I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 182 Girl, Don't Be Too Enthusiastic To Me

After Lin Qingdie and Wu Xinyue had a power confrontation, they found that each other was extremely terrifying.

Separate immediately and instantly, not stop.

It's about accumulating energy for the next confrontation!

In an instant, the two blasted out the power of genes in their bodies at the same time.

Lin Qingdie shot out a huge cyan flame, covering it towards Wu Xinyue.

Wu Xinyue was also not to be outdone, a burst of icy air greeted her, instantly freezing the space in front of her!

The moment the ice and fire touched, an explosion sounded!

The shock wave generated made the surrounding people startled and retreated one after another!

Lin Tianyin didn't stop others from retreating, even he himself panicked and quickly retreated!

Only then did the king of the Long Family make a move, and a gust of breath gushed out, protecting Longlai Restaurant.

Someone retreated slower, was submerged by the shock wave, and was seriously injured.

"My god, it's too scary! Almost burned to ashes!"

"You're not bad, I almost fell into a world of ice and fire..."

"Is there such a big difference between the peak king and the late king? Lin Zhentian has no strength to fight back in front of Wu Xinyue, but Lin Qingdie, a junior, can fight her on par!"

"Hmph, otherwise, do you think the name of genius is for nothing...!"

After everyone retreated to a safe distance, they all spoke with lingering fear.

Chen Hao also took advantage of the aftermath and followed everyone back!

Scanning the surroundings, he found that the Lin family in the previous mental blockade had been disrupted.

His eyes flashed, and he wanted to take the opportunity to leave.

He can also take advantage of the current place to attract everyone's attention, and he can try to pass through the space crack.

"Su Muyu, please tell the captain for me, I have something to leave, and I can't enter the Wild Beast World with you.

He turned his head and said to Su Muyu who was always by his side.

He was also speechless, why did this girl always follow him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't bother to say goodbye to these people, and just leave in style.

Without saying a word now, Chen Hao doubted that this girl would follow him all the time, and it would be difficult to get away by then.

"Ah... Chen Hao, you are leaving? Won't you go into the Wild Beast World with us?"

Hearing this, Su Muyu suddenly yelled in shock.

"Yeah!" Chen Hao nodded seriously while looking around.

Seeing him is really urgent.

Su Muyu wanted to ask to stay, but she didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, at this moment, Jing and Li Li flew over.

Su Muyu hurriedly said to Long Jing: "Captain, Chen Hao said he was leaving..."

There was reluctance in his tone.

Hearing this, Long Jing was also a little surprised, but he was not surprised that Chen Hao would leave, but Su Muyu showed such a reluctance.

Looking at Chen Hao at last, he asked, "Brother Chen Hao, what are you rushing to leave? Didn't we agree to enter the world of wild beasts together?"

"I..." Chen Hao was a little helpless, he didn't know how to speak, but he didn't expect that Long Jing would just come over at this time.

.Oh...do you think that I was injured and wasting time to enter the Wild Beast World? Don't worry, I'm only injured a little, and it won't waste much time!”

Long was startled to see Chen Hao sizing him up, and immediately said loosely.

"No, I have other things to do!" Chen Hao shook his head, Long Jing could really think of it.

"What's the matter with you, the captain and us can help..." Su Muyu said anxiously.

"...." Chen Hao gave her a strange look, not understanding why this girl was so enthusiastic.

When we first met, Ke (Qian Li's) was not like this.

"That's right, if you have something urgent, just tell me, and I can help. Although my strength is not very strong, it is still possible to use some other strength!"

Long Jing also spoke, he knew that Su Muyu might be interested in facing Chen Hao, whether it was to strengthen their team, or for the happiness of little girl Su Muyu.

He wanted Chen Hao to stay.

" Chen Hao has a big head, even if there is no business with the Lin family, he will not join any team.

Now Long Jing and the others made him a little embarrassed. .

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