I can copy the three thousand avenues

Chapter 61 Eat the most expensive food

About half an hour later, three cars with the branch's logo roared over. They were colleagues from the Yuheng Department that Jiang Siyi had informed. The Yuheng Department is Beidou's law enforcement agency, and they could leave the rest to them.

Walking towards him was a man with a decent appearance and a pair of metal square-framed glasses. He looked to be in his thirties, and his face was full of awe-inspiring righteousness.

However, when he saw Jiang Siyi, his firm and righteous eyes still showed a slight fluctuation.

"Siyi, are you okay?" The man with the eyes walked directly in front of Jiang Siyi, and it seemed that he regarded Gu Ming as nothing.

"It's okay, this is Gu Ming." Jiang Siyi introduced, "Gu Ming, this is Jia Yi, the team leader of the Yuheng Department."

Gu Ming and Jia Yi just nodded to each other, which was considered a preliminary acquaintance, but they really didn't like each other.

Because of the broadcast incident, Gu Ming went from an unknown newcomer to a popular hot chick in the Yushan branch in just one day. Coupled with the Gu Ming Siyi incident that happened later, Gu Ming and Jiang Siyi became... The CP combination in the eyes of many colleagues.

This raised a question. Jiang Siyi had actually spent some time in the Yushan branch before going to Linjiang County for an internship. With her excellent talent and beauty (figure), she wanted to follow him in the Yushan branch. She has many young talents to further develop.

Gu Ming didn't know anything when he first arrived, but Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing knew it, so they shouted so hard in the group.

What evil intentions can two innocent little girls have? They just want to use Gu Mingsiyi's CP to make Minister Tianquan, who has always been ignored, look good.

But in this way, Gu Ming made many enemies without his knowledge, and Jia Yi was the better one among these enemies.

Of course, Gu Ming couldn't understand this inexplicable hostility. His mind was very simple. If you can't see me with your eyes on the top of your head, why should I bring trouble to you?

Anyway, it won’t be me who’s embarrassed.

Jiang Siyi had no intention of promoting friendship between the two, and introduced the situation to Jia Yi in a business-like tone.

When he heard that snipers and high-level evil spirits were taking action, Jia Yi's face visibly trembled.

The damage that an excellent sniper can do to a single target is equivalent to that of a Divine Sea realm master, plus a high-level evil spirit. This means that Jiang Siyi and Gu Ming just faced two Divine Sea realm masters not long ago. The attack requires the addition of four Tongxuan realm mercenaries who cooperate tacitly.

But in their state, they didn't look like they were having a big fight. On the contrary, they were very relaxed.

"How is the deployment of the Liang Group?" Jiang Siyi asked. According to the action plan, the Yuheng Department should have monitored the core figures of the Liang Group and arrested them as soon as evidence was found here.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong." Jia Yi assured.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you, and we'll leave first."

"Okay, I'm lucky for you tonight, have a good rest."

Jiang Siyi glanced at Gu Ming and said, "Let's go."

"How about I arrange a car to take Gu Ming off." Jia Yi said quickly when he saw that Gu Ming was about to get in the car following Jiang Siyi.

Gu Ming showed a harmless smile and said to Jia Yi, "No need, Siyi and I live together."

Seeing Jia Yi's expression gradually becoming stiff, Gu Ming closed the car door with a bang, Jiang Siyi stepped on the accelerator, and the red car drove away with the two of them.

After the two left, Jia Yi got into the car with a swish and ordered his subordinates: "You clean up the scene."

He looked out the window warily, wondering if the sniper was gone.

In the car, Gu Ming would glance at Jiang Siyi's profile from time to time and found that she didn't seem angry, so he asked, "Give me a meal."

"He is really a fussy man." Jiang Siyi smiled and said, "Just tell me what you want to eat, and I will take you there."

"Since you asked me sincerely, I will tell you with great mercy." Gu Ming thought that you had taken advantage of me in broad daylight, so I didn't need to be polite to you, so he said seriously, "I want to Eat the most expensive thing.”

"Okay, seeing as you have done your best, I will spend the money to reward you." As he said that, the car was speeding up, and the neon lights of the city slowly appeared in sight.

The urban area of ​​Yushan City spans two rivers and is built against the mountains. There are many high-rise buildings in an orderly manner. Under the background of various lights, it is easy for people to feel like they are in a dream.

Gu Ming was thinking about the delicious food that was about to come. Ever since he last tasted the reception banquet prepared by Liang Tao for Jiang Siyi, he had been curious about how far the luxurious life of the upper class could reach.

He bought a car worth over one million yuan without blinking when he swiped his credit card. The temporary villas he stayed in were all single-family houses with yards in the front and back. Gu Ming was looking forward to Jiang Siyi, who had such strong financial strength, to take him to eat. What delicacies from mountains and seas.

But the style of the painting suddenly changed. One moment, the car was driving on the brightly lit main road. The next moment, Jiang Siyi suddenly turned into an alley. After turning left and right, he stopped at an alley. In front of a roadside restaurant.

There were only five or six tables for four in the restaurant, and a light box stood at the door with the words "Drunkard's Restaurant" written on it.

"This is what you ordered, order whatever you want." Jiang Siyi took the menu in front of Gu Ming and said.

"Maybe my Mandarin pronunciation is not standard." Gu Ming smiled bitterly. Jiang Siyi was obviously teasing him on purpose. However, since he was here, he would make the best of it. Gu Ming still ordered the most expensive dishes in the restaurant one by one.

This kind of restaurant is called a fly restaurant in Yushan City. In fact, the most authentic specialties can only be eaten in these fly restaurants. After tasting the first bite, Gu Ming let go and gobbled it up.

"You don't seem to be worried about the Liang Group at all." Jiang Siyi asked casually when he saw that Gu Ming was only concerned about eating.

"Didn't it hand it over to the Yuheng Department? What do I have to worry about?"

"Don't you think there is anything strange about tonight's investigation?" Jiang Siyi continued to ask.

"Well, maybe the Liang Group is related to the Black Alliance. You said it before." Gu Ming was too lazy to think about it.

Jiang Siyi said, "What do you think?"

"Are you testing me?" Gu Ming finally realized that something was wrong, and looked up at Jiang Siyi and asked.

"You can think so." Jiang Siyi admitted generously.

"I feel that there are always unruly people who want to harm me!" Gu Ming thought to himself, thinking back on the whole thing, it seems that something is wrong.

When investigating the Liang Group, he shouldn't have been connected with him from the beginning. Why did Jiang Siyi insist on taking him with her? It can't be as simple as just wanting to bring a bodyguard.

Now he is asked what he thinks about this matter. It seems that he is deliberately involved in this incident.

"It can't be that Jiang Siyi made the decision himself. Who is behind me?" Gu Ming thought for a long time, and after many eliminations, there was only one name left in his mind.

Wei Dafa!

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