I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 129 Killing The Ninth-Rank Peak Bird With One Punch

The distance of tens of thousands of meters is only a few breaths at Chen Hao's speed.

After getting close.

Chen Hao immediately saw a man and a beast in a fierce battle.


To be precise, it was a beast chasing and killing a person, a woman in white.

Its form is a humanoid standing white dog fused with canine genes.

But the figure perfectly reflects the beauty of a human woman.

To Chen Hao, all this is just a passing glance.

After glancing at the woman.

His eyes fell on the fierce beast ~ who was chasing and killing the woman.

It was a beast of a bird type.

Between waving its wings, there is a trace of electric arc spilling out.

Chen Hao had never seen such a ferocious beast. Even though he was knowledgeable in his previous life, he could not find any relevant information in his memory.

Of course, he didn't bother to pay attention to what species this strange bird was.

No need to think about it, this bird flew in from the world of wild beasts.

Since they haven't broken through to the king level yet, the strong human beings guarding the cracks in space don't bother to pay attention to this ninth-level beast.

Letting them enter this world can also allow the ninth-level powerhouses to hunt and kill them, improving combat experience. At the same time, the beast source of the ninth-level ferocious beasts is also a rare resource.

Seeing Chen Hao, the white-clothed woman immediately shouted, "Senior, please help me to kill this beast with the peak strength of the ninth rank."

Because the ferocious beasts originally had terrifying beasts in their bodies, their strength was originally stronger than that of humans in the same realm.

This bird is the pinnacle of the ninth rank, and the strength it erupts has already surpassed the king-level human powerhouse.

The moment she saw Chen Hao, the woman in white didn't think about letting Chen Hao deal with Jie Feiqin alone.

Because the moment Chen Hao appeared, the woman in white sensed his realm, which was only a ninth-order realm.

"Hunting together?"


Chen Hao shook his head, not waiting for the woman in white to say anything more.

He didn't activate the genes in his body.

Blast a punch directly at the ninth-level bird, this punch carries a vast and hot flame.

The flames rushed towards the ninth-level bird quickly, like a fire bird flying towards it at high speed.


The flame bird enveloped the ninth-level bird in an instant.


The ninth-level bird screamed mournfully.

It wanted to break free from the flame that burned itself, but no matter how it struggled, flapping its wings, even if it rushed into the sea, it could not extinguish the flame on its body.

"Hmph, how can you, a little beast, be able to extinguish the flames of Suzaku!"

Seeing the ninth-level bird plunge into the sea, Chen Hao's figure flashed, and he also sank into the sea.


Wait until Chen Hao comes out again.

He already has an extra beast source in his hand.

At the moment he dug out the ninth-level bird and beast source, the system in his mind had already given its genetic level, and it was just an SSSR-level gene. According to the level of the wild beast world that Huo Lan told him, it had just reached the mythical level. A beast of blood.

The fierce beasts in the wild beast world, in addition to improving their strength, they also want to improve their bloodline level.

Only in this way can one break through to a higher realm.

After all, the higher the bloodline, the easier it is to break through to a higher realm.

The same is true for the genes of human fusion.

If you want to break through to the king level, you must at least integrate the bloodline genes of mythical level beasts.

Not to mention the mythical bloodline genes in Chen Hao's body, even the top chaos-level bloodline genes have been fused, and there are also top mythical-level bloodline genes such as Kui Niu and Wuzhiqi. .

In an instant, let the system extract the animal energy in it and refine it into your own blood energy.

"Ding, the extraction is successful, blood gas +1000, spirit +500!"

In addition to blood and spirit, the ninth-level beast source also has a terrifying beast spirit, and Chen Hao also let the system absorb it.

Anyway, he won't turn into a beast because of the violent beast, and lose his sanity. .

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