I can copy the three thousand avenues

Chapter 98: Finding the Target

"How could this be recognized?" Gu Ming stood in front without changing his expression, but he was actively reflecting on himself in his heart, wondering which detail he had not done well, which actually allowed Hu Tao to recognize him at a glance.

"I don't know if Luo Jingjing recognized me." Gu Ming thought, "Hu Tao is a spiritual awakener, and her spiritual awareness is relatively strong. Luo Jingjing may not recognize me."

Perhaps Gu Ming's self-consolation worked, and Luo Jingjing did not call out his name before leaving.

"Did I agree to let you go?" The cloaked man said, and then he swung his sword. With a flash of cold light, the sword energy was approaching.

The strength of the cloaked man is obvious to all. Even the strongest Liu Yu is not his opponent, not to mention that there is a sniper lurking in the dark.

However, the man wearing a monkey mask faced the sword energy of the cloaked man directly, and he did not take out his weapon. He just casually slashed from top to bottom, and a more fierce sword energy appeared, instantly shattering the sword energy of the cloaked man.

The cloaked man said solemnly: "Are you their guardian master?"

Gu Ming did not speak, fearing that he would reveal his identity once he spoke, but the less he spoke at this time, the more unfathomable he seemed.

Zhao Qi's voice came from the cloaked man's earplugs: "Lu Hanguang, retreat."

Lu Hanguang's body was hidden under the spacious cloak, and his eyes were like a nighthawk staring at Gu Ming. According to their original action plan, it would be best if they could completely wipe out Liu Yu's action team, but if a guardian master showed up to protect them, they would retreat decisively.

But when Lu Hanguang really faced Gu Ming, when he saw that the prey he had caught was about to slip away under his nose, he suddenly became unwilling.

Even though Gu Ming had just broken his sword energy with ease, Lu Hanguang's intuition told him that behind the monkey mask, there was definitely a young face.

"Zhao Qi, you are too cautious." Lu Hanguang thought, "If you want to retreat, do it yourself. I, Lu Hanguang, have never been afraid of fighting."

"All of you stay." Lu Hanguang suddenly made a move, and the sword energy whistled out, covering all the people who were retreating in Beidou.

Liu Liu and others felt a suffocating sense of crisis, and couldn't help but look back and slowed down their pace unconsciously, but Hu Tao and Luo Jingjing said in unison: "Hurry up and don't look back."

Liu Yu also said: "Let's go, since the masters sent by the upper level to protect the road, they will definitely be able to deal with the current situation. We are just a burden if we stay here."

So, several people did not hesitate and ran forward at a faster speed.

Sure enough, the sword energy in the sky did not fall in the end. Gu Ming's figure suddenly appeared in the sky. When moving, he casually picked up the half of Liu Yu's blade that fell on the ground with his right index finger and middle finger. He waved his hand so casually, and the half of the alloy blade suddenly burst into a dazzling sword light.

Lu Hanguang came with a sword, and the shadow of the sword fell on Gu Ming's head like raindrops. Gu Ming waved his hand casually, and the half blade in his hand seemed to become an airtight copper wall. No matter how many swords Lu Hanguang stabbed, it could not pose any threat to Gu Ming.

However, Gu Ming was just defending all the time, and it seemed that he had no intention of attacking. The more Lu Hanguang stabbed, the more he could feel the huge gap between himself and Gu Ming, and the more frightened he was.

He had already begun to retreat at this time, but Gu Ming's moves were endless. Although he was just defending, there seemed to be an inexplicable force entangled Lu Hanguang, making him unable to escape.

The reason why Gu Ming and Lu Hanguang were wasting time was because he was waiting, waiting for the sniper in the dark to attack again.

The place where Zhao Qi was hiding had exceeded the current coverage of Jinghua Shuiyue. Gu Ming could not accurately locate Zhao Qi, but the two bullets just now had allowed Gu Ming to determine the direction of Zhao Qi. As long as he fired another shot, Gu Ming could follow the clues and pull him out.

Gu Ming was almost certain that the sniper he faced this time was the same person who shot him last time, so he wanted to take this opportunity to catch Zhao Qi and eliminate the trouble forever.

Lu Hanguang was inconsolable at this time. He seemed to be attacking all the time, but in fact he was completely passive.

His only hope now was that Zhao Qi would rescue him. As long as Zhao Qi could stop Gu Ming for a moment, he could take the opportunity to get away and escape at the fastest speed.

Lu Hanguang was very confident in his speed and body skills.

However, Zhao Qi never opened fire, and Lu Hanguang was not sure whether Zhao Qi had left him alone and ran away.

Gu Ming gradually became impatient. He flicked his wrist, swung Lu Hanguang's long sword, and then stabbed the blade with lightning speed. Lu Hanguang had no time to react and was pierced by Gu Ming's left wrist.

"Damn it." In the distance, on the rooftop of a building, Zhao Qi was lying under the awning, watching the fight between Gu Ming and Lu Hanguang through a high-power scope. Through the earplugs, he could clearly hear Lu Hanguang's screams.

If he pulled the trigger, it might give Lu Hanguang a chance, but it would also expose his own position. Judging from the current situation, the monkey-headed masked man was obviously using Lu Hanguang as bait to lure him into action.

Zhao Qi, who always prided himself on being calm, hesitated, but just as he hesitated, Gu Ming pierced Lu Hanguang's other wrist.

The long sword fell to the ground, and Lu Hanguang's arms drooped weakly. He said sternly: "If you have the guts, give me a quick death!"

But Gu Ming never said a word to him. Gu Ming's eyes were always looking forward, as if there was something more interesting in the deep darkness than the enemy in front of him.

"He wants to use me to find Zhao Qi." Lu Hanguang suddenly understood Gu Ming's intention, but it was too late.

Gu Ming threw out the half blade at his fingertips, and the half blade immediately became an indestructible weapon under the influence of Gu Ming's spiritual power.

The blade pierced the vital part of Lu Hanguang's chest. If it hit, Lu Hanguang would definitely die.

But at this moment, a bullet broke through the night sky and hit the tail of the half blade.

Even so, the power of the sniper rifle only changed the direction of the blade slightly. Although it avoided Lu Hanguang's heart, it still penetrated his lungs.

What's more terrifying is that the terrible spiritual power burst out from the blade, all of which burst out in Lu Hanguang's chest cavity, so although it didn't hit the vital part directly, the effect was the same.

Beidou's iron law: Anyone who sees a fallen person will be killed without mercy.

Gu Ming had already calculated that no matter whether Zhao Qi opened fire or not, Lu Hanguang would definitely die.

At this time, Gu Ming stared into the darkness and said, "I found you."

Zhao Qi happened to see Gu Ming's eyes through the scope. Even though they were far apart, Gu Ming's eyes still revealed a murderous intent that made him feel cold all over.

Without any hesitation, Zhao Qi threw the sniper rifle into the storage space and jumped directly from the rooftop, wanting to leave here as quickly as possible.

But as he fell, a sword energy broke through the air and shot through his abdomen.

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