On the way back to "Yunshen City", Wen Lan heard a lot about Xue Qi's "glorious achievements".

In the individual all-around competition of the army, he won the special prize for two consecutive years.

He fought 60 black market boxing matches in half a year and won 58 of them.

Wen Lan was very curious about the salary Xie Yansheng gave to Xue Qi. Xie Yansheng shook his head repeatedly, "Don't ask, this is not a question you should consider."

"Is 30,000 yuan a month enough?" Wen Lan still said tentatively.

"In your eyes, the 'Ever-Victorious Princess' of the black market boxing field is so worthless?" Xie Yansheng said disdainfully, "Don't guess, as long as she can protect you, no matter how much money is not too much. Let me remind you that Xue Qi is taciturn and introverted. If you feel that she is difficult to communicate with, just ignore her or treat her as a background board."

"Listening to you all the way, I want to get to know this Xue Qi." Wen Lan's mind has appeared the female bodyguard who can do everything in the world in film and television dramas.

Twenty minutes later, Xie Yansheng parked the car in the parking space outside the villa.

Wen Lan picked up her handbag and coat and prepared to get out of the car. A thin and strong hand opened the car door for her.

She looked along her arm and saw a tall, thin woman with short hair.

The woman was bare-faced, wearing a clean and neat black casual outfit. Her facial features were pretty, and her eyes were darker and brighter than ordinary people, very spirited.

The exposed arm was full of muscle and strength, and her wheat-colored skin showed that she was different from ordinary women.

Before Wen Lan looked at the woman standing opposite, the woman had already said: "Miss Wen, I am Xue Qi."

The title of "Miss Wen" made Wen Lan startled, but she was soon relieved by Xue Qi's cleverness.

Although she lived with Xie Yansheng now, she was still Jiang Jingci's wife, and "Miss Wen" was a title that would not cause displeasure to her and Xie Yansheng.

"Hello, Xue Qi." Wen Lan took the initiative to extend her hand and shook hands with Xue Qi.

Xue Qi nodded with a stern face, and followed Wen Lan into the house.

Xie Yansheng went directly to the study to hold a video conference for the employees of "Feast".

Wen Lan went to the side bedroom to see Nuan Nuan who was still taking a nap, went back to the master bedroom to change into comfortable home clothes, and went to the kitchen to make a pot of strong black tea.

Xue Qi stood quietly in a corner of the living room. Wen Lan asked her to sit down several times, but she shook her head.

Wen Lan poured a cup of brewed tea for Xue Qi and handed it to her, but Xue Qi waved her hand and refused to take it.

"There is no need to be so restrained at home." Wen Lan put the tea on the coffee table, "In fact, you can follow me when I go out. Now you can go to the next door to rest."

"Mr. Xie said that Miss Wen can't be out of my sight." Xue Qi finally said the second sentence to Wen Lan after meeting. M.

Wen Lan was not used to being stared at, and hurriedly said: "As the client, I feel that you are standing under my nose now, which will make me inexplicably nervous. You should go to the next room first."

"I only listen to Mr. Xie." Xue Qi looked calm and ignored Wen Lan's words.

It was the first time that Wen Lan met such a twisted person, and she reluctantly took a cup of black tea and went upstairs.

The door of the study was half open, and Xie Yansheng was talking about something related to digital games. Wen Lan felt a headache after listening to a few sentences.

She knocked on the door symbolically, pushed it open gently, put the tea on Xie Yansheng's computer desk, and then returned to the master bedroom.

Wen Lan lay on the bed and looked at her mobile phone. The hot news about her cheating on Xie Yansheng during her marriage was still high.

There were also people who released the news of her divorce trial with Jiang Jingci. The words in the comment area were full of sympathy for Jiang Jingci. She and Xie Yansheng became "adulterers and adulterers" that everyone wanted to beat.

Those heartbreaking comments made her so angry that she almost had a heart attack!

The divorce case between her and Jiang Jingci was held in private. If Jiang Jingci didn't tell anyone, who would know about the trial today!

Jiang Jingci!

She was so angry that she called Jiang Jingci's phone number after removing it from the blacklist.

"Is it you?" Jiang Jingci's unbelievable snort came soon.

"Jiang Jingci——" Wen Lan's voice was trembling when she called out this name.

Jiang Jingci said in a joking tone: "If you have any instructions, I'm all ears."

"Don't hire Internet trolls to slander me and Xie Yansheng!" Wen Lan gritted her teeth in hatred, "This marriage will be divorced sooner or later, do you have to disgust me so much?"

"You're with Xie Yansheng before the divorce, do you know how disgusting I am?" Jiang Jingci snorted coldly.

Wen Lan was driven crazy by the criticism, "You are a psychopath while you are spreading rumors about my cheating online, and you don't want to get a divorce, Jiang Jingci!"

"I am indeed a psychopath. Since I met you, my nerves have never been normal." Jiang Jingci was full of complaints and ready to explode, "If I had been a little bit upset, I would have been pissed off by you! It's my good fortune to be alive until now!"

Seeing that Jiang Jingci showed no sign of giving in, Wen Lan hung up the phone and blocked Jiang Jingci again.

The call rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Wen Lan almost answered it.

"It's me." The moment Jiang Guan's tender voice sounded, she began to regret answering the call.

She still greeted him, "It's Jiang Guan, what's the matter?"

"I want to talk to you." Jiang Guan's tone was very aggressive, and he didn't even call her "Sister Lan".

Wen Lan asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"I heard that your divorce case with Lao Jiang is going to court today." Jiang Guan suddenly became excited, "You haven't even cut off your relationship with Lao Jiang yet, and you're living with your ex-husband. How can Lao Jiang put his face on that?"

Wen Lan didn't expect that he was here to ask for an explanation. She suppressed her displeasure and said, "This is a matter between me and Lao Jiang. You, a little kid, should not interfere."

"Wen Lan! The man you abused is my father! I have lost my mother for a long time. He is the person who loves me the most and treats me the best in the world. Seeing him being angry at you and unable to sleep all night, worrying about gains and losses, my heart is bleeding!"

Jiang Guan's explosive roar made Wen Lan tremble.

"I hope you can persuade Lao Jiang to sign the divorce agreement as soon as possible." Wen Lan didn't want to argue with an underage child and got to the point.

"My grandmother forced him to divorce you by severing the mother-son relationship. He didn't want to listen to me!" Jiang Guan said angrily, "I don't want to care about the mess between you, and I can't. I just hope that before dissolving the marriage, you can leave Lao Jiang with some dignity."

Wen Lan blushed, and the busy tone of the call ended rang in her ears.

After arguing with Jiang Jingci, she was feeling upset, and was scolded by Jiang Guan again!

She was so angry that she didn't know where to vent it. She heard familiar footsteps at the bedroom door, and Xie Yansheng walked towards her.

"No need to ask Jiang Jingci, I have a way to make him sign the agreement."

"What is the way?" Wen Lan suddenly became interested.

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