It was between Wu Xinyue and Long Jing's speech.

Lin Tianyin has already signaled his subordinates to call for the king of the Lin family to come.

Although there is a battle here, the king can project his spirit to find out what happened, but because of the deserted city, there are some people fighting from time to time.

If it wasn't for a king-level battle, many kings wouldn't bother to pay attention.

Moreover, the Lin family's king class is now staying near the entrance of the space crack.

The distance is so far away that no one is investigating at all.

Therefore, Lin Tianyin arranged for someone to go over and shout.

He stared at Wu Xinyue and Long Jing with dark eyes, and saw Wu Xinyue took out a spiritual fruit that could restore the spirit.

I was extremely shocked.

This kind of spiritual fruit is not only for repairing the spirit, but also for improving the spirit.

Because he has seen it in the illustrated book recorded by the family, their ancestors like to travel around the world of wild beasts, and are powerful [The Lin family also has some rare things that other families do not have.

But the Lin family doesn't have the spiritual fruit to enhance the spirit.

This kind of spiritual fruit is useful to anyone.

He didn't expect Wu Xinyue to give this kind of spiritual fruit to Long Jing. If she used it herself, she would be able to speed up the achievement of Emperor Zun.

"What is the relationship between these two?"

Lin Tianyin was confused.

Being able to give this level of spiritual fruit to a person carelessly, even his own son does not have this kind of treatment.

If it wasn't for Wu Xinyue and Long Jing's age being similar, he would have thought that Long Jing was Wu Xinyue's son.

"Is Long Jing the son of Master Wu Xinyue?"

"That's not right, Long Jing's parents are both members of the Long family!"

Lin Tianyin couldn't understand it!

"Dog man and woman!"

In the end, he could only complain like this.


He said this subconsciously.

Although the voice is very small, but the strength of everyone present is like saying it in the ear.


Before he could react, Lin Tianyin felt a burning sensation in his chest.

Then the whole person flew out.

Just like he blasted Lao Wang away before, he smashed heavily on the first floor at an extremely fast speed.

The construction materials of the building are still similar to those of the border deserted city.

Incredibly hard.

But he was still knocked down by Lin Tianyin!

"Huh... told you to get out, but you didn't get out, and you still said bad things about people behind your back. Is this the only quality that the Lin family's children have?"

Wu Xinyue snorted coldly.

The person who sent Lin Tianyin flying was her.

But she didn't hurt the killer!


Long Jing was a little worried, afraid that Wu Xinyue would not know the severity, and it would be troublesome to offend the Lin family.

"It's okay, I know how to measure!" Wu Xinyue said lightly.

Alas.....You are still the same as before, when you disagree with each other, you will do it...

Long was surprised to see her like this, just like in memory, and sighed helplessly.

Generally, as people grow older, their personalities will become more or less introverted.

But Wu Xinyue didn't change at all.

...." Wu Xinyue didn't know what to say.

"Cough cough..."

"Wu Xinyue...don't think that with the backing of Emperor Shuifeng, you can do whatever you want!"

Enduring the pain, Lin Tianyin came out of the ruins, gnashing his teeth.

"Hmph, I need Master's support to deal with you trash? What a joke!"

Wu Xinyue sneered.

The emperor of the Lin family will not attack her. As for the people of the king level, she has no fear (good mother!

This is the confidence of her peak king.

"Good good!"

"I hope you don't regret this!"

Lin Tianyin laughed angrily.

"Even if you call all the kings here in your Lin family, I will say the same thing. It is not my master's turn to deal with you!

The crescent moon's voice was cold, and matched with the aura emanating from her body, she appeared extremely domineering.

Li Li, who stayed beside Long Jing, couldn't help feeling that she was inferior to her.

There is a kind of loss that is lost without competition!.

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