Wen Lan first thought of Xie Yansheng.

During their marriage, she had asked Xie Yansheng for sponsorship for the TT fashion show, but Xie Yansheng always sneered and didn't pay a penny even though she talked her mouth off.

This time, Xie Yansheng gave TT a large amount of sponsorship for the New Year's show. Could it be that he was out of his mind?

Even more outrageous was Jiang Jingci, a man who had never left any traces in the fashion circle, who actually used the name "Yuansheng Jiangji" and paid the same amount of sponsorship as Xie Yansheng!

Wen Lan found Zhou Qiao on the second floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center, in a room marked "Command Room".

Zhou Qiao had just finished the lighting and scenery for the opening with the director of this fashion show. Seeing Wen Lan was like seeing a savior, "Lanlan, I have been so busy since noon that I haven't had a sip of water. Help me get a bottle of water!"

Wen Lan went downstairs and returned with two bottles of water two minutes later. She found that Zhou Qiao was the only one left in the command room.

Zhou Qiao took the water and drank half of it in one breath, her face full of anticipation and joy: "Now, I'm already looking forward to the fashion show tomorrow night!"

"TT's opening show has been on the hot search in Jiangcheng, and the public opinion this time has reached an unprecedented height." Wen Lan gave Zhou Qiao a thumbs up sincerely, "Mr. Zhou is awesome."

"It's all made with money! I can make money, and I'm also very good at spending money." Zhou Qiao played with the half bottle of pure water that he hadn't finished drinking with one hand, smiling like a flower, "This time, I want to especially thank my dad and several sponsors. Especially Xie Zha Zha and Lao Jiang."

"I saw Xie Yansheng's name on the list of sponsors, and I thought I made a mistake." Wen Lan asked tentatively, "Did your dad get the sponsorship for you?"

"My dad is only responsible for paying the money, he doesn't care about these!" Zhou Qiao tilted his head and looked at Wen Lan, saying meaningfully, "I was just about to tell you that this time it was Xie Zha Zha's assistant who took the initiative to come to deliver the sponsorship fee, and it was a seven-digit sum."

"Did Xie Yansheng make any unreasonable requests?" Wen Lan asked nervously.

Xie Yansheng is a person who will not do anything without profit. He has always been stingy with her. She doesn't believe that Xie Yansheng would pay a seven-digit sponsorship fee for no reason!

"It's just to make a few advertising signs for the 'Feast' on the scene. There is really no other thing. Lao Jiang, that straight man, is even more interesting. He called and asked Xie Yansheng how much he would pay, and he paid that much."

Zhou Qiao leaned on a desk, and his eyes fell on Wen Lan more and more playfully.

"Those two are rich people with nowhere to spend! It has nothing to do with me, don't stare at me like that!" Wen Lan was very uneasy because of Zhou Qiao's eyes, and glared at Zhou Qiao unhappily.

"Lanlan, after all, it's your credit to get the sponsorship fees from Xie Zhazha and Lao Jiang this time." Zhou Qiao is a wise man, and patted Wen Lan on the shoulder with a smile, "I can already imagine how many big sponsors will come to the door after the establishment of the men's high-end studio!"

Wen Lan took a breath of cold air in despair.

At that time, under Zhou Qiao's repeated persuasion, she became a partner of the men's high-end studio based on the principle of less investment.

"I will withdraw my shares and continue to be in charge of the women's clothing department." Wen Lan did not want to have any intersection with them at work, and expressed her position to Zhou Qiao.

"It's too late to say this now!" Zhou Qiao shrugged, "The men's high-end studio will be put into use soon. I can't handle it even if I split it into two. I still expect you to help me!"

Wen Lan sighed unwillingly, but soon figured it out.

She made money from her high-end men's clothing. If people really want to come to buy clothes frequently in the future, she can only greet them with a smile.

It's hard to make money these days. Only when you have more money can you have the confidence to talk. Who can drive customers away in business!

"Xie Zhazha and Lao Jiang get the same amount of sponsorship fees, but there is only one C position for watching the show every year. Which one should be put in the C position?" Zhou Qiao's thoughtful eyes fell on Wen Lan again.

Wen Lan hurriedly distanced herself from him: "Don't look at me! You are the boss, you make the decision."

"If it really doesn't work, let the two of them bid, and the one with the highest price will get the C position." Zhou Qiao spread his hands helplessly, "Actually, I am inclined to Lao Jiang, but I dare not offend Xie Zha now."

Wen Lan did not dare to favor one over the other, so she chose to keep silent, picked up a pile of materials for rehearsal and prepared to go downstairs.

When she opened the door, she unexpectedly met Jiang Jingci who was about to knock on the door.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Jiang Jingci had lost weight, his face had a haggard look that he had never had before, and there was a faint smell of cigarettes on his body.

Because the air conditioning in the venue was turned on enough and the temperature was high, Jiang Jingci only wore a light blue shirt, black trousers underneath, and a black suit on his arm.

Last time in Beijing, she had made it very clear that Wen Lan had no intention of saying hello. After their eyes met, Wen Lan quickly moved away and took the initiative to make way for him.

Little did she know that Jiang Jingci also stepped aside to make way for her.

The two of them retreated in the same direction three times in a row!

Wen Lan stopped awkwardly, and Jiang Jingci passed by her in silence.

Zhou Qiao saw the whole scene, and shook his head in melancholy: "Old Jiang, you are a man. If you want to pursue Lan Lan, you must be thick-skinned. It won't work if you talk about face. You have to be shameless like Xie Yansheng, who has no bottom line."

"Has she ever told you the truth--" Jiang Jingci reached out and closed the door, his voice dim and weak, "Is she ready to reconcile with Xie Yansheng?"

"Lan Lan went through a lot of hardships to divorce Xie Yansheng. Now that she is single again, how can she think about getting back together?" Zhou Qiao shook his head, "You are a man, and you have no idea what a habitual cheating man would do. What a disservice to women!”

"I'm very curious about what kind of relationship can make two divorced people often-"

Jiang Jingci paused as he spoke, took out a cigarette after sitting down, and swallowed the unspeakable words that followed.

"I don't understand either! When Lan Lan was Mrs. Xie, Xie Yansheng was really bad. But after the divorce, Xie Yansheng didn't marry Bai Yueguang. I also heard that Xie Yansheng doesn't go to Feng Yue Chang anymore. Yes." Zhou Qiao said slowly.

"If I had to find a reason, it would be -" Zhou Qiao felt a little embarrassed, "Xie Yansheng is obsessed with Lanlan's body. Although she is divorced, she still wants to continue sleeping to relieve her loneliness."

Jiang Jingci held an unlit cigarette in one hand and said in a lonely voice, "I have a very strong feeling that Xie Yansheng has always been deeply in love with Wen Lan. From the beginning to the end, Xie Yansheng wanted to keep Wen Lan by his side. But there were so many obstacles between the two that he had to retreat in order to advance and let go temporarily——"

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