Xie Yansheng originally thought that what he just said could ease the tense relationship with Wen Lan, but unexpectedly, it instantly accelerated the distance between the two.

Xie Yansheng's forbearance reached the extreme, and she looked at Wen Lan with a hint of impatience, "I plan to set the first and second of every month as the day for Nuannuan to return to her old home."

"No need to talk!" Wen Lan immediately refused.

Xie Yansheng frowned, "You will take care of Nuannuan now. This is already my biggest concession. Don't push yourself further."

"You should advise Mrs. Xie not to push her too far." Wen Lan had a premonition that a war between the two was about to break out, and hurriedly issued an eviction order. "You can leave before I can control the urge to curse."

Xie Yansheng's face darkened and he stared at Wen Lan, "I want to know why I brought Nuannuan back to this place that once made you sad and painful."

In his opinion, even if Wen Lan left Shangjing, he should not return to this city with Jiang Jingci.

"It is my freedom to choose where to live, and you have no right to interfere. Likewise, if you choose to live in the city where He Zheng lives, I will not interfere." Wen Lan brought the topic to He Zheng again.

Xie Yansheng snorted coldly, "Don't you know that when I decided to settle in Shangjing, I didn't know He Zheng at all."

Wen Lan was speechless and reached out to unscrew the security door. His intention to chase people away was already obvious.

"I'm leaving." Xie Yan's voice was lonely, but he stood motionless for a long time after he finished speaking.

He didn't move, and Wen Lan stood at the door waiting.

Within three minutes, Xie Yansheng left without looking back.

The moment he closed the door, Wen Lan's world became quiet, and his heart instantly sank to the bottom.

She had a hunch that she was getting further and further away from Xie Yansheng.

At night, she held Nuannuan in her arms and couldn't sleep all night.

She carefully sorted out a few things that had changed her relationship with Xie Yansheng, Jiang Jingci's confinement meal, He Zheng...

In the final analysis, she was the original fault for the deterioration of her relationship with Xie Yansheng.

From the moment her body no longer completely belonged to Xie Yansheng alone, she and Xie Yansheng were destined not to go far...

She fell asleep at three o'clock in the morning, and was awakened by the warm babbling sound at six o'clock in the morning.

She picked up the phone and looked at it, a little disappointed.

Because there are no missed calls from Xie Yansheng, nor WeChat messages or text messages.

On the way to TT after breakfast, my phone rang.

Seeing that it was Jiang Jingci's trumpet number, she didn't answer it.

The third time a call rang, her fingers trembled and she pressed the answer button.

"I know you feel sick when you hear my voice, but please listen to what I have to say." Jiang Jingci was afraid that she would end the call abruptly, so he spoke quickly, "I couldn't find Nuan Nuan yesterday, so I called We called the police and we are in a hurry to take Nuannuan out of the Xie family's old house, but we haven't gone to the police station to sign the case."

"What do you mean, just say it." Wen Lan frowned.

"I need you to go to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to sign in the morning." Jiang Jingci explained patiently, "Because you are the party involved."

She responded and hung up the phone, turned the car at the intersection ahead and drove towards the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

If Jiang Jingci hadn't helped her yesterday, she wouldn't have been able to bring Nuan Nuan out of the Xie family's old house.

She also hates Jiang Jingci now, but for some reason, her hatred is mixed with some inexplicable gratitude.

This little gratitude surged through her heart, causing her head to hurt.

She began to curse herself in a low voice, Wen Lan, Wen Lan, no matter how nice Jiang Jingci is to you, he is still a devil and a rapist!

Twenty minutes later, Wen Lan arrived at the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

A young and beautiful policewoman received her, took out yesterday's police report and asked her to sign on it to cancel the case.

Wen Lan asked the policewoman what she should do if she encounters this kind of situation again. The policewoman said without hesitation that it would be best to call the police. Once the matter is resolved privately, it is easy to step on the red line of the law.

Wen Lan returned to the parking lot and met Jiang Jingci next to her car.

To be exact, Jiang Jingci has been waiting for her for a long time.

Because, she saw a dozen cigarette butts on the ground.

Jiang Jingci wore a good-quality gray suit without a tie. Perhaps he had found malignant nodules in his physical examination. He looked tired and haggard.

"I've finished signing." Jiang Jingci took the initiative to speak.

She said "hmm" softly, took out her car keys and unlocked the car.

"I called the police yesterday out of a sudden impulse, but I didn't expect it would cause you unnecessary trouble." Jiang Jingci stared at her guiltily.

"All the troubles are nothing compared to Nuan Nuan." She lowered her eyes and opened the car door, "You helped me yesterday, but I can't say a word of gratitude."

"Don't think like that. In the final analysis, I owe you more." Jiang Jingci's eyes were full of forbearing affection, "I know you don't want to see me, and even hearing my voice makes you feel sick. But I still care about you. The inevitable journey is waiting for you, and I want to see you. Because I will go to Beijing to start treatment tomorrow. "

She was slightly startled.

"If God is merciful, let me see you again next time -" Jiang Jingci said with a wry smile, "If my luck goes bad, my life will officially enter a countdown."

Wen Lan felt an indescribable sourness in her heart as she remembered Jiang Jingci helping her time and time again...

However, even all the good things are not enough to offset Jiang Jingci's sin of dumping Nuan Nuan!

Even if Jiang Jingci is killed, it won't be enough to quell her hatred and resentment for being violated!

At this time, she should obviously smile and say to Jiang Jingci that he deserved it, but she couldn't say it after trying several times.

When the two fell into silence, Jiang Jingci lit another cigarette.

Wen Lan covered her mouth and nose in disgust, "You are still smoking even in this state. I think you don't want to live!"

"With your words, I will quit smoking immediately." Jiang Jingci smiled slightly and put out the cigarette in his hand.

Wen Lan realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said again. Without stopping, she drove out of the parking lot.

Her car was far away for a long time before Jiang Jingci was brought back to reality by a rapid phone call.

Seeing the flashing number on it, Jiang Jingci's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Clicking the answer button, a man's guilty voice came from inside, "Mr. Jiang, I am Zhang Yi, the director of Corning Physical Examination Center. I am so sorry that we got your lung examination results wrong last time."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Jingci's heart trembled suddenly.

"The biopsy results of your lung nodules were mixed up with those of another examinee. I can now tell you responsibly that your nodules are benign and there is no risk of lung cancer at all."

Zhang Yi's words instantly made Jiang Jingci fall into deep thought.

Jiang Jingci's thoughts were clear. It was a good thing that the medical examination results were wrong, but he didn't plan to let Wen Lan know.

Because he had clearly felt Wen Lan's sympathy for him just now.

He wanted to use Wen Lan's sympathy to win for himself again!

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