I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 136 The Muddy Waters Of The Emperor-Level Powerhouse

Seeing Chen Hao eating delicious food, how can a few girls withstand the temptation of delicious food!

So one by one imitated Chen Hao blasting seafood from the sea.

Huo Lan and Ling Xiaoru share the Suzaku Flame.

They don't need Chen Hao to help them, they can grill seafood by themselves.

With a mind-controlled flame, it can perfectly lock the taste of seafood.

It can also be cooked instantly.

In just a few breaths, the girls were eating like Chen Hao one by one.

"Mmm..... Delicious!" Chen Qing ate until she couldn't see.

"Sister Bai Ling, don't just focus on eating, or when Chen Hao finishes eating, he won't have time to listen to you!" 21

Ling Xiaoru saw that Bai Ling was also only focused on eating the flying fish in his hand.


Only then did Bai Ling react when he heard the words.

"It's like this, you all know that I have fused the genes of the Bai Ze beast, so I am also a top-level gene, but I can't beat the powerful ninth-level beast!

And Master Chen Hao could kill a beast at the peak of the ninth rank with one punch. "

"So you're jealous and want to become as powerful as me?!" Chen Hao interjected.

"It means something!" Bai Ling said weakly.

...." Chen Hao was speechless, "Are you out of your mind!"

"Sister Bai Ling, why are you in such a hurry to become stronger? With the genes of Bai Ze's beast, you can definitely become stronger in the future!" Chen Qing asked suspiciously.

"Alas.....There is no way, ever since Bai Zhan, the patriarch of our Bai family, fell in the wild beast world, our Bai family has no support from the emperor!

However, if a king-level human powerhouse wants to hunt down a king-level beast, it is impossible to succeed. The remaining king-levels of our Bai family can only rely on other emperor-level powerhouses if they want to break through the emperor level.

In order to make a strong emperor appear in the family, the elders of the family wanted me to marry a dude, but luckily I escaped smartly!"

Speaking of this, Bai Ling suddenly became a little proud!

As if I want to give myself a thumbs up for my wit!

"I said that the elders of your Bai family are stupid enough to let you, who has the blood of Bai Ze's beast, marry you!"

Huo Lan cursed.

"With the Bai Ze gene, it is not necessarily possible to become a strong man, but marrying me to the son of the strong emperor of the Fang family, they can have a strong emperor to help them hunt down king-level beasts and refine them. source of animals.

Otherwise, without the source of beasts, relying on absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth, I don't know when I will be able to break through to the emperor level!

Moreover, the elder said that I am a woman, and I will marry in the future, so it is not a loss to marry Emperor Fang Hua's son now!"

The more Bai Ling talked, the more aggrieved he became!

A look of being forced to fate by others, and he is powerless to resist.

"I think what your Bai family elders said is right. There is no harm in marrying a son of Emperor Zun!"

Chen Hao said lightly.

He didn't know where to take out a cup of tea, and took a sip silently.

"Brother, what are you talking about, the elders of the Bai family persecute Sister Bai Ling like this, what is the difference from those who force girls into prostitution!"

Chen Qing said angrily, she was not ashamed of what the strong Bai family did.

"I don't want...Fang Hua's son. I heard that he has good talent, but his personality is extremely bad. He also...has women everywhere.

I don't want to marry such a man!"

Bai Ling desperately shook his head.

"If you don't marry, you will run away?!"

"Since you have already escaped 497, why do you care so much!!"

Chen Hao looked indifferent.

I don't want to pay attention to these bloody things at all.

"The world is so small, where can I escape, I am afraid that the elders of the Bai family will catch up soon!

So I want to become stronger, if I can be as strong as you, Master Chen Hao.

You don’t have to be forced to marry by the elders!”

Bai Ling looked at Chen Hao with sparkling eyes.

"Stop wishful thinking, my strength has no skills, you can't learn it, and don't call me master!"

"Because I don't accept apprentices, especially those with brain problems!"

Chen Hao stopped Bai Ling's fantasy.

From the very beginning, he didn't intend to accept apprentices, let alone Bai Ling involved an emperor-level powerhouse.

It is even more impossible for him to wade into this muddy water!.

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