In the real world that Gu Ming saw, there was no one in front of Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing. The fair-skinned woman they saw was just a projection of the light reflected by countless lenses around them.

The real mirror bug had not yet appeared.

Humans and monsters are natural enemies, and there is no room for reconciliation between the two sides. So after Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing saw the mirror bug appear, they stopped talking nonsense and started to fight directly.

Luo Jingjing formed seals with both hands, and the underground magma erupted. Under the traction of her power, the magma turned into fire dragons and went straight to the fair-skinned woman.

At the same time, Hu Tao also took action instantly, and countless sharp kitchen knives, machetes, pots and pans, bottles and jars were smashed at once. Although the types were not as powerful as the magma, they were not inferior in momentum at all, and even made Gu Ming have a picture of Street Fighter in his mind.

The two's attacks arrived almost at the same time, submerging the figure of the fair-skinned woman. In an instant, a violent explosion sounded, and the storm generated by the power tore the hard concrete ground apart in an instant. Even Liu Yu, who was watching the battle, was shocked by the offensive of the two. He believed that if he were in the other's place, he could still win against either Hu Tao or Luo Jingjing, but he had no chance of winning against both of them at the same time.

Even though Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing's realms had not yet entered the Sea of ​​Gods, one was a spiritual sequence awakener and the other was a double awakener of the elemental sequence. When they joined forces, they already had power comparable to the Sea of ​​Gods.

After a brief shock, Liu Yu was ready to finish. He also believed that even if the mirror bug could survive such a fierce attack, it would not have the strength to resist.

However, when the smoke and dust settled, the fair-skinned figure stood intact in the same place, without even a trace of dust on his body.

The fair-skinned woman transformed by the mirror bug smiled contemptuously and said, "Weak human, it's my turn."

After the words fell, the fair-skinned woman raised her arms, and in an instant, countless crystal fragments rose up around her. If someone with strong eyesight carefully distinguished them, they could see that each fragment was a complete mirror.

"Danger, be careful." Liu Yu, who had experienced many battles, was the first to feel the danger, but he only had time to remind loudly. Before he could draw his sword, Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing were surrounded by countless fragments.

Around the two people, a layer of thick fog seemed to appear out of thin air, surrounding them.

Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing were not ordinary people either. In the crisis, the two automatically put aside their previous grudges and guarded each other's backs. Hu Tao released his mental power and condensed an invisible storm.

Luo Jingjing summoned the hot magma and merged into Hu Tao's mental power storm.

The two of them worked together to form a fire storm around them. The moisture in the air seemed to be evaporated in an instant. Even Liu Yu had to cover his face to resist the terrible high temperature.

At the same time, the thick fog around Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing gradually became brighter and brighter, and soon it was as bright as an incandescent lamp.

Each speck of dust in the thick fog was actually a small but smooth mirror. Because it was too small and too smooth, it was difficult for the naked eye to distinguish it.

At this time, each tiny mirror began to burst out dazzling light. After being reflected by other mirrors around it, a huge light ball was formed in a very short time. The light ball contained terrifying energy.


The terrible explosion swept across in an instant, and the doors and windows on both sides of the street exploded instantly, turning into countless fragments. The impact broke and spread to the four-sided barrier before it was blocked. The figures of Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing appeared in the dust, both of them were in a mess, and they even had to lean against each other and support each other to stand firm.

"Taozi, we've met a tough guy this time."

"Hmph, if you're scared, you can leave. I can still do it alone." Hu Tao said, panting heavily.

"Stop showing off. How can I let you beat me?" Luo Jingjing was unhappy when she heard it. It had become a habit for her to fight with Hu Tao. It was impossible for her to admit defeat.

So, the two supported each other, but secretly competed with each other, quietly gathering the remaining strength, preparing to launch the final attack on the fair-skinned woman.

On the other side, Liu Yu had already arrived. His four team members did not need any orders at all. The moment Liu Yu landed, they came in an offensive formation alternately. The last person who ran quickly squatted when passing a bunker, and the double guns had already been fired. With sparks flashing, alloy bullets were fired at high speed to cover his teammates' advance.

"It's better to go together, saving trouble." The fair-skinned girl transformed by the mirror bug suddenly laughed hideously, and a strange breath kept pouring out. Suddenly, cracks appeared in the surrounding space, as if it had turned into pieces of broken glass.

The bullet was still in the air, but the space in front had broken into two pieces. The bullet failed to pass through the crack and was frozen forever.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene, as if the world they were in was shattered, and they were as small as ants in such a shattered world.

"It's an illusion, everyone be careful!" At the critical moment, Liu Yu, who was at the highest level, saw the means of the mirror insect. He descended from the sky with a sword in his hand, and slashed two times in a row with extremely sharp blades directly at the fair-skinned woman.

However, the two powerful swords penetrated the fair-skinned woman's body and fell on the concrete ground in front, leaving two charred marks.

The fair-skinned girl giggled and said, "How do you know you are not in my environment?"

"It's bad." Liu Yu's heart trembled, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened. In front of him, his arm was broken at the elbow, but no blood flowed out of the broken part, as if the space was cut off from here.

On the rooftop, Gu Ming looked at this scene and shook his head helplessly. In his field of vision, except for Hu Tao who was still resisting, the others had fallen into hallucinations. Although they had not been physically injured for the time being, the experience in the illusion could give the nervous system the same stimulation as being injured in reality, that is, the feeling of pain was the same.

If you suffer a fatal injury in the illusion, the nervous system may also think that the body is really fatally injured. In serious cases, the heart will stop beating, and the final result will be death.

Because Hu Tao awakened to the spiritual sequence, her mental power is stronger than other awakeners in the same realm. In the illusion of the mirror insect, she is the only one who is still struggling to support it. But even if she temporarily defends her sea of ​​consciousness, she has no spare energy to fight back.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a familiar force, which rushed directly into her sea of ​​consciousness. Immediately, with Walnut as the center, her mental power turned into a materialized impact.

There was a sound of glass breaking, and the world around her seemed to be raining glass fragments.

Luo Jingjing also felt a cool breath rushing into her mind, and her whole body instantly regained clarity. She raised her right hand as if she had a sudden inspiration, and a stream of magma broke through the ground and rushed in the direction of his finger, hitting a crystal clear worm the size of a palm.

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