"This is Master Ji's magical weapon, the complete form of Jiejuan!" Yu Haoyang looked at the scene in front of him outside the door, and his eyes finally fell on the short bamboo in Ji Xun's hand, with unconcealable envy in his expression.

It is said that the bamboo in Ji Xun's hand is called "Jie Duan" and is a very powerful magic weapon. The bamboo is loaded with silk thread made from the hair of ancient exotic animals. The biggest feature of this kind of thread is that it is extremely tough and is said to be able to cut space.

It is precisely thanks to the silk threads made from the hair of ancient alien beasts that this magical weapon called Jie Duan has ever-changing characteristics. As long as the user is mentally strong enough, he can control these tough silk threads to transform into various forms. Accomplish many unimaginable things.

Before Ji Xun, Jie Duan had not been used for a long time.

On the other side, Gu Ming took the bus back to the Beidou branch. It wasn't that he didn't want to go back to the villa directly. It was already midnight, and the bus closest to the villa had long stopped running, and if he took a taxi, his balance was no longer enough. , so I can only go back to the branch for one night.

In fact, it’s not a compromise. The accommodation environment in the office is not much worse than that in a villa, and the canteen also serves late-night snacks.

When Gu Ming returned to the office, he found that Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing's door was still closed and the lights were turned off. He thought that they might just go back to rest. After all, judging from the battle tonight, the consumption of the two was not high. Small.

"Hurry up and check the progress of the mission." Gu Ming simply washed up, then sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone immediately.

Although it was only his second operation, he was already very proficient in logging into the intranet and performing various operations.

As soon as I went online, I found that customer service Maolin was still online. When the other party saw that Gu Ming was online, he also sent greetings as soon as possible.

Maolin overhead: "Is the mission going well?"

Walker: "Everything goes well. I see that the task status is still in progress. I wonder when the result will be determined?"

Maolin: "Don't worry, the task you chose this time is to serve as a guardian for other colleagues. As long as they successfully hand over the task, your task status will be changed to completed, and the promised reward will be within one working day." Transfer it to your account. This reward does not involve physical items. If there is a physical reward, it will be sent to the address you reserved within one working day, so you should complete your personal information first if you have time. "

Gu Ming followed the prompts and quickly completed filling in the account's personal information. As for the mailing address, Gu Ming left Jiang Siyi's villa address without even thinking about it.

Not long after filling in the information, the message that 30,000 yuan had been received came from his mobile phone. Gu Ming felt happy. The first thing he did was not check the task status, but the balance of his bank account. The surprise came so fast that he couldn't believe it.

"It's true." Gu Ming carefully counted the digits before the decimal point and determined that it was thirty thousand yuan and forty. The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, and his life for the next period of time was settled.

Speaking of which, this is the first time in Gu Ming's life that he has received a four-digit remittance, which can be said to be of extraordinary significance.

After confirming that the money had arrived, Gu Ming opened the intranet and checked the merit credit record. He received 2,000 merit points for this mission, and the cumulative merit points were 4,000. Gu Ming flipped through the merit redemption page and found that the merit points he currently had were at most 4,000. Change to a D series alloy weapon.

In addition to magical weapons, the most commonly used weapons by awakened people are alloy weapons. Superconducting metals are added to these weapons, which can conduct spiritual power to a certain extent. They are divided into five grades ABCDE according to quality from high to low. Among them, C-grade weapons can withstand up to The power of the Divine Sea Realm, level B and above, can withstand extraordinary power.

Above A level, there are also customized S-level weapons. It is said that the power of S-level weapons can be infinitely close to that of magic weapons, or even exceed it. However, S-level weapons require a large amount of merit to redeem them. Generally speaking, those who have so many merits can Strong people almost all have their own magical weapons.

"Do you want to accept the next mission?" Maolin sent a message from above, "You are now familiar with the execution process of the mission, so I suggest you directly choose the C-level mission. With your ability, there is no problem at all."

"Forget it, let's do some personal things for the next two days." Gu Ming replied, he already had the money, who would work for him?

Just kidding, but the reason why Gu Ming didn't continue the task was because he had a more important thing to determine.

At the auction at the Mid-Levels Club, Du Ziteng and Ji Xun both showed a strong interest in the fifth-generation Tianlei sniper rifle that can break through extraordinary defenses, and thus successfully aroused Gu Ming's suspicion.

Just tonight, Gu Ming severely wounded the sniper hiding in the dark. Judging from the blood stains left at the scene, the sniper was severely injured and would not be able to recover in a short time.

The next day, Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing both came very early. They didn't know if they had made an appointment, but they rushed to Gu Ming's office as soon as they arrived.

At this time, Gu Ming was still lying on the bed, and his hair was disheveled. When Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing rushed in, they could still see the small cloak towering on the quilt.

"Sister Taozi, Sister Jingjing, don't you two know how to knock on the door?" Gu Ming curled up like a frightened caterpillar.

Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing both hid their faces and smiled, but they still exited the office. Five minutes later, Gu Ming walked out fully dressed.

"Sisters, why are you looking for me so early?"

Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing took out a thermos box from behind at the same time.

"This is the breakfast I brought you, crab roe and shrimp dumplings," Hu Tao said.

"Try mine first. I queued for more than an hour to buy this super delicious spicy noodle. I bought the raw package and just heated it up in the cafeteria." Luo Jingjing said.

The two opened the lid of the thermal box, and the office was immediately filled with a fragrant aroma.

"There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. What do you mean?" Gu Ming did not accept it immediately, but asked cautiously.

Hu Tao gave a look that you know. After she recognized Gu Ming yesterday, she called out Gu Ming's name through telepathy, so the meaning of this breakfast is obviously to thank him.

Luo Jingjing said directly: "Of course, thank you for saving my life last night."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Ming and Hu Tao were both stunned at the same time. Hu Tao even planned a series of plans to make Luo Jingjing socially dead, but they were all shattered with her words of life-saving grace.

"What life-saving grace, I don't understand." Gu Ming said with a forced calmness.

"Stop talking nonsense, I know it's you." Luo Jingjing said, "Who else but you can wear such a rustic monkey mask?"

Gu Ming was silent, and the atmosphere was a little solemn.

Luo Jingjing said: "Okay, actually I recognized your flame rhyme. When you lent me your spiritual power to perform magical powers, I guessed it was you. I didn't expect you to be so hidden. Tell me the truth, what is the intention of such a great god to condescend to our small Tianquan Department? Is he coveting our position as Minister?"

"I really don't..."

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