I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 119 How Can My Royal Family Gain A Foothold?

Wang Shenjing carefully read the contents of the letter.

This is a secret letter from their royal family, and there will be no wrong information.

In this way, Lin Tianxiao, who had a strong background and was at the peak of the ninth rank, was really dead!

"By the way, what do you want from me?"

Wang Chushan smiled and looked at Wang Shenjing's face.

He knew his clan brother very well, and if he didn't have something to do, he would rarely come to him.

"This..." Hearing this, Wang Shenjing looked a little uncomfortable and felt embarrassed.

"Damn, this is not the usual you, what is there to be so awkward!"

Wang Chushan said flatly.

He didn't think there was anything big.

So I didn't take it to heart.

"Brother, this time I went to Wang Shen'ai, partly because I was worried about her danger, and partly because I wanted to see Sophie Hong!"

"As you know, I have always liked Su Feihong, but she doesn't seem to have any feelings for me. She even went to a small place like Jiangyun base to be the principal in order to stay away from me."

Wang Shenjing sat down and complained bitterly.

"Uh... you guys are so in love, I don't understand, you don't have to tell me this..."

Wang Chushan is a martial idiot.

He is good at fighting, and he doesn't know anything about love between children!

Immediately stop Wang Shenjing's words.

"Brother, I don't want to talk to you about love and love. The main reason is that this time I went to Jiangyun Base City and found that Su Feihong has someone she likes." Wang Shen respectfully said.

"Ham, I said what kind of thing is this, there is no way to have someone you like, a twisted melon is not sweet.

Little brother, there are a lot of women out there.

Why do you love Sophie Hong!"

Wang Chushan yawned, he was not interested in these at all.

"Although I like her very much, it's not to the point that I won't marry her. If the man Su Feihong likes is not an anti-human being, I won't be so troubled!"

Wang Shenjing showed bitterness.

"Anti-Humanity? What's going on here!" Wang Chushan suddenly became interested.

"This time Jiangyun base was attacked by several ninth-level beasts, including a terrifying king-level beast."

"Fortunately, Xu Fusheng was there to lure away that king-level beast, otherwise we would not have survived."

...asking for flowers...

"The remaining ninth-level ferocious beasts were originally able to resist with the local combat power of Jiangyun Foundation, but Ji Rushan, who possessed the peak strength of the ninth level, was unexpectedly attacked by an anti-human being, and finally died there. in human hands."

"I don't need to tell you about that person. My eldest brother should have already guessed everything. He is the person who has a relationship with Su Feihong."

"Although Su Feihong is not a member of our Wang family, she is closely related to our Wang family! Once someone finds out that she is with an anti-human being who casually kills the peak of human beings, how will the world view my Wang family.

How can my royal family gain a foothold?!"

Wang Shenjing's voice was a little excited.

Hearing this, Tian Chushan couldn't help frowning.

"He actually has the strength to kill the peak of the ninth order. What kind of strength is that person, king-level? Or emperor-level?"

"But it's not right. Are there any strong human beings above the king level, and you don't know his name? What is this person's name?"

Wang Chushan asked with a frown.

Although the Wang family is not as good as the Lin family, they still have a certain right to speak in the Human Federation.

He also knows the world's strong people well, even some strong people who violate human beings also understand. .

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