.

And in order to obtain various rare genes, they will not only deal with beasts, but also deal with humans.

Although the beautiful woman is not from this world, she has followed Lin Zhentian for many years, and she still has a little understanding of all the top power organizations in this world.

"Theoretically speaking, it shouldn't be. Lu Zhige, the president of the Unlimited Gene Association, is hitting the mythical level, and he doesn't know where he is hiding in the world of wild beasts." "

"The other members of the Infinite Gene Society have been shrinking for a while!"

"It's impossible for someone to come out to provoke our Lin family at this time, even those emperor-level vice presidents would not dare to escape in front of the ancestor!"

"Without Lu Zhige, they wouldn't dare to offend my family!"

Lin Zhentian said in a deep voice.

It's not that he is conceited, but that Lin Cangming, the patriarch of the Lin family, is too powerful, possessing a mythical level of terrifying combat power.

In the entire blue star human race for hundreds of years, only Lin Cangming has reached the mythical level!

Even Lu Zhige, known as the number one genius of mankind, has stayed at the peak of Emperor Zun level for many years, unable to make any progress.

Hearing Lin Zhentian's words.

The beautiful woman also fell silent.

She also knew the terror of Lin Cangming, the patriarch of the Lin family.

She is from the Yu clan of the Wild Beast World. Although the Yu clan is not the top tribe in the Wild Beast World, it is still a first-class tribe.

Even so, there are only three tribesmen with mythical strength.

Moreover, these people have been around for thousands of years.

Compared to Lin Cangming, who is only a few hundred years old, they dare not say that Lin Cangming has no further realm!

So even if you know that a beautiful woman is married into a small world.

I dare not have any objection.

"Then how did Xiao'er die?!!!"

The beautiful woman roared.

"Yulan, don't worry, I will definitely investigate Xiao'er's death and find out."

"Whoever kills Xiao'er, I will punish him from the Nine Clans!"

Lin Zhentian said in a deep voice, his eyes burst out with a terrifying light between his words.

I have already paid attention in my heart.

Even if the one who killed Lin Tianxiao was an emperor-level powerhouse, he would avenge his son at all costs.

"Zhentian, if it is the Emperor Zun who is strong, even if your ancestors of the Lin family are not willing to kill that person for the sake of the overall situation of your world.

I will also ask my brother to come to this world. (Wang Zhao Zhao)

At that time, I can't imagine what the consequences will be, so after finding out the murderer, I hope that the ancestor of the Lin family will not forgive his life just because he is a local strongman in your world!

My son was conceived in ten months.

I will not let him die in vain!"

The beautiful woman Yulan looked stern.

"Don't worry, Xiao'er is also my son, even if the ancestor let go of the murderer who killed Xiao'er for the sake of the overall situation, I will not let him go!"

Lin Zhentian's eyes were firm. .

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