I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 172: A Trash Disciple Of The Long Family? !

"Very well, as long as everyone is obedient, I won't make things difficult for you!

I came here this time because someone reported to me that some of you were suspected of killing my brother.

Therefore, now I need to check one by one!"

Lin Tianyin glanced around, as if he was just here to find the murderer as he said.


His eyes finally landed on Big Brother Bird King, and then pointed at him.

"I recognize you, I wanted to enter the world of beasts before, and then I said I wanted to check your identity, but you didn't cooperate.

You actually came here, just now I thought you were weird, now I suspect even more that you are the murderer who killed my younger brother Lin Tianxiao..."

"Fart! I haven't seen Lin Tianxiao at all, how can I kill him!"

When that brother Wang heard the words, he hurriedly cursed.

He didn't need to think about it to know that Lin Tianyin wanted to slander him, just because he didn't give him enough benefits before.

Now it's time to make a play!

"Presumptuous, Young Master Lin, it's your turn to argue!"

Wu Zhi reprimanded him.

This time he impulsively ran to report to Lin Tianyin, and he had already offended everyone here.

If he doesn't rely on Lin Tianyin now, his life will definitely be difficult in the future.

Act now when you have the opportunity.

He was only at the beginning of the ninth level, so he was no match for Old Wang, but with Lin Tianyin around, he wasn't afraid of Old Wang either.


However, when his voice fell, the old Wang on the opposite side suddenly erupted, and the terrifying aura was turbulent and surging.

He punched Wu Zhi swiftly and fiercely.


Wu Zhi immediately screamed and flew out.


He bumped into the person behind him, causing them to roll together.


Lin Tianyin drank violently.

Instant shot!

The silver claws manifested, stabbing at the old king with a terrifying aura!

Old Wang has the strength of the late ninth stage!

If he wanted to capture him instantly, Lin Tianyin had to come out of the people

Lin Tianyin not only crushes Old Wang in realm, but even his fused ferocious beast gene is higher than Old Wang's!


The old king is not afraid, and explodes the power of the beast gene in his body!

In an instant, it was like an iron rhino rushing towards Lin Tianyin's huge sharp claws.

Two forces collide!


There is blood flying.

Pharaoh flew upside down.

He lost!

Lost to Lin Tianyin who hadn't fully stimulated the ferocious beast gene.

When Lao Wang made a move, no one helped him!

He was blown out, but he didn't make a move to catch him, and even the people behind him avoided him.

Let him fly into Longlai Restaurant!

At this moment, a force surged out from the restaurant, catching Lao Wang, or protecting the restaurant from being destroyed.

After removing the impact of the old king!

Someone comes out.

It's Long Jing!

There are several Long family members who are in charge of taking care of Longlai Restaurant by his side!

"Lin Tianyin, you are so domineering, you actually used your power and prestige to play on our Long family!"

Long's voice was shocked.

Very angry!

The wealthy families all have their own territories and do not interfere with each other on weekdays. Now that Lin Tianyin is doing trouble in front of his Long family, he just doesn't take their Long family seriously.

Although their Long family is not as strong as the Lin family at the top level, they are not a role to be bullied!

"...Who did I say, it turned out to be you trash!! Nephew!"

"Why haven't you broken through to become a king yet?"

"I remember your talent is good, oh... I remembered, I heard that there was a disciple of the Long family who was arrogant and arrogant, and when he didn't have enough mental power, he tried to integrate the high-level ferocious beast gene, and finally Backlashed by anger, tsk tsk...

Since then, it has been reduced to waste, as expected, after so many years (Nuoma's), it is only the late ninth stage!"

Lin Tianyin looked at Long Jing and said with a smile.

Although he is also at the ninth level, but his talent is not as outstanding as the previous Long Jing, and he is also a few years younger than Long Jing.

Now it is also the peak of the ninth step, and it will not take a few years to break through to the king state!

As for Long Jing, in his opinion, he has no chance to become a king!

Seeing that the people from the Long family were the waste of the Long family, Lin Tianyin felt in a good mood. He knew that there was a king from the Long family in Longlai Restaurant, but he was not afraid. After all, in the deserted city, the Lin family also had king-level powerhouses. !.

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