I can copy the three thousand avenues

Chapter 59 The Phantom Reappears

Suddenly hearing Gu Ming's voice and feeling the familiar breath, Jiang Siyi cried with joy. Then, the two of them fell heavily to the ground. Jiang Siyi reacted quickly, hugging Gu Ming tightly with both hands and rolled directly into the woods nearby.

The sniper's position has not yet been found, and he is likely to attack again. Gu Ming can block one shot, but he may not be able to block the opponent's continuous attacks.

In the woods, Gu Ming pressed against Jiang Siyi. The soft and elastic touch made him not want to leave at all. In order to delay for a while, he could only make a painful expression.

In fact, just the last second, Gu Ming was still a little scared. He didn't know why he rushed forward to block Jiang Siyi's shot without thinking about himself. If it hadn't been for the activation of the Fudo Ming King visualization chart, the shot just now would have been... I can get him to explain.

At that critical moment just now, Gu Ming instinctively moved the Taoist rhyme in the visualization of King Ming. An invincible force flowed through his body, making his body reach an extremely terrifying strength. This Only then did he block the power of the sniper rifle.

"Is it comfortable lying down?" Jiang Siyi felt a dirty hand wiping oil, and knew that Gu Ming was fine. The joy of surviving the disaster made her indulge Gu Ming's wantonness for a while, but then Gu Ming's actions became more and more Big, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Comfortable!" Gu Ming said honestly.

"How about you continue to lie down for a while?"

"Still not." Gu Ming came back to his senses, understood the principle of giving up when he was good, and quickly left Jiang Siyi. When he stood up, he deliberately rubbed his waist to remind Jiang Siyi that he had blocked the gun just for her.

But joking aside, after standing up, Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi immediately looked around, trying to determine the location of the sniper.

"The bullet came from that direction." Gu Ming said with certainty, pointing to the three o'clock direction.

His gaze looked upwards, as if meeting those eyes hidden in the darkness.

"Head, the target resisted the shot and rolled into the woods. However, I feel that the target is not dead, and he also found my position. Do you want to continue the attack?" A small man said more than 600 meters away from Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi. On the hill, a prostrate figure blends perfectly into the surrounding environment. If you hadn't looked closely, you would have thought he was just an ordinary stone.

At this time, the sniper was talking softly, and a voice quickly came back from the earphones: "Withdraw, don't wait for the Beidou people to come, and you will be unable to leave. The Phantom will cover you."

"Yes!" the sniper responded, and then gradually disappeared on the mound without making any sound during the whole process.

Suddenly, Gu Ming pulled off Jiang Siyi's coat. Perhaps for the convenience of movement, Jiang Siyi only wore a black tight-fitting combat uniform under the coat. Without the cover of the coat, her perfect curves were immediately exposed to Gu Ming's eyes. .

"What are you doing?" Jiang Siyi said angrily.

"You must have clothes in your storage necklace. I only have this coat. If I take it off, I will catch a cold." As he said that, Gu Ming threw Jiang Siyi's coat onto the road. When he saw the coat landing smoothly, he Said, "Looks like the sniper is gone."

As he was about to walk out, Jiang Siyi thought to himself that you have watched too many dramas. Can a sniper not be able to tell the difference between clothes and people?

Just when Jiang Siyi was about to grab Gu Ming, a black sinister aura emerged from the ground and enveloped Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi in an instant.

"Is there any backup plan?" Gu Ming was really angry. Why is this not over yet? Did the other party know in advance that they would come to intercept the car, so they set up an ambush? Otherwise, it would be unreasonable.

The surroundings suddenly became invisible. Roads, trucks, and tree shadows all began to disappear. Even the ground beneath our feet was dissipating.

Without any hesitation, Gu Ming directly activated the Taoist rhyme in the Mingwang visualization diagram. The gilded brilliance once again covered his body, making him look like a firefly in the dark night, bringing a ray of light to Jiang Siyi in the darkness.

"It's weird!" Jiang Siyi said seriously. Before setting off, she didn't expect that there would be so many unexpected situations.

Jiang Siyi could understand that the superconducting metals were transported by professional mercenaries, and that was not beyond the capabilities of the Liang Group.

But the snipers who ambush in advance are a bit puzzling. Is there a sniper arranged to ambush in the dark every time the goods are transported?

Even if the Liang Group is cautious and arranges a sniper every time, it will be difficult to explain the strange things they are encountering now.

The monsters are evil and evil. Except for the fallen people of the Black Alliance, it is impossible for the rest of the human race to join forces with the monsters. This has risen to the level of hatred between species.

Soon, Gu Ming felt a force trying to invade his soul, and soon some indescribable pictures automatically appeared in Gu Ming's mind.

This immediately reminded him of the mysterious phantom that had sneaked up on them near Jiang Siyi's villa not long ago.

This aura and this method are clearly the same as that night.

What's worse is that Gu Ming has exhausted his mental energy due to rubbing the first-grade Daoyun twice, and now he has not recovered even half of it. When resisting the phantom illusion, it is obviously much more difficult than last time.

"It's the Phantom!" Gu Ming said to Jiang Siyi while concentrating his energy.

And Jiang Siyi was obviously trying her best to resist the illusion. Her mental strength was not as good as Gu Ming's, otherwise she wouldn't have fallen victim to the illusion without realizing it last time.

"Hahahaha, I said, we will meet again." The surrounding scenery became clear again, and the figure of the phantom appeared in front of Gu Ming. Gu Ming swung his fist and hit it, but after the fist covered with spiritual power passed through the body of the phantom, the phantom was not damaged at all.

"We are already in its illusion." Gu Ming said to Jiang Siyi, but he found that Jiang Siyi was already walking towards him with a flushed face.

The phantom laughed strangely and said, "You guys enjoy it slowly."

After speaking, it turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated. At this time, there was no one around, and the air was full of ambiguous smells. Gu Ming thought: Long legs, calm down, now is not the right time. Even if you are greedy for my body, you should wait until we return to the villa.

But at the moment when the phantom dissipated, Jiang Siyi, who had already fallen into the illusion, suddenly exuded a fierce murderous aura.

Gu Ming found that Jiang Siyi's eyes, which had lost focus just now, flashed with lightning. She suddenly drew her sword to the sky, and the domineering thunder-related Dao rhyme spread out. In an instant, lightning fell from the sky and completely covered the surroundings.

This was the first time that Jiang Siyi used the Thunder God's Induction after she was promoted to the Divine Sea Realm. This time, the Thunder God's Induction was integrated with the insights that Jiang Siyi had learned from Gu Ming in the Linjiang Secret Realm. It can be called the Thunder God's Induction 2.0 plus version.

"I wanted to beat you last time, don't think of using the same illusion on me a second time!" Jiang Siyi roared, and the lightning exploded and dissipated, and the Phantom's clone also dissipated with it.

Gu Ming looked at Jiang Siyi, whose purple hair was flying, like the god of thunder descending to the world, and thought that the long legs were still quite good, and she deserved the title of genius.

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