Wen Lan was stunned immediately.

Jiang Jingci thought she didn't hear clearly, so he repeated what he just said.

Wen Lan was not calm anymore, and asked anxiously: "What does our divorce have to do with Jiang Guan?"

"Go ask your good ex-husband Xie Yansheng." Jiang Jingci said coldly, and walked quickly into the rain.

Wen Lan and Xue Qi returned to the parking lot and called Xie Yansheng as soon as possible.

To Wen Lan's surprise, Xie Yansheng didn't answer.

The sky gradually darkened, and the early summer rain was getting heavier.

Xue Qi drove Wen Lan back to "Yunshen City" and saw Xie Yansheng sitting in the living room talking on the phone as soon as he entered the door.

Wen Lan sent Xue Qi to the next door, took off her coat and put on slippers.

"You're back." Xie Yansheng had put down his phone and walked over to help her tidy up her long hair that was wet by the rain.

She looked around the living room, "Is Nuan Nuan asleep?"

"Just now." Xie Yansheng had a smile on his elegant face, "Lan Lan, congratulations on regaining your freedom."

Wen Lan then took out the divorce certificate from her handbag and smiled as she flashed it in front of Xie Yansheng's eyes.

Xie Yansheng took it and took a look, then tore it into pieces and threw it into the trash can, "I will never have any relationship with the Jiang family again."

"Tell me, why did Jiang Jingci make a 180-plus U-turn on the divorce today?" Wen Lan remembered something and hurriedly changed the subject, "After completing the divorce procedures, Jiang Jingci asked me to tell you to release Jiang Guan immediately. It's really inexplicable."

"When you left the Civil Affairs Bureau, Jiang Guan returned to Qiu Shuitai." Xie Yansheng let go of Wen Lan and answered calmly.

Wen Lan was confused: "I don't understand. How did Jiang Guan get involved in my divorce with Jiang Jingci?"

"We're divorced, our goal has been achieved, don't worry about anything else. From now on, there will only be me and Nuannuan in your world, get rid of all those irrelevant bastards!"

Xie Yansheng took her hand and went straight to the master bedroom, and took out a dark red velvet box from the drawer.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, and asked, "Are you not-threatening Jiang Jingci to sign the divorce with Jiang Guan?"

"Jiang Jingci can plot against my daughter, so of course I have to plot against his son." A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Xie Yansheng's deep eyes.

Wen Lan's heart "beat", "What did you do to Jiang Guan?"

"I asked someone to take Jiang Jingci's son to the suburbs for a few hours, and Jiang Jingci agreed to divorce you." Xie Yansheng obviously didn't want to mention it again, and handed the velvet box to Wen Lan again, smiling deeply, "This time, I can't cash it in."

"You kidnapped Jiang Guan?" Wen Lan covered her mouth in shock.

Although she deeply disliked Jiang Jingci and his son, she did not want Jiang Guan to be hurt.

"It was just controlling the boy's freedom for a few hours." Xie Yansheng frowned, "Let's not talk about these people and things that make us unhappy. Come and see if you like the ring I chose for you?"

"Although Jiang Guan sometimes speaks a little aggressively, he is still a child. Did you hurt him?" Wen Lan was very worried.

Jiang Jingci is not a good person. Xie Yansheng used such an extreme method to force him to sign a divorce, he will definitely not give up!

In the future, the open and secret struggles between the two will only intensify!

"I know my limits." Xie Yansheng opened the velvet box, took out the ring inside and put it on her finger.

The diamond ring was large and dazzling, but she was not in the mood to appreciate it. "Aren't you afraid that Jiang Jingci will report you?"

"If he can erase the clues of Nuannuan's substitution, I can naturally erase the suspicion that his son is controlled by me." Xie Yansheng picked up her hand with the ring and became more and more satisfied.

She sighed, "Why don't you wait for the court's verdict in a month? Why do you have to take the risk?"

"I can't wait. I get angry when I think that you and Jiang are legally married."

Xie Yansheng's eyes suddenly softened when he looked at her, "Tomorrow morning, let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate."

"Let's talk about it later!" She shook her head hurriedly, "I just went to handle the divorce procedures today. If I go to get a marriage certificate tomorrow, what will the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau think of me!"

"You care so much about other people's opinions, why don't you put yourself in my shoes and think about me?" Xie Yansheng turned her body up and bit her lips in dissatisfaction.

She screamed in pain and slapped Xie Yansheng on the arm!

"Even if not for me, you should consider our Nuannuan." Xie Yansheng advised earnestly, "Nuannuan has never enjoyed the true love of her father and mother since she was born. Now all our misunderstandings have been resolved. If we don't give Nuannuan a complete family, we will be ashamed of the word 'parents'."

Wen Lan was hit in the soft spot, but when she thought of Mr. Xie and Mrs. Xie, her heart soon hardened again, "I don't think there is any need to worry about that piece of paper. It's good to live like this."

"Do you have no confidence in me, or in yourself?" Xie Yansheng was eager to give her the title of "Mrs. Xie" and had no intention of giving in.

Wen Lan pulled away the arm that was on her waist, "In just over three years, I got married, divorced, married again, and divorced--"

"I am the same as you in this matter." Xie Yansheng's expression became more serious, "We were forced to bow our heads in both marriages by the times. I dare say that going to get the marriage certificate again will be the last time we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau in the rest of our lives."

"Forgive me for not being able to accept it now." She begged Xie Yansheng, "Give me a month first, let me take it easy."

"Okay." Xie Yansheng saw that she was determined and had to make concessions, "Wear this ring, don't take it off."

She nodded obediently and began to look at the ring on her finger carefully.

If you look at the size of the ring, it is not an exaggeration to call it a "pigeon egg".

The color is almost perfect, and the main diamond is as dazzling as the stars against the background of dense diamonds.

"It's a waste." She murmured sincerely.

"If you use money to measure the wedding ring, it's too disappointing." Xie Yansheng pinched her chin to express his dissatisfaction, "Last time, I bought both the men's and women's rings. This time, you must choose a ring for me in person. It doesn't matter the brand or price. As long as you choose it carefully, even if it is a street stall product worth dozens of dollars, I will like it."

Wen Lan laughed out loud, "Mr. Xie gave me such an expensive diamond ring. Even if I am poor, I will not give a street stall product as a return gift!"

"Just be careful." Xie Yansheng reminded again.

In fact, at this time, Wen Lan had already thought about which brand of ring to buy for Xie Yansheng.

She didn't say it, just to give Xie Yansheng a surprise.

After searching through all her memories, she only gave Xie Yansheng two shirts since they met.

On Xie Yansheng's birthday, he shamelessly asked her for a birthday gift!

Whether it is love or marriage, it requires two people to take care of it with their heart.

This time, she is ready to show her true heart to Xie Yansheng!

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