I Can Crit In Martial Arts

Chapter 130: What benefits did you receive

On the deck.

"Junior Brother, you are really a monster."

Cui Zhen was amazed. Both his eyes were straight. The fierce man who has been famous for a long time, even if he meets him, he must avoid his edge. I didn't expect that the junior and the other party would fight back and forth. It's hard to imagine.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Brother, are you scolding me or complimenting me."

"Naturally, I praise you." Cui Zhen didn't expect Junior Brother Lin to hide so deeply, and at the same time he was afraid for a while. If there were no Junior Brother Lin, they might really have to plant here.

At least he must hang up as a senior.

Protecting the junior sisters to leave, entangled Lu Toutuo alone, can support a period of time, but will definitely be beaten to death.

"Brother, what does he do now?"

Lin Fan felt a headache when he saw Xu Zhizhi who had fainted. He wanted to throw him off the boat. He thought he would be safe when he arrived at his own house. Who would have thought that even your family would have to get you off.

"I do not know either."

Cui Zhen shook his head. They just sent the people to Jincheng, wherever they took care of the follow-up, but now that the people are here, what else can they do? They can only wait for the other party to wake up and let them leave by themselves.

"Junior Brother, your arm is okay." Wu Qingqiu found that Lin Fan's sleeves were cracked, and blood vessels in his arm appeared, which looked a bit hideous. He couldn't help but feel distressed. He picked up Lin Fan's arm and stroked it gently, trying to let the blood vessels dissipate.

"Senior sister, don't worry, there's nothing wrong, just that the strength released just now is too strong, and the veins are bulging, and they will dissipate in a while." Lin Fan said with a smile.

It feels good to be cared about.

"It's okay, the Xu family is really too much, sending his grandson back, even wanting our lives." Wu Qingqiu was full of anger and wanted to kill everyone in the Xu family.

Cui Zhen sighed: "I didn't expect Wei Zhong's power to have developed to such a degree. Even the Xu family who monopolizes Jincheng is under control. After returning, he must report the matter to Shanmen."

Lin Fan felt something was wrong.

Although the orthodox school belongs to the mountain gate, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is an unattainable existence, but in the eyes of some forces, the deterrent power of the orthodox school may not be high.

The next day!

early morning.

Xu Zhizhi looked at the sea dumbfounded, his brain was blank, and the whole person looked very tired. Up to now, he is somewhat unacceptable to Xu Family's giving up on him.

"Then Xu Zhiwen is good to you," Lin Fan said.

Xu Zhizhi smiled bitterly. He didn't know what Lin Fan meant by what he said. What else could he do now, the family abandon him, it was a big blow to him.

"Thank you for your life-saving kindness, it is unforgettable." Xu Zhizhi clasped his fists in gratitude.

Lin Fan said, "I didn't save you, but your brother saved you."

"Ah... the text."

"Hey, he was very good to you, and sent your family of three to the dock, but it's a pity that he was broken his head by the master you got from the Xu family."

"What? Zhiwen is dead."

Xu Zhizhi's face was pale and he looked at Lin Fan in disbelief. He couldn't believe that this was the truth, but for some reason, he seemed a little relieved. Everyone abandoned them, but his brother still thought of him.

"People can't come back from death, what are your plans next?" Lin Fan asked.

After all, it was kind.

If there is no unfeeling, such as driving Xu Zhizhi away, first see what the other party says.

Xu Zhizhi lowered his head and said nothing, and then slowly said: "Excuse me, everyone, just put me in Hexincheng."


Just now.

Xu Zhizhi knelt on the deck, "Can my wife and children stay in Zhengdao Sect for the time being? They have only a dead end with me, hoping to give a way to survive."

"Brother, this matter is up to you to decide." Lin Fan said to Cui Zhen, he is a senior, and the rest is left to him to decide. With Xu Zhizhi's degree of danger, if he stays in the orthodox school, I'm afraid You have to prepare for the future.

Cui Zhen nodded.

It's just that for Cui Zhen, this matter is not very easy to decide, and can only tell the other party that they will take them to the orthodox school first to the elders to decide.

At night, when the merchant ship drew ashore, Lin Fan and the others left with them. It was not until the latter half of the night that Xu Zhizhi dared to get out of the cabin and left sneakily. After disguising himself, he had already become another person.

It's hard to know who he is.

Lin Fan has a deep understanding of his own strength, which is a bit more powerful, but he has not yet reached the level of true horizontal push, and his cultivation needs to continue.

He has already planned his cultivation.

You must cultivate to Consummation in the Three Jues of the Sun, raise the cultivation base to the triple level of marrow washing, refine the third bone, and then search for the secret method. If you advance step by step in this order, your strength will definitely change drastically.


Lin Fan separated from Senior Sister and returned to the cliff to continue cultivating. The things he experienced were taken as a test of his own strength.

When Cui Zhen reported the situation, he didn't mention Lin Fan's strength. When he was on the cargo ship, he had already said it very clearly. Sister Wu specially reminded him.

Besides, he understands the worries of Junior Brother, and he should not want to be disturbed.

Mainly too strong.

The strong ones are not justified.


"Brother, I may have caused trouble to Zhengdaozong."

In the courtyard, Chen Xu hurriedly came here and saw the senior brother and senior sister talking with a solemn expression.

Bo Hao and Fan Jing looked at Junior Brother.

"What's the hurry?"

Chen Xu sat on the stone bench, frowning and said: "Some time ago, Xu Zhizhi's family, the son of Xu Zhengjun in the capital city, was hunted down. At that time, I knew it was Wei Zhong who did it, but I didn't take it seriously, so I sent a few disciples to **** people to Jin. Cheng, let the Xu family take charge of it at that time, but according to the disciples who returned, the Xu family did it themselves, held a banquet and poisoned them, and they managed to escape."

"I also left with Xu Zhizhi. This must involve important things. Wei Zhong is afraid that he will not let us go."

When Fan Jing and Bai Hao heard this, they said in unison.

"Wei Dog."

Chen Xu: "..."

He suddenly discovered that the senior brother and sister didn't seem to worry much about this matter.

"Junior Brother, don't worry, nothing will happen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said Bo Hao.


"Because we are not the ones he wants to get rid of yet."

Fan Jing said: "Wei Zhong fought very hard against the royalists. If you want to ask if there is any danger, I can only say that there is danger, but the danger is not now. It all depends on when the royalists are defeated."

Chen Xu said, "Senior Sister, according to your statement, are we just waiting for death?"

"Well, you can say so."

"That..." Chen Xu couldn't accept what Senior Sister said so bluntly. He turned his gaze on Senior Brother. He thought that Senior Brother and Senior Sister had something to rely on. Now it seems that Wei Zhong hasn't had the energy to deal with them.

"Junior Brother..."


"What benefits have you received, talk to senior brother and sister."


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