Wen Lan called Jiang Jingci to the bathroom and tried to wash his back on the sink, but it was inconvenient.

She could only turn on the shower, but in order to prevent the water from flowing to his lower body, Wen Lan found a bath towel to wrap around his waist.

Jiang Jingci may have the habit of fitness, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, and his muscle lines are very masculine.

After washing, she applied a thick layer of aloe vera gel on him.

The wound corroded by strong hydrochloric acid was six or seven centimeters long and half a centimeter wide, and it was as hideous as a brown earthworm.

Because of excessive tension, Wen Lan did not feel embarrassed when doing all this.

Before Jiang Jingci put on the shirt, Wen Lan took a picture of the hideousness on his back with her mobile phone and put it in front of him, "I mean to go to the hospital immediately, it will be troublesome if there is a scar."

"After arriving at the hospital, the doctor will definitely make a fuss, just let it go." Jiang Jingci glanced across the mobile phone screen and said indifferently.

"Then I'll go to the pharmacy to buy some anti-inflammatory drugs." Wen Lan's right foot has not fully recovered. In addition to the early pregnancy and hypoglycemia, although she is very uncomfortable, she still tries to cheer up.

"You look very bad, take a rest, I'm a grown man and I'm not so hypocritical." Jiang Jingci said as he gathered his clothes and walked to the small kitchen, "Do you have any ingredients? I'll make you dinner."

Wen Lan thought of the meals and Western pastries and fruits that Jiang Jingci had specially prepared for her at Qiushuitai just now, and lowered her head in self-blame, "Only noodles and eggs."

"Wait, it will be ready in ten minutes." Jiang Jingci first found the ingredients in the empty refrigerator and turned on the gas stove.

Soon, the small room was filled with the tempting smell of rice.

Two bowls of hot egg noodles were brought to the table by Jiang Jingci, "The ingredients are limited, so let's make do with it for now."

Wen Lan's appetite had been aroused by the aroma of home-cooked meals, and she limped to the dining room and sat down.

She found that there were only noodles in Jiang Jingci's bowl, and there were three eggs in her bowl. She asked hurriedly: "Are there only three eggs left in the refrigerator?"

"I don't eat much at night, and a bowl of noodles is enough nutrition." Jiang Jingci sat opposite her with a smile and picked up the bowl and chopsticks.

She felt bad, so she put a poached egg into Jiang Jingci's bowl, and then split an egg in half, giving half of it to Jiang Jingci.

Jiang Jingci did not refuse, and his stiff features were stained with unprecedented tenderness and relief.

Halfway through the two of them, there was a hurried knock on the door.

Wen Lan was about to get up to see who it was, but Jiang Jingci had opened the door before her.

Standing at the door was Xie Yansheng.

Just like that, the two men inside and outside the house looked at each other!

At this time, Jiang Jingci only had a shirt loosely draped over his upper body, and his chest was still naked.

"Why are you here?" Xie Yansheng's dissatisfied voice came into Wen Lan's ears, "Where is Lanlan?"

Wen Lan put down the bowl and chopsticks and walked quickly to the door.

Xie Yansheng's eyes moved from Wen Lan to the dining table in the dining room. There were two bowls of steaming noodles on the table, adding a bit of worldly atmosphere to the room.

This wisp of worldly atmosphere was also what he deeply desired but had never obtained.

Xie Yansheng's eyes were like wounds, and his thin lips curved into a mocking arc, and he said in a dark voice: "So, I shouldn't have come here."

At this time, Wen Lan was full of hatred and resentment towards Xie Yansheng, but he didn't want to be laughed at by Jiang Jingci on the side, so he just wanted to send Xie Yansheng away as soon as possible, "Go downstairs, I have something to tell you."

"Say it now, the three of you are here, say everything you want to say, so that Mr. Jiang and I won't make random guesses anymore." Xie Yansheng's elegant face was full of loneliness, and there was no warmth in his eyebrows.

Wen Lan had picked up his coat and walked directly to the elevator.

Xie Yansheng stood at the door for two minutes before following.

Only Jiang Jingci was left standing alone at the entrance.

Wen Lan and Xie Yansheng went downstairs. He had no appetite at all. He walked out of the room, took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it slowly.

He suddenly had a premonition that today would be a turning point in the relationship between Wen Lan and Xie Yansheng.

When he saw Wen Lan again, she would either be persuaded by Xie Yansheng or break up with Xie Yansheng completely.

After thinking about it, he felt that the latter was more likely.

Wen Lan and Xie Yansheng were silent throughout the elevator.

When the elevator stopped on the first floor, Wen Lan walked quickly into the rest pavilion diagonally opposite the apartment building.

It was dinner time, and there were only a few elderly people watching children playing in the community.

Before Wen Lan spoke, Xie Yansheng had already turned on the lighter, and smoke soon filled his fingers.

"Your mother came to block me at my door. Why didn't you reply when I sent you a WeChat message or called you?" Wen Lan was full of resentment and was on the verge of collapse, with a shrill voice.

"I was called to the old house by the old man in the afternoon." Xie Yansheng was stunned, his eyes full of unspeakable sorrow, "The phone is turned off."

"When you want to sleep with me, you are like a dog-skin plaster! When I was most helpless and bullied by your mother, you turned off your phone!"

Wen Lan suddenly cried, "When I was almost killed by your mother, it was Jiang Jingci who saved me! What are you doing now? Whether before or after marriage, what have you given me except making me fall into endless panic and pain?"

Xie Yansheng put out the cigarette in his hand.

In the evening, he was called to the old house by the old man.

When he walked into the living room, he was firmly controlled on a bench by the old man's four strong confidants, his mobile phone was taken away, and the old man whipped him hard with a whip until he was tired.

Because Wen Lan took An Zhen to the police station, the An family canceled the engagement ceremony at the beginning of next month again.

Old Master Xie vented all his hatred on Xie Yansheng.

Family disgrace should not be made public. In order to save Xie Yansheng's face, the old man had his clothes stripped off, leaving only a pair of underwear for him.

His marriage with An Zhen was ruined. The old man was heartbroken and showed no mercy when he whipped him.

But he was also careful. He only whipped Xie Yansheng's back and didn't touch the exposed part of his clothes.

Xie Yansheng was also tough. He let the wet whip whip his back again and again, but he just gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

The old man was tired of beating him and started scolding again. He was very aggressive at first, but then he shut up.

When Xie Yansheng got his phone, he saw Wen Lan's missed calls and WeChat messages. He endured the pain in his body and rushed to Blue Water Bay immediately.

On the way, he received a call from the old house, saying that Xie's mother was so angry with Wen Lan that she had a heart attack and was hospitalized. She didn't mention anything about Xie's mother throwing nitric acid at Wen Lan.

After he confirmed on the phone that Xie's mother was fine, he still chose to see Wen Lan as soon as possible.

When the security door opened, Jiang Jingci, who was disheveled, stabbed his heart at once!

Wen Lan's harsh criticism and dozens of whip marks on his body made him full of anger, but he was still forbearing.

"Last time you were photographed in the car, this time you took An Zhen to the police station, you know the twists and turns better than anyone else! But your mother always holds me back-"

Wen Lan thought of the child in her belly, collapsed and covered her lower abdomen, staring at Xie Yansheng hatefully, "Do you know-"

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