I Can Copy The Beast Gene

Chapter 192 Fierce Battle Against The King-Level Veteran Powerhouse

Huo Lan and Chen Qing, who had been paying attention to Chen Hao's situation from a distance, heard Wang Shenjing roaring that Chen Hao was the murderer who killed Lin Tianxiao.

His expression tensed up immediately.

When Lin Zhentian appeared, it only took a few breaths for Chen Hao to be surrounded by many ninth-level powerhouses from the Lin family.


Huo Lan murmured in a low voice.

Chen Qing looked worried, afraid that Chen Hao would be taken away by the Lin family, so she didn't dare to speak out, lest people find out that she was related to Chen Hao, and would become a burden to Chen Ji.

Others don't know, but they know the truth.


Chen Hao glanced at the people from the Lin family who surrounded them, but they were only people from the early stage of the ninth level.

Look at their disordered appearance.

I knew that they were all people who forced their way up and had no hope of reaching the ninth level.

Following Chen Hao's cold snort.

A horrible breath came out.

Rolling over in all directions.


These ninth-tier Lin family members vomited blood in an instant and were seriously injured.

Chen Hao's aura vibrated out, carrying a fierce and evil spirit.

Those who are weaker than him cannot resist at all.


Seeing this, Lin Zhentian's pupils constricted instantly, and his face became solemn.

"King level evil spirit!"

Shocked in his heart, he broke away.

People at his level have a certain understanding of evil spirits in ferocious beasts.

Generally, after being promoted to the king level, the mental power will also undergo a transformation, become stronger, and one after another will also merge and condense the evil spirit.

Only the king class will not easily lose control.

Seeing that only the ninth-level Chen Hao suddenly burst out with the concentration of evil spirit that can only be condensed by the king level, he was extremely shocked.

He also knows that people below the king level are some bold lunatics who condense fierce beasts, but they are not as strong as Chen Hao.

for a while.

Chen Hao is a lunatic in his eyes.

But he didn't know that Chen Hao's beast spirit had reached the third level, and the evil spirit that just burst out was only at the first level!

Chen Hao seriously injured several members of the Lin family.

Let the people around you be shocked as well.

They were not shocked by Chen Hao's strength, but rather surprised by his courage. He was so brave that he injured someone from the Lin family in front of the king of the Lin family.

Lin Zhentian is not a parallel importer like Wang Chushan who has just been promoted to the king rank.

He's an established king.

In the hands of Wu Xinyue, who is at the peak of the king's strength, he can fight fiercely.

It can be seen that its strength is not bad!


After Lin Zhentian was surprised that Chen Hao had a terrifying evil spirit, he immediately shouted.

Instant shot.

Even if a ninth rank has the evil spirit of king level, in his opinion, it is only rank nine.

Under the king, all are ants.

The figure disappeared in place.


Appearing in front of Chen Hao, he blasted a terrifying blow.

Smash Chen Hao with one blow!

Those who saw this scene cried out.

Unexpectedly, Chen Hao, who was so talented, was killed by Lin Zhentian with one move.

But there are others who see it differently!

"What a speed!"

He didn't mean Lin Zhentian, but Chen Hao.

What was blown away by Lin Zhentian was just the afterimage left by Chen Hao.

Chen Hao dodged Lin Zhentian's attack with astonishing speed.


Terrible and fiery flames.

It burst out from its body (Nuo's Zhao) in an instant.


There was the cry of birds and beasts.

A flaming bird-like flame shot towards Lin Zhentian, covering him instantly!


Lin Zhentian roared loudly, and the beast gene in his body burst out.

Bounce off the flames that Chen Hao shot over.

The figure flickered.

Attack Chen Hao again.

No matter the speed Chen Hao displayed, or the fierce flames, he dare not underestimate it.

Once taken lightly.

He felt that he might capsize the boat!

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