I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 147 Paralyzed And Defeated, But I Didn't Lose

Only now did Fang Li realize how terrifying Huolan's flames were.

Bai Ling broke through his defense, leaving several scars on his body, corroded by the power of destruction, making the wounds unable to heal,

And Huolan's fiery flame burned his soul from the wound.

Fang Li screamed and screamed. In addition to the pain in his body, he also felt like his soul was being burned by a sea of ​​fire, which made him have a splitting headache.

He wanted to extinguish the flames covering his body, but the fewer the flames, the more intense they became.

Even if Fang Li rushed into the sea, it still wouldn't have any effect.

"Ah... what kind of flame is this!"

"My lord, save me!!!"

Fang Li rushed out of the sea again, no matter how much he struggled, he still couldn't extinguish the flames on his body, and the flames had rushed into his body from the wound.

He wanted to use his own vitality to annihilate the flames in his body, but it still didn't work.

Fang Li had no choice but to call Fang Yi for help in the end.

Otherwise, delay for some more time, and when the vitality in his body is exhausted, it will be the moment when his body will disappear.

"Trash, you can't do small things well!"

When Fang Yi saw Fang Li's look of distress, he couldn't help scolding.

"Bai Hong, let's do it!"

Although Fang Li is a bit useless, he is also the most powerful dog under his command, and the other strong members of the Fang family don't even bother to let him order him around.

Therefore, he didn't want Fang Li to die like this!

Bai Hong didn't answer, but his figure flickered.

Disappearing in place, he appeared next to Fang Li in an instant, stretched out his hand, and a terrifying aura rushed towards Fang Li, driving away the flames on his body.

Baihong's vitality is dozens of times stronger than Fang Li's.

With a steady stream of terrifying vitality assisting Fang Li to force out the flames in his body, he regained his life.

"Thank you, brother Bai, for saving my life. If there is a need in the future, Fang will be obliged to do so!"

After Fang Li forced the flame out of his body for the last time, he breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Bai Hong.

He was careless just now, and Bai Ling's attack broke through his own defense, and he was attacked by Huo Lan's terrifying flames. With the cooperation of the two, he almost fell into the hands of two ninth-level women.

"Brother Fang, your vitality is almost exhausted, you should retreat first!"

Bai Hong didn't take Fang Li's words to heart.

In this world where strength is the most important thing, now that his strength is stronger than Fang Li, Fang Li will compliment him. If he is unfortunately injured and his strength is low, Fang Li will probably ignore him!

"These two little girls will be handed over to Brother Bai!"

Fang tried his best to get what he wanted, he was running out of vitality now, and he didn't want to fight Huo Lan again.

Huo Lan and Bai Ling are not ordinary ninth ranks at all.

Comparable to some powerful ninth-level beasts [that is an existence that ordinary masters cannot defeat.

After finishing speaking, Fang Li retreated to Fang Yi's side, took out the healing medicine and knocked on it.

""․ snort!"

Seeing him like this, Fang Yi snorted coldly.

"I always brag about how great I am, but now I can't deal with two little girls. I just lose my face!"

"My lord, the ferocious beast genes fused by these two women are good, I fell into their way only because of my carelessness, and that is the young lady, I am afraid that I will hurt her by mistake!!!"

After Fang Li took the healing medicine, his complexion recovered a bit, and he said respectfully.

He won't admit that he is no match for Huo Lan and Bai Ling.

Otherwise, Fang Yi would be left with an impression of incompetence. If Fang Yi mentioned it in front of his father, he would have no potential in the eyes of Emperor Fang Hua.

"Still sophistry, waste!" Fang Yi said coldly.

After speaking, he ignored the calendar.

Set your sights on the confrontation ahead.

There Baihong stood in the air, with his hands behind his back, with a vast and surging aura.

The air in the world also churned with his breath!

The waves are surging and the clouds are surging. .

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